Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2068 A piece of iron sheet soaked in blood

The speed is too fast and the distance is too close. It is too late to brake, change gear and reverse the car!

That mafia scumbag named Lucio reacted unhappily. In a flash, he made the most sensible decision at the moment.

He slammed the steering wheel and slammed into other vehicles parked in the parking space next to him, very decisively.

Relatively speaking, the consequences of hitting other vehicles are definitely 10,000 times better than being hit head-on by that steel monster rushing at high speed!

One was injured, the other was killed in a car crash and completely crushed! Anyone with a little sense knows how to choose.

However, the steel monster rushing like Mount Tai was even faster!

With its exaggerated self-weight of fifteen tons and four huge run-flat tires, it completely crushed all the hopes of those Italian mafia scumbags, and drove them directly into hell!

The Chevrolet SUV had just swung its front to the left and hadn't even cleared the driveway when the Paramount Marauder slammed into it, unstoppable.


Accompanied by a deafening bang, the Chevrolet SUV was knocked out and flew straight along the driveway into the distance.

At the same time, Ye Tian, ​​who was half kneeling on the back seat of the Paramount Predator, firmly controlled his body, adjusted the shooting angle, and pulled the trigger again.

"bang bang bang"

Gunshots sounded again inside the car, still the short bursts of automatic rifle fire.

Three rifle bullets sprayed out at high speed from the muzzle of the G36K short assault rifle, then passed through the shooting holes in the front windshield of the Paramount Predator, and went straight to a scumbag who was thrown out of the car by the Chevrolet SUV.

The guy who was thrown out of the car was seriously injured, flying in mid-air, and spraying blood from his mouth crazily, he was not far from death.

However, Ye Tian didn't intend to give these scumbags any chance of surviving, even the slightest, so he pulled the trigger and ruthlessly killed them.

In the end, there was no suspense. The scum flying in the air was shot in the head by three rifle bullets. He was completely dead before he landed.

When his body landed on the ground, the black Chevrolet SUV that was knocked out also slammed into the ground seven or eight meters away.

Immediately afterwards, the Chevrolet SUV, which was smashed into a pile of scrap iron in an instant, rolled wildly along the driveway, spilling blood all over the ground, and also brought out a series of dazzling sparks!

As for the remaining three mafia scumbags in the car, their tendons were broken and their bones were bruised. Even if they didn't die, they were not far from death, let alone fight back!

However, this is far from over.

Get rid of evil!

To Ye Tian, ​​only dead enemies are the cutest enemies.

Ye Tian looked at the Chevrolet SUV that was rolling wildly in the driveway, spilling blood non-stop, and then said with a sneer:

"Walker, drive into it and smash that Chevrolet SUV to pieces"

"No problem, Steven, just watch mine"

Walker nodded, and acted immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the steel monster rushed out again at high speed, and directly crashed into the pile of scrap metal that was tumbling wildly not far away.

In the blink of an eye, there was another loud crash in the underground garage.

And one after another, it shook the entire garage and overwhelmed the continuous sound of automatic rifle fire.

In the monitoring room of the Rockefeller Center building, all the building security personnel in the monitoring room were all dumbfounded looking at the monitoring screen in front of them, and everyone's eyes were full of fear.

When these guys saw the ferocious steel monster on the surveillance screen using four huge run-flat tires to crush the bloody scrap metal back and forth, everyone went crazy!

"Oh my god! The bastard Steven is definitely a devil, a devil from the depths of hell!"

"It's so cruel and bloody! I swear, this is definitely the bloodiest scene and the craziest killing I have ever seen. The idiot in that Chevrolet SUV died so badly!"

Just as many security personnel were exclaiming, and even trembling in fear, the two guys standing close to the door of the monitoring room couldn't help but glance at each other.

In each other's eyes, they all saw endless despair and deep fear.

The next moment, the two guys gently opened the door of the monitoring room, quietly exited the monitoring room, and then walked quickly to the stairs.

The frightened expressions on their faces and the speed of their feet made them seem to be chasing ghosts behind them!

The same scene is happening simultaneously in several different places of this skyscraper.

Obviously, these desperate guys fleeing in a hurry are the ghosts hiding in the Rockefeller Center building, and it is they who facilitate the ambush of the mafia scum.

