"Steven, your sixth sense is very keen. Someone is indeed ambushing us in this garage, and there are quite a few gunmen in ambush, and the weapons are also very sophisticated. It can be said that they are armed to the teeth.

Using the infrared thermal imagers carried by those beetle drones, we discovered five ambush locations in total, and identified a total of twelve gunmen, who were hiding in different places and in vehicles.

Forty to fifty meters in front of the convoy, there is a black Ford SUV parked that is 70% to 80% new, just in our line of sight, and our convoy can be clearly seen from that car.

There are two guys hidden in that car, one is in the driver's seat and the other is lying on the back seat. The guy in the back seat has been staring at us. It is almost certain that the remote control of the bomb is in the hands of that guy.

There is no barrier between us and that SUV, and that car is not a bulletproof SUV. As long as you determine the location, Steven, with your marksmanship, you can kill the guy who holds the remote control in an instant.

The remote control bombs buried in the parking spaces are the biggest threat to us. As long as we can kill the guy who holds the remote control in the first place and prevent the bombs from detonating, the rest will be easy!

Those guys didn't carry other objects that continuously emit heat, such as monitors, which means they didn't deploy pinhole cameras to monitor us, and we were lucky! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Cole, let the beetle drone that monitors that SUV park on the roof, keep an eye on the every move of the two scumbags in the car, and share the thermal imaging footage captured by the beetle drone to Paramount Predator superior.

Those two idiots hiding in the Ford SUV, leave it to me, let me send them to hell, they will never have a chance to press the remote control and detonate those remote bombs buried in the company parking lot"

After the voice fell, Cole responded immediately:

"Okay, Steven, I will share with you the real-time footage captured by the beetle drone"

Immediately afterwards, on the LCD screen of Ye Tian's Paramount Predator, a prompt box asking for a shared connection appeared.

With Ye Tian's fingers lightly touching the LCD screen, the thermal image captured by the Beetle drone immediately appeared on the vehicle's LCD screen.

On the LCD screen, it can be clearly seen that there are indeed two humanoid objects in the Ford SUV that continue to heat up and move slightly, emitting red light and heat.

Through the thermal imaging screen, although the faces of the two guys cannot be seen, it is enough to be able to distinguish the various parts of their bodies and their locations.

In Ye Tian's eyes, he could see exactly what those two Italian scumbags looked like, what posture they were lying on, and where the assault rifles and bomb remote controls were placed.

While Ye Tian was looking at the thermal imaging screen, a black beetle drone slowly fell from the sky and landed on the roof of the Ford SUV silently, monitoring the two Italians in the car. Scum.

The two scumbags hiding in the SUV were still staring at the heavy convoy in the distance, very focused and highly nervous.

How did they know that the noose of death had been ruthlessly around the necks of the two of them, and they would soon drag them into the depths of hell.

Ye Tian glanced at the infrared thermal imaging screen from the beetle drone, then sneered and whispered:

"I saw those two scumbags hiding in the Ford SUV,

Cole, they are bound to die. Even if God descends, they cannot be saved. Let me introduce other situations! "

Next, Cole continued to introduce the situation quickly.

"About 20 meters behind our convoy, that is, near the Rockefeller Center Plaza, there is a gray Toyota minivan parked, and there are four guys hidden in it.

There was one person in the driver's seat, and the other three guys were all hidden in the car. The lights inside the car were dim, and it was obvious that the visitor was not friendly. It was close to the Rockefeller Center subway entrance, so it was easy to evacuate.

From their positions, it can be seen that they are echoing the two guys in the Ford SUV in front, preparing to attack us back and forth. This tactic seems to be okay.

In addition, at the entrance to the garage on the second floor of the basement, a Dodge SUV was parked, the rear of which faced the main passage into the garage, and a sniper was ambushed inside.

That guy was lying in the car, with his head pointed at the rear of the car, and the logo on the rear of the Dodge SUV seemed to be active. Push the logo away, and you could see the main passage.

Although the beetle drone didn't capture the weapon in that guy's hand, it can be seen from his posture in the car that he must be holding a sniper rifle and is responsible for sniping.

Going down the aisle in front of us, and turning the corner ahead, there are four more gunmen waiting for us, and those guys are hiding in a black Chevrolet SUV.

At the Forty-ninth Street garage exit there was another sniper on guard, concealed in a silver-gray Ford van, the rear of which was also facing the driveway.

That is to say, no matter which entrance we enter the underground garage from the north or south, we will face the situation of front and back attack. Obviously, this ambush has been planned for a long time, and a lot of thought has been spent.

The guys who stayed in the square outside have already begun to secretly check the high-rise buildings around the building. They haven't found the hidden gunman yet, and I believe there will be news soon.

The guys in the company upstairs and the security personnel at the logistics base on Seventy-eighth Street are on high alert and ready to respond at any time."

While Cole was introducing the situation, the LCD screen in front of Ye Tian kept playing the infrared thermal imaging pictures taken by several beetle drones.

Through these infrared thermal imaging images, the gunmen hidden in the garage on this floor were immediately clear to everyone, and they had a clear grasp of the situation of those scumbags.

Of course, there are always vehicles coming and going in the underground garage on this floor, and people coming in and out, causing some disturbance to everyone.

