Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2064 bombs everywhere

It was already around three o'clock in the afternoon. Although there were more than 30 parking spaces belonging to the Fearless Exploration Company, most of the parking spaces were parked with the vehicles of the company's employees, and there were not many empty parking spaces left.

The rest of these parking spaces are dedicated to security personnel. The parking spaces are larger and deeper, and they are all on the outside, which is convenient for full-size SUVs to enter and exit.

In front of these parking spaces, there is a wide driveway, and on the opposite side is a white wall.

When the convoy was about four or five meters away from these empty parking spaces, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came out from the intercom and reached the ears of everyone in the convoy.

"Guys, please don't drive into the parking space, and don't leave the remote control ground lock. Take a closer look. The ground in front of the parking space lock seems to be a bit strange, and the conditions of several parking spaces are all the same.

My Paramount Predator is relatively tall, and I can just see the situation in those parking spaces. If you can’t see clearly, you can watch the high-definition pictures captured by the car camera. I believe I saw it right.

If I'm not mistaken, there is a high possibility that bombs are buried under the ground of those parking spaces. This is the usual assassination method used by those scumbags in 'Our Cause'. Please stop your car slowly and don't get too close to the parking spaces.

When parking, try to keep it natural and don't be too obtrusive, those scumbags holding the bomb remote control may be hiding in a corner of the garage, waiting for our car to enter the company parking space."

Everyone's reaction was very quick. Before Ye Tian's voice fell, the driving speed of the motorcade slowed down, and slowly stopped in front of the parking spaces that belonged to the company.

At this time, the bulletproof suv at the front of the convoy was only two or three meters away from the first empty parking space, so it was close at hand.

Immediately afterwards, everyone looked at the empty parking spaces, or at the monitoring screen from the car in front, or at the ground in front of the erected remote control locks.

Just as Ye Tian said, in front of those erected remote control locks, there is a piece of ground that bulges up slightly. This kind of situation has never happened before, and everyone has never seen it.

The security personnel under Ye Tian are all special elites who have retired from the battlefield, and there is no way to see what this means.

No need to think about it, those parking spaces have been tampered with, and under the slightly swollen ground, there are nine out of ten remote-control bombs made of high explosives buried.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the convoy couldn't help but gasped, sweating all over their bodies, secretly terrified!

If it weren't for Steven's sharp eyesight, and immediately sounding a warning when he found something wrong, once everyone drove into those empty parking spaces, what would happen next, I couldn't even imagine what would happen next.

That's a remote-controlled bomb. Except for Steven's Paramount Marauder, the other Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs in the convoy are likely to be blown up and turned into a pile of scrap iron, completely scrapped.

In this case, few people sitting in a few bulletproof suvs may survive the disaster!

Even if the power of those remote-controlled bombs is not enough, the huge shock wave generated by the explosion can instantly incapacitate everyone.

Concussions are mild.

Once everyone loses their resistance, they can only be mermaids, and they still cannot escape death!

While secretly terrified, Cole and the others were somewhat ashamed.

Some time ago, Steven was not in New York, and nothing happened. Everyone felt a little slack, and someone took advantage of the loopholes, which almost cost everyone their lives.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that setting up such a deadly trap cannot be accomplished overnight, it will take a certain amount of time, and someone must cooperate.

Needless to say, among the managers of the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center Building, there must be someone who cooperated with the ambushers hiding in the dark. As for whether they were forced or not, it is unknown.

Not only the garage management staff, but also the security department of the building must have insiders, or the money was collected as a blind eye, and they pretended not to see anything.

If the ambushers were Mafia scum from 'our cause', from Sicily, then the Mafia here in New York must have helped.

Only the local mafia in New York can do these things smoothly. Otherwise, those Sicilian mafia who are not familiar with their places of life will never be able to do so smoothly and without showing any traces!

Those mafia scumbags in Sicily can't even speak English well, and they may be arrested at any time when they go out. How can they find out the situation here and sneak in to lay such a deadly trap!

As for which well-known mafia family in New York is secretly providing help for 'our cause', it is temporarily unknown, but it is not difficult to find out!

Although the convoy stopped slowly, Ye Tian's voice did not stop at all, and continued to come from the walkie-talkie.

"Once we enter the parking space, those scumbags will press the remote control and detonate the bomb directly, catching us by surprise, all the parking spaces in our company may have been tampered with.

In other words, the vehicles of the employees of the companies on our right are likely to be parked on remote-controlled bombs, but the target of those scumbags was me, so the bombs did not detonate.

Once the remote control bombs under these vehicles explode, it will definitely have a huge impact on us. Although it is not fatal, it is enough for us to drink a pot. These scumbags are really cruel!

Everyone fasten your seat belts and get ready for a crash! Cole, inform all employees in the company that no one is allowed to leave the company, and let the security personnel in the company protect everyone.

