Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2067 Crush 1 Cut

"bang bang bang"

The gunshots sounded like a storm, resounding through the entire underground garage.

The garage, which was originally quiet, suddenly became chaotic and became a battlefield. It became dangerous and the atmosphere was extremely tense. The whole garage seemed to be filled with the choking smell of gunpowder.

Those people who had just come in from the outside, or got out of the elevator, and were about to drive out, the moment they heard the gunshots, they immediately panicked, bent down and fled with their heads in their hands, looking for places to hide.

The people in the car slammed on the brakes to stop nearby and locked the doors. They all lay in the car, trembling with fear, praying to God in a low voice, so that they could escape this catastrophe.

Those who hadn't had time to get into the car quickly lay down beside the car, or fled in a hurry, looking for other places to hide. Each of them was also praying in a low voice, full of fear.

At the elevator entrance, the people who had just stepped out of the elevator and those who were waiting for the elevator all got into several elevators at once, hoping to leave this dangerous underground garage as soon as possible.

As for the building security personnel who were near the gate in front of the elevator and responsible for security checks, they all drew their pistols and stared closely at the direction of the gunshots, with extremely nervous expressions and fear in their eyes.

At this time, everyone who heard the gunshots, without exception, had already guessed what happened in the underground garage in a blink of an eye.

Don't even think about it, it must be Steven, that damn bastard who is fighting someone, God knows who the enemy is.

As soon as he returned to New York, he led the flames of war to the Rockefeller Center building, a proper plague god!

Obviously, the people working in this skyscraper knew a little about Ye Tian, ​​and guessed that sooner or later there would be such a day, and the flames of war would be brought here.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this day came so quickly, people were caught off guard, and it was really unlucky that they bumped into themselves!

On the second floor of the underground garage, a bloody fight has officially begun.

"Walker, did you see that BMW x5 to the left of the Ford SUV, you drove the Paramount Predator straight into it, drove the BMW, and parked to the left of the Ford SUV.

You use your body to block the gunmen hiding in the Chevrolet SUV not far to the left, and I get out of the car to get the bomb remote control, that thing must be in our hands and cannot be left alone.”

Ye Tian spoke quickly, his words were full of murderous intent.

"Understood, Steven, look at mine"

Walker responded, very confidently.

Before the words fell, the Paramount Predator rushed out with a roar, crushing everything, and rushed directly to the BMW X5 next to the Ford SUV in front.

In the back of the steel monster, Cole and the rest of the security staff were already engaging the Mafia scum hidden in the Toyota van.

With the solid bodies of several bulletproof SUVs, and bulletproof tailgates on the back of each vehicle, Cole and his crew took down the Mafia scum as soon as the fire was fired.

Of course, the Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs they were riding in were instantly riddled with holes and craters all over the surface.

Especially the Chevrolet bulletproof SUV that turned around and was responsible for luring the enemy to fire. The hood and front windshield were completely smashed.

Fortunately, the car's defenses are pretty good,

In a short period of time, it can still resist the attack of automatic rifles.

The security personnel in the car did not suffer any injuries. They all lay down in the car, and then drove the car forward a little bit.

The four mafia scumbags hidden in the Toyota van were not so lucky. That van was not a bulletproof vehicle, so it couldn't withstand the ravages of automatic rifles.

When Cole and the others launched a fierce counterattack, in less than ten seconds, the rear door of the van was beaten into a hornet's nest, and it became horrible and crumbling.

The two mafia scumbags who were hidden in the carriage and closest to the rear door were shot to death in a blink of an eye, and they went directly to hell to report. Their death conditions were extremely miserable.

The guy who was relatively in the back and the scum sitting in the driver's seat were a little bit lucky. They just got a little bit of color. Although they were bloody, they still had a certain fighting power.

However, they were crushed to the floor of the carriage by the endless rain of bullets that hit at high speed like a storm. They could only use the carriage and the corpses of their two dead companions as cover, unable to lift their heads at all.

For them, death is close at hand, and it will come in a blink of an eye.

"bang bang bang"

The gunshots were like rain, raging crazily and tearing at the rear door of the Toyota van. It was about to tear the truck into pieces and send all the scum hidden in the car to hell.

And those mafia scumbags who were in the same underground garage and hidden in several other cars knew immediately when they heard the gunfire that the ambush operation had completely failed.