After Cole finished introducing the situation, Ye Tian immediately said in a cold voice:

"Cole, you can notify the New York police now, and tell the police that there are people ambushing us in this garage, and there are a large number of people and powerful firepower. It is estimated that there will be a firefight soon.

In particular, there are likely to be many powerful remote-control bombs buried here. Without knowing the situation, they had better not rush in rashly, otherwise they may suffer heavy losses.

Let them seal off all the entrances and exits of the underground garage, several nearby subway exits, and the passages connecting the Rockefeller Center Building to the subway, so as to prevent people from escaping through the New York subway.

At the same time, let them immediately take over the security of the Rockefeller Center building, stop the operation of the elevators, and guard the stairs on each floor to prevent those mafia scum from fleeing into the building and taking hostages.

Also, you must tell the New York police that there is no rush to evacuate the workers in Rockefeller Center and other nearby office buildings, which will cause huge chaos instead.

In order to win the trust of the police, you sent the screenshot of the infrared thermal imaging screen shot by the drone, and told the New York police, just leave it to us, we can deal with those guys”

"Understood, Steven, I will notify the New York police right away and give them a huge surprise"

Cole replied in a deep voice, then took out his mobile phone and started directly contacting the New York police to report the situation here.

At this point, the atmosphere in the Ford SUV parked 40 to 50 meters ahead of the convoy, as well as in the other vehicles parked in the garage where the gunman was hidden, became increasingly tense.

Without exception, the many gunmen hidden in these cars all tightly held the assault rifles or sniper rifles in their hands, their palms were full of sweat, and their knuckles were a little white.

And the eyes of each of them were full of hatred and fear, and even their bodies were trembling slightly.

"That damned convoy has stopped for such a long time without any action. The situation is wrong. Maybe that bastard Steven has spotted us, why don't we do it?"

"Don't worry, wait a minute. That bastard Steven is famously cautious and extremely cunning. If we do it now, we won't be able to hurt him at all, but will expose ourselves!"

Just when these mafia scumbags were suspicious and restless, Cole had already reported the situation to the New York police, then hung up the phone, and said through the walkie-talkie:

"Steven, I have informed the New York police of the situation here and sent them a few screenshots. I believe the police will take action soon!"

"Okay, it's time for a showdown"

Ye Tian responded, and looked coldly at the Ford SUV 40 to 50 meters away.

Immediately afterwards, he issued an action command.

"Guys, get ready to act, send those lifeless idiots to hell, hand over the two guys who hold the remote control of the bomb to me, and let the four gunmen behind you deal with them.

Except me and this Paramount Predator, the rest of the guys are all under Cole's command, everyone should be more careful and cover each other during the operation, I don't want to see casualties appear."

"Got it, Steven"

There was a burst of response from the intercom, and each voice was full of confidence and even excitement.

The next moment, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie again and reached everyone's ears.

"Cole, you take over the command. It's best to force the guys hidden in the car behind to fire the first shot. As soon as the gunshot sounds, I can kill the two guys in front immediately."

Before the words fell, Cole had already given a firm response.

"Got it, Steven, don't worry leave it to me!"

Cole then took command.

This heavy convoy, which had been standing still for three or four minutes, finally moved.

Outside the Rockefeller Center building, it is still very lively and full of voices!

Numerous protesting crowds, onlookers, and media reporters who feared that the world would not be chaotic gathered in the square in front of the building, or at the entrances and exits of the underground garages on both sides of the building.

The protesters among them are desperately shaking the banners or slogans in their hands, shouting hoarsely, carrying out protest demonstrations, expressing their demands or performing to show themselves.

The reporters from the major news media held their cameras and kept pressing the shutter, and they were very excited to shoot the scene.

As for the guys watching the excitement, as well as the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going, they all watched everything that happened here with great interest and relish!

But what they didn't notice was that the faces of many New York police officers who maintained order at the scene suddenly became extremely solemn, and each of them looked extremely nervous, as if they were facing an enemy.

Many of the police officers walked towards the entrance of the Rockefeller Center building quickly, and quickly entered the skyscraper, disappearing from the Rockefeller Center plaza.

When more New York police officers gathered at the entrance of the building and completely sealed off the entrances of the Rockefeller Center building, and no one was allowed to enter or exit, people finally realized that something was wrong.

Regarding the actions of the New York police, everyone was surprised, a little confused, and at the same time felt that something was wrong.

At this time, the situation has changed suddenly.

"bang bang bang"

Suddenly there was a burst of intensive gunshots in people's ears, which seemed to come from the entrance of the underground garage of the building.

In the next instant, the Rockefeller Center Plaza and its surroundings immediately became a mess.

At the same time as the gunshots rang out, in the New York Police Department not far away, the chief of the New York Police Department was looking at the sky speechlessly, swearing crazily while gnashing his teeth.

"Steven, a damned bastard, is a god of plague, just returned to New York for a few hours, and turned New York into a battlefield filled with gunpowder, and that is Rockefeller Center Plaza!

If Rockefeller Center is blown up and turned into ruins like the World Trade Center, then everyone will be finished, as well as those damn ambushers, I will beat you to ashes! "

:. :

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