Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2069 Cat Catching Mouse

Inside the silver-gray Volvo SUV, a guy with a nervous expression was lying on the back seat, listening to the movement outside, not even daring to breathe.

This guy is about thirty years old, looks like an Italian, with a thin figure, cold eyes, revealing a vigor, eyes full of fear and despair.

He was the sniper at the 49th Street exit of the underground garage, from Our Cause, the notorious faction of the Italian Mafia.

Many Italian anti-mafia judges and policemen, as well as enemies of other mafia organizations, died under his sniper rifle, with blood on their hands.

When he came here today, he came for Ye Tian.

If those remote-controlled bombs can't kill Ye Tian, ​​let Ye Tian break out of the siege, and prepare to escape from the south exit of the underground garage, he will be the third insurance, responsible for secretly attacking.

However, plans cannot keep up with changes.

When he heard a burst of gunfire from inside the garage instead of the planned remote-controlled bomb explosion, this guy had a feeling that something was wrong, and he felt that the ambush had completely failed.

Immediately afterwards, he received news from other companions.

His companion who was watching the wind outside the building told him that the New York police had completely sealed off every entrance and exit of the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building and the nearby subway entrances, took over the security of the building, and began to investigate floor by floor.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand this news.

This seemingly foolproof ambush had already been seen through by that cunning bastard, Steven, and the people like himself had become shackles, with nowhere to escape.

After confirming this, the mafia scum made a decisive decision, immediately gave up the sniper mission, quickly got out of the hidden car, and changed to a new car to hide.

The sniper rifle in his hand, because it was inconvenient to carry, was thrown in the trunk of the previous car by him, and all the fingerprints on the gun were wiped off.

In order to protect himself, he only brought an MP5 submachine gun and a pistol. The MP5 is at hand at the moment, and the pistol is inserted in the back waist, and the bullets are loaded.

It's not like this guy didn't think about leaving the underground garage for the first time, sneaking into the Rockefeller Center building, or leaving from the south exit of the underground garage, or entering the New York subway, mingling with the crowd and leaving.

But the actions of the New York police directly dispelled his illusions, blocking all the exits, and the situation changed too fast, and he didn't have enough time to escape.

I know my own situation best. With my Italian looks, I will immediately become the focus of attention and be carefully interrogated as soon as I meet the New York police outside.

As a result, it is conceivable that the documents on his body are fake, and his fingerprints have already been entered into the information database of Interpol, so it is impossible to get away with it.

Instead of going out and throwing yourself into the trap, it is better to temporarily hide in this underground garage, wait for those companions outside to create chaos, and then escape out of the garage while taking advantage of the chaos, and then run away!

However, how could this mafia scum expect that in front of Ye Tian and the others, his companions were so vulnerable that they were directly killed by others like chopping melons and vegetables, and were sent directly to hell.

The remote control bombs arranged in advance not only failed to detonate, but even the remote control of the bombs fell into the hands of the other party. The biggest threat and the biggest reliance of people like myself were cracked in a blink of an eye.

Those gunmen who are treated as a second insurance,

He was also defeated soon, and he couldn't even stop the opponent's footsteps and buy a little time, what a waste!

What made the sniper even more unexpected was that there was always a beetle drone hovering above his head, watching his every move, including the whole process of changing the hiding place.


Suddenly there was an unusually harsh brake sound outside the car, which seemed to be very close.

The moment he heard the sound of brakes, the sniper immediately turned his head and looked out of the car, his eyes full of horror.

Lying on the rear seat, he saw through the Volvo's rear windshield an unusually tall, rough, and even hideous roof edge.

"Damn it, it's Paramount Predator, Steven that crazy bastard is coming"

The sniper cursed inwardly in desperation, then slid down to the floor between the back seat and the front seat, trying to escape the view from the outside.

At this moment, a voice full of contempt and banter, but full of murderous intent suddenly came from outside the car.

"Come out, buddy, don't hide. It must be very aggrieved to be caught in that narrow gap. Do you want to come out to get some air? Or go get together with your friends?"

Hearing this joking voice, the scumbag hiding in the Volvo was immediately stunned.

Immediately afterwards, his heart sank completely, falling into a bottomless abyss.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the Paramount Predator car, was condescending, looking coldly at the Volvo SUV that was close at hand outside the car, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The shooting hole on this side of the car body had already been opened, and the muzzle of the G36K in his hand was firmly locked on the SUV outside through the shooting hole, just waiting for the mafia scum to get out of the car.

