Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2071 Revenge Team

The area around the Rockefeller Center building has been designated as a restricted area by the New York police, and several cordons have been pulled up to keep people outside, and no one is allowed to approach.

Around and around the famous skyscraper, inside and outside the building, there are heavily armed and armed New York police officers and FBI agents, each of whom is on high alert.

Those guys who had previously protested and demonstrated in the Rockefeller Center Plaza and at the entrances and exits of the underground garages on the north and south sides of the building were all driven out of the cordon after being interrogated by the police.

Of course, it also includes those media reporters who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic.

At this time, the focus of these media reporters was no longer those protesters, but the bloody fight that took place in the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building.

That is the headline news that is enough to stir the world. Compared with the impassioned protests and demonstrations just now, and the tricks that the Koreans have come up with, it is not worth mentioning at all.

The gunfire has been silent for a while, and a large number of police and FBI agents have poured into the underground garage that has become a battlefield, but no one or any car has come out of that garage.

Everyone who surrounded the building and was stopped outside the cordon had gossip burning in their eyes, stood on their toes, stretched their necks, and looked towards the entrance and exit of the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building.

"I don't know the outcome of the fight that took place in the garage? Did Steven and his gang of wolves and tigers win, or the gunmen who ambushed them? I really want to know the result!"

"Any more questions? The guy who won must be Steven. God seems to be with him forever and gave him all the good luck. This time is no exception. Who can kill that bastard?

When the fire broke out, some unlucky people happened to be staying in the garage. Judging from the pictures of the scene they posted on social media, Steven and the others had already killed the gunmen, not one of them was spared! "

Just as people were discussing curiously, there was finally movement at the south exit of the underground garage.

With the roar of the car engine, the Paramount Predator that Ye Tian was riding drove out of the garage first, and drove straight onto the road of 49th Street.

Immediately afterwards, four or five full-size Chevrolet Saaban bulletproof SUVs drove out of the garage one after another, breaking into people's field of vision.

When people saw this heavy convoy rushing out of the garage with gunpowder smoke and even blood, they couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Look, Steven and his gang have come out. Obviously, the gunmen who ambushed them in the underground garage have all been killed by them!"

"Wow! Look at Steven's Paramount Predator. There seems to be red marks on several tires. It is probably blood! The Chevrolet bulletproof SUVs behind are full of bullet holes.

From this, it can be seen how tragic the fight in the garage was just now, and Steven and his men were so aggressive, the fight is obviously not over yet, and the follow-up may be even more exciting."

Amidst the constant discussion, many media reporters outside the cordon raised their cameras and video cameras one after another, aimed all their lenses at the heavy convoy, and quickly pressed the shutter.

Those who protested and demonstrated before saw this murderous heavy-duty convoy, all of them felt terrified, with cold sweat running down their backs!

Fortunately, these people are just protesting and demonstrating.

I didn't intend to confront and attack this cold-blooded bastard Steven head-on, otherwise he might be beaten up, or even killed directly!

Many gunmen who tried to attack the bastard Steven might have mixed in among the protesting crowd, but they didn't find a chance to launch an attack!

If the bastard Steven just got off the car at the edge of the square as usual, and then walked into the building with a group of heavily armed men through the square.

In that case, the trouble will be big, and everyone will be wrapped up in an extremely bloody and cruel fight, and suffer from the disaster!

Thinking of this, those protesters suddenly felt cold all over their bodies, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, shivering from the cold!

Many of them have already made a decision in an instant and never come here to protest and demonstrate again. It is undoubtedly a joke with their own lives.

Not only that, in the future life, I must stay away from Steven, a crazy bastard, so that I will be safer and live longer!

Without the slightest pause, as soon as it drove out of the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center Building, the heavy convoy sped forward and headed straight for Fifth Avenue not far ahead.

Behind this convoy, the New York police officers and FBI New York branch agents who received the order immediately followed up with seven or eight vehicles, including two heavily armed Bearcat police armored vehicles.

