Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2063 Crisis 4 Volts Underground Garage

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The speed of the convoy slowed down, and it was getting closer and closer to the Rockefeller Center Plaza.

"Steven, according to reports from the company's security personnel, there are many protesting South Koreans gathered downstairs in the Rockefeller Center building, as well as those Spaniards and Colombians before.

After the self-mutilation farce just now, the Koreans who protested and demonstrated downstairs in the Rockefeller Center building seemed particularly emotional, and the same self-mutilation scene might be staged again.

In addition to these protesters, there are also many reporters from major news media on the square. They are waiting for you to appear. Once you appear, a series of good shows will be staged.

The situation downstairs in the building was quite chaotic, and the New York police also took it very seriously and sent a large number of police officers to the scene to maintain order. I suggest that we avoid the crowd of protesters and enter the building directly from the underground garage.

Although there are some protesters and media reporters guarding the entrance of the underground garage, the number of people is relatively small, and we can save a lot of unnecessary trouble by entering the building from there.”

Cole's voice came from the headset, informing Ye Tian of the situation in the Rockefeller Center Plaza.

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then said in a cold voice

"Okay, let's go to the underground garage, there is no need to meet those idiots who are protesting and demonstrating, what should be said, David has already said in his public statement just now.

As for whether those Koreans will self-harm to protest, that is their own business, I have no control over it, if they self-harm, then take a picture and post it on the Internet! "

"Understood, Steven, there are our guys in the square, mixing with the crowd to monitor the scene, and I will ask the guys to release the drone and take pictures from the sky later"

Cole replied in a deep voice, and immediately took action.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian called Anderson who arrived at the company ahead of time.

He asked Anderson to contact the New York police union, through which he put pressure on the New York police to control the situation as soon as possible and disperse the protesting Koreans to avoid further bloodshed.

As one of the few big benefactors of the New York Police Union, the New York Police Union will never dare to ignore his request, and will definitely put pressure on the New York Police as soon as possible.

While speaking, the convoy had arrived at the intersection in front of the Rockefeller Center Plaza, and broke into the sight of the New York policemen in front of the square.

Seeing the arrival of this heavy convoy, the New York police officers who maintained order at the scene immediately raised their alert level to the highest level, staring closely at the convoy and those guys protesting and demonstrating in the square behind.

At the same time, those guys who kept circling around the skating rink in the Rockefeller Center Square and protested and demonstrated also received the news that Ye Tian would arrive soon.

Those guys suddenly seemed to have been beaten with chicken blood, their voices suddenly increased an octave, and they desperately waved the banners and slogans in their hands, protesting and demonstrating hoarsely, the sound waves were huge, and resounded through the entire block.

Especially those Koreans in the protesting demonstration team, all of them had red cloth strips tied on their heads, their faces were furious and ferocious, and they looked like they would fight Ye Tian desperately, and they were full of generosity to die.

Just when everyone thought that after the convoy arrived at the Rockefeller Center Plaza, Ye Tian would get off the car in front of the square as usual, walk through the entire square with a group of his men, and then enter the main building of the building.

That is undoubtedly the best time for everyone to protest and demonstrate. You must give that bastard Steven a little bit of a look, and take a good breath of anger.

But who would have imagined that after the heavy motorcade arrived at the crossroads in front of the square, it suddenly turned right and drove up to Fiftieth Street, heading straight for the north entrance of the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building.

Hearing this news, those guys who were impassioned, or hysterical protests and demonstrations around the skating rink were all stunned, somewhat surprised.

By the time they woke up and wanted to make changes, and flocked to the Fifty Street intersection to intercept the convoy and protest, it was too late!

Furthermore, the protest and demonstration area designated by the New York police is the Rockefeller Center Plaza, and the ice rink is the core area, and activities outside this area are not allowed.

If they dare to leave this area to protest and demonstrate and block the roads, those New York police officers who are on duty outdoors in the cold wind and who have long hated their teeth will have a good reason to do it!

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian's motorcade arrived at the north entrance of the underground garage of the building.

As Cole said, there are also some protesters and some media reporters who fear the world will not be chaotic. They are guarding the entrance of the garage, but the number of people is much smaller than that in front of the building.

Seeing the arrival of the convoy, those protesting demonstrators immediately waved their fists and roared, while the media reporters raised their cameras and kept pressing the shutter.

But they could only stay behind the cordon, and could not rush to the driveway. The New York police who were responsible for maintaining order at the scene were not for show.

After pausing for a moment at the entrance of the underground garage, Ye Tian's motorcade turned left and drove into the garage, disappearing from the streets of Fifty Street.

When the convoy passed by the protesters, those guys were like crazy, waving their arms desperately, shouting at the top of their lungs.

Some guys even threw the banners in their hands and smashed them at the tallest Paramount Predator in the convoy, but it was useless and would not cause any damage to the steel monster.

