Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2066 Precise Killing

"Walker, once the fire is exchanged, you immediately open the shooting holes on the front windshield as quickly as possible. I will fire through the shooting holes and kill those two scumbags in the Ford SUV as soon as possible!"

Ye Tian said coldly, his words and eyes were full of murderous intent.

While saying this, he had already picked up the G36K short assault rifle, ready to raise the muzzle and shoot at any time, sending the two scumbags hiding in the Ford SUV in front of him to hell.

He's in no hurry to raise his gun and aim it at the two scumbags in the Ford SUV up ahead, even though he's in the back seat of a tall and imposing Paramount Predator, but doing so still risks exposure.

For him, there is no problem at all when he raises the muzzle and shoots the moment the shooting hole is opened.

Because he doesn't need to aim at all, within a range of more than 200 meters, he with an automatic rifle is the god of life and death, not to mention that the distance is only 40 to 50 meters now, which is even easier!

"Okay, Steven"

Walker, who was driving the Paramount Marauder, nodded and pressed his right index finger on the button that controlled the opening and closing of the firing holes, watching the situation behind the convoy.

In the Toyota van more than 20 meters behind the convoy, once someone opened fire and there was a flash of fire, he would quickly press the button, and Ye Tian could fire.

At that time, a fierce and bloody garage fight will officially kick off, and there will be no suspense in the result.

Just as Ye Tian and Walker were getting ready to attack, under Cole's command, other vehicles in the convoy started to move.

First, the two Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs at the front of the convoy suddenly started up again, drove forward, and then turned the front of the car with the help of the few empty parking spaces in front.

Immediately afterwards, the two bulletproof SUVs turned around and drove back the way they came, passing the Paramount Marauder in a blink of an eye and heading straight to the rear.

However, the Paramount Predator that Ye Tian was riding on did not move, and remained in place.

In this way, this extremely sturdy and armored SUV has become the lead vehicle of this heavy-duty fleet.

With its tall and powerful body and its own weight of fifteen tons, this steel monster has also built a solid barrier for other bulletproof SUVs in the fleet.

At this time, even if the remote-control bombs buried in the company's parking spaces were detonated, the damage and impact on the remaining Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs would be greatly reduced, and they would no longer be so fatal!

As for Ye Tian and Walker who were in the Paramount Predator car, apart from being shocked, there was no other harm, let alone their lives.

At the same time, there are no other vehicles between this steel monster and the Ford SUV 40 or 50 meters away, making it easier to attack!

Everything that happened here was seen by the two mafia scumbags hiding in the Ford SUV. They couldn't help but feel very surprised and even more nervous!

"What kind of tricks is that bastard Steven playing? Why did the two Chevrolet SUVs in front suddenly turn around? Could it be that those bastards have discovered the trap we set up and are planning to escape from here?"

The guy who controlled the remote control of the bomb said in a low voice, and stretched his right hand to the seat next to him, ready to pick up the remote control placed on the seat next to him, with a highly nervous expression.

At this moment, the guy named Tony in front suddenly said:

"Do not be nervous,

Victor, isn't that bastard Steven's Paramount Predator still staying in place, motionless, the target of our ambush is that bastard, not the security personnel.

Maybe something happened outside and someone needs to go there to deal with it, and the two Chevrolet SUVs will turn around and leave. Let's not worry about other vehicles, just keep an eye on that bastard Steven!

Those Chevrolet SUVs leave as well. In this way, the power of the bomb explosion will be more concentrated on that armored vehicle. If we need to get out of the vehicle to exchange fire, we will face fewer opponents! "

Hearing Tony's words, Victor originally stretched out his right hand for the bomb remote control, but then retracted it, and exhaled lightly, relaxing a little.

Not only them, but the four guys hiding in the Toyota truck more than 20 meters behind the convoy were also staring closely at the two bulletproof SUVs that turned around and drove towards them.

Without exception, these four guys are holding the assault rifles in their hands tightly, ready to open the back door of the truck at any time and start shooting wildly.