It turned out that people like myself ambushed that bastard Steven, sent that bastard to hell, and avenged the brothers who died before.

Now the situation was reversed, the planned violent explosion did not sound, and that damned bastard Steven was leading his security personnel to violently attack himself and the others.

After confirming this, the rest of the mafia scum immediately started the vehicle, or rushed out of the hidden car, trying to support those companions who were attacked wildly.

However, it was too late and the situation was out of their control.


There was another deafening bang, which startled everyone in the garage, including the two sides who were fighting violently.

Walker drove the Paramount Predator and slammed into the rear of the BMW X5 next to the Ford SUV, knocking the BMW X5 out of the car and freeing the parking space.

The rear end of the BMW x5 that flew out was completely smashed, and then hit a Lincoln parked in front of it, and knocked that Lincoln out of the parking space, and a dove came to occupy the magpie's nest.

But Ye Tian's Paramount Predator didn't have any damage, the front bumper only had a few pieces of paint peel off and a few white marks, it didn't matter at all.

After crashing into the BMW X5, this tall and mighty steel monster moved forward, directly occupied the parking space of the BMW X5, and used its tall body to block the view from the left.

No sooner had the Paramount Marauder come to a stop than the right rear door opened.

Ye Tian, ​​carrying a G36K short assault rifle, jumped out of the car like a civet cat. Almost as soon as he landed, he stretched out his left hand like lightning, and opened the rear door of the Ford SUV next to him.

"Steven that bastard wants to grab the bomb detonator, guys, open fire, kill that goddamn bastard, get the bomb detonator back!"

From the Chevrolet SUV not far to the left of the Paramount Predator, there was a hysterical sound.

Before the sound fell, the SUV had pulled out of the parking space and rushed towards the Paramount Predator at high speed, showing a bit of indomitable momentum.

The four gunmen hidden in the car also stretched out their automatic rifles from the car window and started shooting wildly, raining bullets to this side, trying to stop Ye Tian's actions.

But their efforts were doomed to be in vain.

"bang bang bang"

Amidst the almost crazy and continuous gunfire, countless scorching rifle bullets rushed at high speed like splashing water, and all of them hit the tall and solid body of the Paramount Marauder.

It's a pity that these deadly rifle bullets did not cause any damage to this steel monster, and only left a shallow mark on the car body, which made those mafia scum feel extremely desperate!

At this time, Ye Tian had already found the bomb remote control and held it in his hands.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly evacuated the Ford SUV, then jumped directly into the back seat of the Paramount Predator, and slammed the door shut.

In the next instant, a murderous order came out immediately.

"Walker, drive and crush that goddamn Ford SUV on the left. Grind those mafia scum to a pulp. Send that scum to hell. That's where they should be."

"Okay, Steven, I like this kind of attack very much, just wait and see the good show!"

Walker nodded and acted immediately.

Before the words fell, the terrifying steel monster roared again, quickly exited the parking space, and quickly turned its head, facing the Chevrolet SUV rushing at high speed.


Amidst the deafening roar of the engine and the choking smoke, this fifteen-ton steel monster rushed out, crashing directly into the thin Chevrolet SUV with overwhelming force!

At the same time, Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie again.

"Cole, I've got the remote control of the bomb, you inform the New York police, so that they don't have to worry about the Rockefeller Center building being destroyed by the remote control bomb, and naturally there will be no huge casualties.

Still the same as before, for safety reasons, let them not rush into the underground garage rashly, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, the situation here is completely under our control.

After you take out those mafia scum in the Toyota van, leave two cars here and the rest of you deal with the sniper at the garage entrance, send that guy to hell.

These four scumbags in the Chevrolet SUV, and the sniper hiding at the 49th street exit, leave it to me to deal with, and I will send all these mafia scumbags to hell one by one"

"Understood, Steven, just leave it to us, don't worry."

Accompanied by fierce gunfire, Cole's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

At the same time, there were hysterical shouts.

"Lucio, back the car up, Steven that bastard is a lunatic, he's going to crush us"

"Reverse the car! Reverse the car quickly, I don't want to be crushed into meat paste"

Seeing the steel monster rushing at high speed, several mafia scumbags in the Chevrolet SUV all roared crazily, each voice full of despair.

However, it was too late, and death came in an instant.

:. :

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