Fortunately, what they threw were slogans instead of bricks or other weapons. In that case, Ye Tian's security personnel could fight back.

Ye Tian seemed to have never heard of the turbulent wave of protests and deafening shouts outside the car window, and he didn't bother to respond.

While talking, seven or eight bulletproof SUVs have already passed the gate one after another, entered the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center Building, and drove straight to the second basement floor.

The parking spaces belonging to the brave and fearless exploration company are all located on the second basement floor of this underground garage.

Soon, the convoy entered the second basement floor.

As soon as he entered here, Ye Tian frowned slightly, and reached out to take out a backpack from under the car seat, quickly opened it, and pulled out a g36k short assault rifle from inside.

The reason why he made this action was, of course, because he felt the danger.

To be precise, as soon as he entered the second floor of the underground garage, he turned on the perspective and quickly checked the situation in the garage, thus discovering the danger.

In a few corners of the garage, he found some strange vehicles, each of which hides several guys, and those guys are all armed to the teeth.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian didn't know that those guys came for him.

He put the g36k short assault rifle on the seat next to him, and took out two cz83 pistols from his backpack, and put them in the holsters on his waist and back waist respectively.

And he has a 9-9 pistol in his left and right armpits, and he is wearing the latest ultra-thin body armor, which is enough to shoot less than a light machine gun. These weapons and equipment were already on his body when he went out before!

After inserting the pistol, Ye Tian put the black backpack on his back, it was full of magazines, all of them were full of bullets, and there were two sabers.

Next, he picked up the g36c short assault rifle again, and pressed the bullets into the barrel, and then as long as he opened the safety, he could fire violently.

After arming, he said through the wireless invisible headset

"Cole, reduce the speed of the convoy a bit, let all the guys be on alert, and be ready to go into battle at any time, and don't forget to notify the guys in the company to let everyone be on alert!

The situation in the garage on this floor is a bit wrong, I vaguely feel a little danger, I am very confident in my sixth sense, whether it is treasure hunting or fighting, I have never failed."

"Understood, Steven, I will inform the guys and get everyone ready to fight"

Cole replied in a deep voice, even with a bit of excitement in his tone.

Immediately afterwards, the speed of the convoy slowed down, and the security personnel in each vehicle took out their weapons and quickly prepared for battle.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the Paramount Predator, continued to analyze the situation on the scene, and reported to Cole and the others.

"If I'm not mistaken, there must be some people who don't know how to live or die are planning to take advantage of the chaotic situation in the square outside to ambush us in the underground garage, and then escape with the crowd.

The underground transportation network of the Rockefeller Center building extends in all directions. From the garage, you can directly enter the New York subway, escape to all parts of Manhattan, and even escape to New Jersey on the other side of the Hudson River.

And those idiots protesting and demonstrating in the square are the best cover. Once there is a firefight, those idiots will definitely flee in all directions. If the gunman mixes into the crowd, he can easily escape.

I have to say that this is indeed a good time to launch an attack. The people who try to ambush us are either the mafia scum from the "Our Cause" gang, or the Koreans who are protesting and demonstrating.

Although the Koreans are very paranoid, but they openly ambushed us, they are not so crazy, and the next enemy we face is probably a bunch of mafia scum from Sicily."

Before the words fell, Cole's voice came again

"That's true, Steven, this is indeed a very good opportunity to ambush us. As for the guys who are going to ambush us, I also think that the possibility of the mafia is more likely. They want to make a profit!"

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say

"'Our Cause', a mafia faction, has always been known for its cruelty and vengeance. They were surrounded by the New York police before and suffered a big loss. They will definitely find ways to get revenge.

That being the case, let's let the horse come here. I will continue to see who is more ruthless. No matter how many people they send this time, they are all ready to go to hell, and no one will escape.

The principle of firefighting is the same as before. Everyone must turn on the pinhole camera that they carry with them, and never fire the first shot. We must firmly occupy the grounds of legitimate self-defense, so as not to cause trouble for the police.

Once there is an exchange of fire, everyone, please don't be polite, and send all the idiots who ambushed us to hell. Another point, since the opponent came prepared, it is very likely that they have deployed snipers.

The sniper may be in the garage. When you act, you must be more careful and cover each other. It is best to use a drone to scout the situation carefully to avoid being plotted against.

Of course, there is also the possibility that the snipers arranged by the other party may be hiding on the high-rise buildings around the building, waiting for us to go out, and then attack from a high position."

"Okay, Steven, let's release the drone to investigate the situation in the garage and the high-rise buildings outside. I will let the other guys on the ground investigate as soon as possible."

Cole responded, and moved quickly.

Immediately afterwards, several beetle drones flew out of the window panes of two Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs, landed silently, and then flew to various places in the garage.

At the same time, the convoy has also driven to the front of the two rows of parking spaces belonging to the Fearless Exploration Company, and is about to drive into the parking spaces.

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