Some media reporters who reacted quickly, seeing the convoy leaving, immediately rushed to their respective cars, and then drove up to follow, their excited eyes shining brightly.

Several media helicopters from major media and TV stations in New York, who were broadcasting live in the air, followed closely behind, condescendingly following and reporting.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian's convoy drove onto Fifth Avenue, then headed south along Fifth Avenue, heading straight for Lower Manhattan.

At this moment, Kenny's excited voice came from the wireless headset.

"Steven, we have found out that the two photos and the two fingerprints you sent just now are indeed from two scumbags from the Black Queen, both of whom are members of 'Our Cause'.

They belonged to the "Our Cause" Catania Legion, and their names were Tony and Victor. The guy named Victor had served in the army for a while and was a bomb expert.

These two guys are notorious mafia members, and they are related to many assassinations. Their personal information has already been entered into the fingerprint information database by Interpol, so it is not difficult to find out."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"Sure enough! I've guessed this result a long time ago. It really is the mafia scum of 'our cause'. Just know where they come from, and the next thing will be easy.

When did these mafia scumbags from Sicily come to New York? After arriving in New York, where did they hide? Which mafia family haunts New York City? "

"We used facial recognition technology to compare with the municipal surveillance records of Little Italy in Lower Manhattan and several Italian neighborhoods in Brooklyn, and found something.

About six or seven days ago, that guy named Tony appeared for the first time on a street in Little Italy in lower Manhattan, where one of the five major mafia families in New York, the Gambino family's territory.

Accompanied by Tony, are two members of the Gambino family, that is to say, it is very likely that the Gambino family is secretly providing support for these mafia scumbags from Sicily."

Kenny continued to introduce the situation with a somewhat smug tone.

"The Gambino family! It seems that we are going to confront this notorious mafia family. I have long expected that sooner or later we will confront the New York mafia family.

Now that this day has come, I really want to see if this famous New York mafia family is as powerful as it is said to be, and if it can withstand my revenge."

Ye Tian said with a sneer, murderous intent filled his eyes.

After the voice fell, Kenny continued to say:

"The day after Tony appeared on the streets of Manhattan, the guy named Victor also appeared at the door of an Italian restaurant, and there were a few unfamiliar faces with him.

After face recognition and comparison, those guys, without exception, are all members of the "Our Cause" Catania Legion, and everyone is the focus of the Italian police and Interpol.

This time, it was two other members of the Gambino family who accompanied them and took them in and out, and the temporary residence of these Sicilian Mafia scumbags was also on the Gambino family's territory.

Through these video surveillance data, it is absolutely certain that the famous Gambino family is providing support for these mafia scumbags from Sicily so that those scumbags can ambush them.

Three nights ago, these guys left the residence in two vans and came to the Rockefeller Center building, posing as plumbers and air-conditioning repair technicians, and entered the underground garage.

It was two security personnel from the Rockefeller Center Building who led them into the underground garage, and two managers of the underground garage also provided convenience for these mafia scum in disguise.

At noon today, as soon as you returned to your home on 110th Street, these mafia scumbags have received the news, then left the residence, drove to the Rockefeller Center building, and ambushed in the garage."

After listening to the briefing, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, and the murderous look in his eyes became even stronger.

"Send me the photos and personal information of all relevant personnel, as well as the screenshots of the surveillance video. We are on our way to Lower Manhattan, and we just took this opportunity to say hello to the Gambino family.

The two snipers who escaped from here have already arrived in Little Italy. The place where they got off is Little Italy, and it is the territory of the Gambino family. I believe we will see them soon! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll send you the relevant information right away"

Kenny responded and immediately took action.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had received those materials, and then browsed them on his mobile phone.

The heavy-duty convoy he was riding in, under the gaze of countless astonished and even a little scared eyes, quickly passed through one intersection after another, and soon came to lower Manhattan.

With the arrival of this vengeance convoy, some streets in lower Manhattan immediately became restless, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more tense.

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