In the blink of an eye, the two bulletproof SUVs passed by the Paramount Predator one after another, getting closer to the Toyota truck behind them.

The four guys hiding in the truck can clearly see the situation inside the first bulletproof SUV through the rear window of the truck with the explosion-proof membrane.

Just when they were getting nervous, the security guard sitting in the co-pilot seat of the first bulletproof SUV suddenly raised an assault rifle and made a gesture of aiming and shooting in this direction.

At the same time, a security guard sitting in the back seat of the bulletproof SUV also extended the barrel of his assault rifle to the front row, and the black muzzle shone with a deadly cold light.

Seeing this scene, the inside of the Toyota truck exploded.

"Damn it, that cunning bastard Steven has found us!"

"Guys, open fire, kill those goddam bastards, get out of here as soon as possible!"

Accompanied by hysterical shouts, the rear window of the Toyota truck was instantly shattered, several gun barrels quickly protruded from the window, and began to violently spray flames, pouring bullets crazily!

The flame had just flashed out, and before the gunfire came, Walker's fingers quickly pressed the button, and the shooting holes on the front windshield of the Paramount Marauder immediately popped open.

Almost at the moment when the shooting hole opened, Ye Tian, ​​who was half kneeling on the back seat, quickly raised the G36K short assault rifle in his hand, and ruthlessly pulled the trigger.

"bang bang bang"

There was a deafening gunshot suddenly in the car, and a choking smell of gunpowder quickly permeated the car.

Accompanied by the rhythmic sound of automatic rifle bursts, three rifle bullets sprayed out at high speed from the muzzle of the G36K short assault rifle, and rushed straight out of the car.

These three rifle bullets passed through the shooting holes on the front windshield of the Paramount Predator with lightning speed, and with the breath of death, they went straight to the rear windshield of the Ford SUV 40 to 50 meters away!

Without the slightest pause, the three rifle bullets had just flown out of the barrel before Ye Tian pulled the trigger again.

"bang bang bang"

There was another short burst of automatic rifle fire, and three more rifle bullets rushed out at high speed. The gunfire was still deafening, and it was connected with the gunfire just now. It sounded like the sound of rapid fire.

Especially in such a closed environment inside the car, the series of gunshots was amplified a lot, shaking Ye Tian and Walker's eardrums to buzz.

Six yellow bullet casings flew out from the side of the gun body, and then fell to the ground like rain.

Until then, the series of intensive gunshots behind the convoy came.

And the two guys in the Ford SUV who were 40 to 50 meters away from the convoy saw the sudden flash of fire in the distance, and their expressions changed, becoming extremely ugly.

They froze for a moment, then woke up in a blink of an eye.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them stretched out their hands quickly, ready to pick up their weapons and bomb detonators, and fought desperately. The reaction was not unpleasant.

But in front of Ye Tian, ​​under the lightning-like rifle bullets, their movements were extremely slow, as if they were still!

Just as Victor stretched out his right hand, there were three more bullet holes on the rear windshield of the Ford SUV.

Three hot, scalding rifle bullets went straight through the rear windshield, and with unstoppable precision, they drilled into Victor's head, blowing his head off.

At the same time as his head exploded, three more rifle bullets struck at high speed, directly sending Tony, who was sitting in the driver's seat, into hell. It was also the result of a headshot.

At this time, the assault rifle in Tony's hand had just been raised halfway, and then it hung down feebly.

"Bang, bang"

Two muffled sounds came from inside the Toyota.

Under the powerful impact of the rifle bullet, Victor slammed his head on the back of the front seat, and Tony slammed his head on the steering wheel.

But the end of these two mafia scumbags is the same, both have lost their souls and reported to hell.

On the other side, Ye Tian's murderous voice came from the walkie-talkie again and reached the ears of every security personnel under him.

"The two scumbags in the Ford SUV have been killed by me. You don't have to worry about the threat of bombs. Just let go and send those scumbags hiding in the dark to hell, don't let a single one go!"

Before the words were finished, the Paramount Predator let out an angry roar, and rushed towards the Ford SUV not far in front at high speed!

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