Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2070 Digging out the mastermind behind the scenes

The fight was over, and there was no suspense about the outcome.

The sniper hiding in the north entrance of the second floor of the underground garage was smashed into a sieve by Cole and the others with random guns. He couldn't die anymore. The brothers who followed him also went to hell to report.

However, the atmosphere in the underground garage is still very tense, the air is filled with the choking smell of gunpowder, gasoline, and the smell of burning rubber, as well as a strong smell of blood!

Next, Ye Tian and Cole split up and searched the second floor of the underground garage thoroughly to see if anything slipped through the net.

In addition to eliminating hidden dangers, this is also a good way to delay time and buy time for the security personnel outside the building and Kenny and the others to start operations and conduct investigations.

During this period, Ye Tian collected all the video materials that everyone took, uploaded them all to the cloud for storage, and sent a copy to David to guard against the New York police.

The impact of this ambush was too great, shaking the entire United States and even the entire world. God knows what the furious New York police will do, and we have to guard against it.

After doing all this and confirming that the underground garage is no longer dangerous and no fish slipped through the net, Ye Tian asked Cole to notify the New York police that they can come in and clean up the mess.

Soon, a large group of heavily armed New York police officers and FBI agents flooded into the underground garage.

There are also two bomb disposal teams, one from the New York Police Department and one from the FBI New York Branch. They each drive two armored vehicles and carry a large number of professional bomb disposal equipment.

When a large number of New York police officers and FBI agents entered the underground garage and saw the scene of bloody blood, thick smoke billowing like a battlefield, they were all stunned.

Especially when they saw the wreckage of the Chevrolet SUV that had been smashed into a pile of scrap metal and completely soaked in blood, they all felt a burst of extreme fear, and some people didn't even dare to take a second look.

They also had a new understanding of Ye Tian's cruelty.

Without exception, each of them was secretly reminding themselves not to become the enemy of this bastard Steven, otherwise they might die without a whole body.

These mafia scumbags who have been crushed into meat paste and cannot be picked up are a lesson learned from the past!

Ye Tian didn't care about the perception of many New York police officers and FBI agents, nor did he take it to heart.

In fact, he didn't mean to warn others when he dealt with the Mafia scum who ambushed him.

The assistant director of the New York Police Department who led the team into the garage, and an assistant director of the FBI's New York branch, came in to check the situation, and then walked towards Ye Tian's car.

It can be seen that the faces of these two guys are extremely ugly, darker than the bottom of the pot.

Seeing them coming, Ye Tian opened the car door, got out of the Paramount Predator car, and stood beside the car waiting for them.

As soon as he got out of the car, Cole, who was armed with live ammunition, quickly pulled up a line of defense to protect him, staring vigilantly at the New York police and FBI agents around him.

While speaking, the two assistant directors had already approached.

Before the two assistant directors made an attack, Ye Tian stepped forward and stretched out his right hand, and said loudly with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Commissioner Grant and Commissioner Sanders, long time no see, I didn't expect to meet you on such an occasion,

It's just too unsightly”

Reach out and don't hit the smiley man! This also applies in the US.

The two assistant directors forcibly suppressed the boiling anger in their chests, all with sullen faces, and shook hands with Ye Tian one after another.

"Steven, good afternoon, it's been a long time, can you tell us about the scene?"

"Good afternoon, Steven, who is ambushing you here? Have you found out the identity of the other party? Can you tell us?"

Hearing these two inquiries, Ye Tian immediately nodded with a smile and said:

"Don't be impatient, the two director generals, my security personnel, and my personal lawyer will explain to you the whole process of this firefight in detail later, knowing everything.

The identity of the gunmen who ambushed us is still unknown, but I believe that it will not be long before the New York police and the FBI can find out their identities. I look forward to hearing good news from you.

Regarding the incident where we were ambushed by the mysterious gunman, we took pictures of the whole process with the cameras we carried on our bodies, and the relevant video materials can be provided to the police and FBI!

However, before that, there is one more important thing to deal with. There are many powerful remote-controlled bombs buried in this underground garage, which have not been dismantled yet and still pose a great threat.

The remote control that controls these bombs has fallen into my hands, and I have removed the batteries on the bomb remote control, and then destroyed the circuit. This remote control is no longer useful.

Your immediate priority is to let professional bomb disposal personnel dismantle those remote-controlled bombs, eliminate this imminent and huge threat, and then talk about other things, such as surveying the scene or something."

With that said, Ye Tian took out the bomb remote control that he took apart, and handed it to the two assistant chiefs.

Looking at the two assistant directors again, their expressions became extremely solemn, and a trace of fear flashed in their eyes at the same time.