Use the infrared thermal imager carried by the beetle drone to find those hidden scumbags. As long as I can determine the location, once the fire is exchanged, I can kill the guy with the remote control immediately.

Since they want to put us all together, they must hide somewhere where they can see it, or monitor it with a pinhole camera to see if they can find the hidden camera.

If you find a pinhole camera, you must find out the coverage area of ​​that camera and see if there are any monitoring dead spots. We must take a gamble and hope that good luck will still be with me.”

"Understood, Steven, we will definitely find those scumbags"

Cole responded in a deep voice, with an unusually solemn tone.

As the convoy stopped moving, the air in the underground garage suddenly became extremely heavy and tense, and the air seemed to be filled with a choking smell of gunpowder.

While everyone was secretly operating, the atmosphere in a black suv about 40 to 50 meters ahead of the convoy was also very depressing and tense!

There are two people in this black suv, one is sitting in the driver's seat and the other is hiding in the back seat.

Both wore hoods that showed only their eyes, nose and mouth, and each carried an assault rifle with clips and a pistol in each waistband.

The guy hiding in the back seat of the car stared closely at the heavy convoy dozens of meters away through the rear window glass with the explosion-proof film, his eyes were full of anger and hatred, and also full of fear.

It can be seen that he is holding a remote control in his hand, which is a bomb remote control. As long as the detonation button is pressed, a series of powerful remote control bombs will be detonated.

Although this guy was holding the remote control tightly, sweating profusely, and extremely nervous, he never pressed the button to detonate the bombs that had been planted long ago.

"Steven's bastard's convoy stopped, just a few meters in front of those empty parking spaces, and refused to enter the parking spaces where the bombs were planted. Tony, did that bastard find us?"

The guy holding the remote whispered, his voice trembling.

The Tony he was talking about was naturally the guy sitting in the driver's seat.

"Probably not, our ambush plan is flawless, it is absolutely impossible to be discovered so easily, and the chaos in the square outside also provides us with perfect cover.

That bastard Steven may have something to do, so he parked the car in front of the empty parking space, I believe he will always enter those parking spaces, there is plenty of time, we can wait slowly, if not today, tomorrow"

The guy named Tony whispered, and his words were also full of hatred.

Obviously, this guy is more patient, and it hasn't been a day or two since they set up this deadly trap, waiting for Ye Tian to return to New York.

As soon as Ye Tian returned to New York, they launched this trap, preparing to kill Ye Tian.

"Wait any longer, I'm afraid there will be long nights and dreams. How about detonating it now? Given the distance between the convoy and those parking spaces, once the bomb is detonated, it will definitely damage the entire convoy. It's almost as if that bastard Steven is alive!"

"For that bastard Steven, it's absolutely not enough to just hit hard, it must be a one-hit kill, otherwise there will be no troubles, and if that bastard survives, he will definitely launch an extremely cruel revenge.

At that time, we may never be able to return to Sicily alive and reunite with our families. The organization behind us, and even our family and friends, may suffer the most horrific killing.

Steven's bastard's Paramount Predator has extremely strong defenses and can withstand the attack of seven kilograms of tnt explosives. If that car doesn't drive into the parking space, we can't kill that bastard.

Detonating the bomb now would at most cause some skin trauma to the armored vehicle. It would not pose much threat to the bastard in the vehicle. As for the security personnel under him, it didn't matter how many people died.

With the strength of that armored vehicle, if that bastard Steven doesn't come out to exchange fire with us, but drives out of the building, none of us can stop him, we can only watch him rush out."

Hearing this, the guy holding the remote control couldn't help but said in frustration:    "It's all the fault of that damn armored vehicle, and those damn security personnel, if they didn't check the bottom of the car every time they go out, we should be there Install a bomb on an armored vehicle.   No matter how strong that armored vehicle is, I can blow it up, directly blow up that bastard Steven into meat paste, and avenge my brothers, why is it so troublesome like now!"    complained angrily After a few words, the guy closed his mouth and continued to stare at the heavy convoy ahead.   Perhaps because he was worried that he would accidentally detonate the bomb, which would lead to a failure, this guy put the remote detonator on the seat, within reach.  In his opinion, this remote detonator is in his hand, he can pick it up in less than a second, and quickly press the detonation button, blow up the convoy in front, and send Steven that **** bastard to hell.  But this less than a second is the distance between heaven and hell, enough to make him fall into hell in an instant, and he will never be reborn forever!  Ye Tian, ​​who saw this scene through perspective, couldn't help showing a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and the murderous look in his eyes became stronger.  However, he didn't immediately get out of the car, or open the shooting holes on the front windshield, and directly kill the Italian idiot with the remote control of the bomb.  He was waiting for the right opportunity, and then made a fatal blow,   In just a moment, this opportunity has appeared, Cole's voice came from the intercom.

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