As for whether they received money to do things, or were they coerced? Who was coerced by again? These are not difficult to find out, Ye Tian is very confident about this.

The Paramount Marauder finally finished rolling and pulled over.

As for the black Chevrolet SUV, it was almost crushed into a piece of iron sheet attached to the driveway, and it was iron sheet soaked in blood!

"Steven, those scumbags in the Ford SUV must be dead, god can't save them, unless they're made of water"

Walker said in a deep voice, a trace of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes at the same time, and it was fleeting.

Even he was taken aback by Ye Tianxia's cruelty.

"This is what they deserved, and they brought it on themselves. We can't blame anyone else. Either they died today, or we were bombed to the sky. Of course, it would be better if they died!

Now that these scumbags are dead, we should deal with the sniper hidden in the garage at the 49th street exit, send that scumbag to hell, and go with our buddies!

Judging from the infrared footage captured by the beetle drone, the scumbag has left the vehicle he was hiding in and got into another car not far away, ready to wait for an opportunity to escape, go dreaming! "

Ye Tian sneered and said, his tone was as cold as ice for ten thousand years, enough to freeze everything.

"Got it, Steven"

As he said that, Walker had already driven the Paramount Predator and rushed out, heading straight for the exit of the underground garage on the 49th Street side, leaving a few red ruts on the driveway.

The behemoth just drove away, Ye Tian turned on the tiny microphone of the wireless invisible headset, and said to Kenny and others who were supporting at the 78th Street logistics base:

"Kenny, Byrne, I'll upload the photos and fingerprints of the two of you right away, check the identities of these two guys, I just killed these two guys, they look like Italians.

They only have forged documents on them. Although their identities are fake, the photos on the forged documents should be of themselves. These two guys are likely to be Italian Mafia, and I believe it will not be difficult to find out.

These two guys are probably from Sicily and are members of the "Our Cause" organization. If so, then continue to trace when and where did they come to New York?

After the siege some time ago, "Our Cause" is now the focus of the New York police, and the local mafia members in Sicily generally don't speak English very well.

They want to settle in New York, design and arrange such a nearly perfect deadly trap in an attempt to kill me. If there is no one in New York to cooperate with them, I would not believe it!

Who is providing convenience and cooperating with these scumbags? People with this ability are nothing more than the five major families of the New York Mafia, and those scumbags in Sicily cannot trust others.

So, your scope of investigation can basically be limited to a few areas, Little Italy in lower Manhattan, and several neighborhoods in Brooklyn where Italians live together.

You use the New York municipal public surveillance system to check the surveillance records of these areas in the past few days to see if you can find out where these two guys have been and who they have been in contact with?

As long as the location of their haunts can be determined, it is basically certain that they are related to the mafia family in New York. The five major mafia families in New York have their own territory, and generally they will not cross the border! "

"Okay, Steven, leave this matter to us, I believe the results will be found soon, wait for our good news"

Kenny responded excitedly, and the kid Bourne also responded.

Next, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and sent Kenny and the others the picture of the forged ID that he just took in that Ford SUV, as well as the fingerprints of those two idiots.

The only pity is that the heads of the two idiots in the Ford SUV were blown off, and they couldn't take facial photos, so they had to use ID photos instead!

While talking, Ye Tian sat down and this huge car had already bypassed several curved or straight lanes, and was getting closer and closer to the 49th street exit of the second-floor underground garage.

When this huge vehicle drove up a straight road leading to the exit, Ye Tian's murderous voice sounded again in the car.

"Walker, about 20 meters away from the exit, on our left, there is a silver-gray Volvo SUV parked. From the thermal imaging picture taken by the drone, the sniper is hiding in that car.

No need to ask, someone outside must have informed that guy. The north and south exits of the underground garage were all blocked, and the elevators in the Rockefeller Center Building were also out of service, so he changed vehicles and waited for an opportunity to escape.

Not far from both sides of that car, there is a pillar on each side, and there are fire protection facilities. You can't hit it with a Paramount Marauder. You drive behind that Volvo SUV, and I'll take care of that sniper! "

After the words fell, Walker immediately nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, I see that silver-gray Volvo SUV!"

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