Even if that scumbag doesn't plan to get out of the car and pretends not to hear, that's fine, it's nothing more than turning this Volvo SUV into a hornet's nest, and it's only a matter of tens of thousands of dollars.

The voice fell, and the mafia scum hidden in the SUV did not respond.

Ye Tian was not in a hurry, and continued to wait patiently, enjoying the feeling of cat and mouse.

Suddenly, a dazzling fire flashed inside the SUV.

"bang bang bang"

Intensive gunshots came out immediately, coming from inside the SUV.

The scumbag hiding in the Volvo car finally couldn't bear the huge pressure and took the initiative to attack.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see the most.

The rear windshield of the Volvo SUV was directly smashed, and a dense rain of bullets flew out of the car at high speed, heading straight for the Paramount Predator, which was close at hand.

However, these pistol rounds fired by the MP5 submachine gun are not even qualified to tickle the Paramount Marauder, and they don't even leave much on the car.

This wave of bullets all hit the body of the Paramount Predator and the thick bulletproof glass, and then they were deformed one after another and were sent flying by the bullets.

With a difference of less than a second, Ye Tian ruthlessly pulled the trigger of the automatic rifle in his hand just as the mafia scum hidden in the Volvo opened fire.

In the next instant, more than a dozen scorching rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of this short assault rifle at high speed, and with the breath of death, they rushed straight to the Volvo SUV.

In the blink of an eye, the rear of the SUV and the rear seats were turned into a hornet's nest, riddled with holes.

The mafia scum who was lying on the back seat and shooting guns was naturally impossible to escape. He was directly shot to death by Ye Tianran and sent to hell.

But this is not the end. After emptying a magazine, Ye Tian replaced it with a full magazine, and continued to shoot at the dilapidated Volvo SUV, as if to tear everything to shreds.

It wasn't until the second clip was emptied that he retracted the barrel of the G36K from the firing port and closed the firing port on the side of the body, ending the bloody carnage.

As for the result of this killing, he didn't even bother to look at it, there was absolutely no other possibility except death.

Next, Ye Tian said coldly:

"Walker, drive the car a little further, let's block the exit of the garage here, wait for Cole and the others to finish fighting, and then we'll meet them again"

"Okay, Steven"

Walker responded, and then drove to the garage exit not far ahead.

Soon, the Paramount Predator came to the exit of the garage, and then crossed the vehicles, using its huge body to block the exit tightly, so that no one could get out from here.

At the same time, there was a loud noise not far behind, shaking the entire garage.

The fuel tank of the Volvo SUV that was beaten into scrap by Ye Tian exploded immediately, and then burned like crazy.

Immediately afterwards, the garage fire system in that area was automatically activated and began to spray dry ice on the burning SUV below to automatically extinguish the fire.

On the side where the Paramount Predators were, there was no movement.

Ye Tian looked at the situation over there coldly, and then said through the walkie-talkie:

"Cole, what's going on with you? Do you need us to help? Are any brothers injured?"

After the words fell, Cole's voice came from the walkie-talkie immediately.

"No, Steven, the four guys hiding in the Toyota truck have been killed by us, and the snipers at the north entrance on the second floor of the underground garage have also been surrounded by us.

In two or three minutes at the most, we can end the fight and send that mafia scum to hell! Two brothers were slightly injured, but nothing serious, emergency treatment has been done! "

Along with Cole's words, there were bursts of rapid gunshots, as well as hysterical and desperate crazily cursing.

"Okay, Cole, be more careful, I look forward to hearing the good news from your side, and then go to meet you!"

Ye Tian said with a smile, looking calm and breezy.

After finishing the call with Cole, he said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Charlie, you inform Anderson and the company's legal counsel to come to the second floor of the underground garage. The mafia scum who ambushed them will be killed by us soon, and it's time to deal with the New York police.

When you go downstairs, you must greet the police to avoid misunderstandings, and you must do a good job of security for Anderson and the others, and the security work in the company must not be relaxed. Those scumbags may have accomplices! "

"Understood, Steven, just leave these things to us, don't worry!"

Charlie's voice came from the invisible earphone, and his tone was decisive.

And outside this underground garage, the whole of Manhattan, the whole of New York, and even the whole of the United States were completely shocked by this bloody fight that took place underground!

Countless attention eyes were fixed on the Rockefeller Center building and the core figure of this bloody fight, Ye Tian.

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