Not only them, but also the other New York police officers and FBI agents who followed them, and nearby, felt a burst of fear when they heard Ye Tian's words, and their calves twisted.

This is a parking lot deep underground. Above it is a world-famous skyscraper, one of the largest in New York. There are actually a large number of amazingly powerful remote-controlled bombs buried here. Can it not make people feel scared?

Once those remote-controlled bombs are detonated, will this place become another World Trade Center, will I be buried alive here, and smashed into meat sauce? It's all unknown!

Assistant Director Saunders from the New York branch of the FBI reached out and took the scrapped bomb remote control, and then said solemnly:

"Steven, where are those remote-controlled bombs buried? They are too threatening, and we must dismantle them as soon as possible!"

"Those remote-controlled bombs are buried under all the parking spaces of our company. According to my estimation, there is at least one powerful remote-controlled bomb buried under each parking space, a total of thirty-six.

As for whether there are remote-controlled bombs in other places in this underground garage, it is unknown. This requires you to send professionals to search and survey, and dismantle those bombs! "

Ye Tian said with a smile, his tone was very relaxed, but the content of his words was earth-shattering.


There was a gasping sound at the scene, except for Anderson and Cole, everyone else was frightened.

Thirty-six powerful remote-controlled bombs! This is so fucking crazy, this is going to blow up the Rockefeller Center building!

"Steven, we brought two bomb disposal teams down, please take us there immediately, and dismantle those damn remote bombs as soon as possible!"

Assistant Commissioner Grant of the NYPD spoke eagerly, his voice trembling.

Ye Tian looked at the two old friends in front of him, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Director Grant, Director Sanders, my security personnel are guarding there to prevent anyone from approaching. I will immediately arrange for someone to take you there and dismantle those remote-controlled bombs as soon as possible.

But I am not here to accompany you. My security personnel found two snipers on two nearby buildings. Seeing that the ambush failed, the two snipers withdrew immediately.

My security personnel have quietly followed to see where they will go, and I really want to follow up to see who planned this ambush on Lao Tzu? "

Hearing this, the two assistant directors felt a little bit in their hearts, and they all secretly said that something was wrong.

It's over! This bastard Steven will continue to kill. Next, this bastard will definitely launch a bloody revenge. I don't know how many people will be killed. Where will the next bad luck be?

Before the two old friends could give a response, Ye Tian was about to say goodbye and leave.

"Grant, Sanders, you are busy here first, I will deal with other things, go to meet those friends who ambushed me, my security personnel and lawyers will cooperate with you.

Regarding this fire incident, the video materials we provided and the video materials captured by the underground garage monitoring system are enough to prove our innocence, and we are completely self-defense!

Okay, let's stop here for now, I hope you can successfully dismantle those remote bombs, and I hope I can find the mastermind behind this ambush. See you later! "

After speaking, he turned and walked to the Paramount Predator car, ready to get in the car and leave.

The moment he reached out to pull the car door, the sound of Grant gnashing his back molars suddenly came from behind.

"Steven, our New York police are the law enforcement officers of this city. This is not the wild west. The so-called lynching justice will never be allowed. I hope you can restrain the use of force!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at this old friend, and said with a smile:

"Grant, of course I understand that the New York police are the city's law enforcers, and I also trust the New York police very much, otherwise I wouldn't have donated so much money to the police union!

I'm just very curious as to who planned this ambush to kill me! I will never initiate the use of force, but I will not waive my right to self-defense either.

Another thing I forgot to remind you is that no matter who wants to launch an ambush operation of this scale, it is absolutely impossible to do it overnight, and must have the help and cooperation of many people.

You'd better check the security department of the Rockefeller Center Building and the management department of the underground garage, maybe there will be surprising results, and maybe you can find a few insiders! "

After the words were finished, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and opened the rear door of the Paramount Marauder, and directly boarded the behemoth, ignoring the two assistant directors.

Following him, Cole boarded several other bulletproof SUVs with numerous security personnel, leaving only Anderson and two security personnel outside the vehicle.

The next moment, the heavy convoy started with a bang and headed straight for the south exit on 49th Street.

Looking at the leaving heavy convoy, the eyelids of Grant and Sanders twitched. Both of them felt that disaster was imminent, very bad!

Just as they picked up the walkie-talkie and were about to order the police and FBI who stayed outside, the agents followed Ye Tian and the others, and Anderson, who was standing beside him, suddenly smiled and said:

"Director Glatter, Director Sanders, please follow me, I will take you to the place where the remote-controlled bomb is buried, and I will introduce the whole story of this ambush to you later!"

:. :

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