Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2073 Mysterious Killer

The latest website: About 20 minutes later, the gunfire stopped. This siege operation in Little Italy in lower Manhattan finally ended with the victory of the FBI and the New York police.

Several Italian mafia scumbags hiding in a four-story apartment building were either shot dead on the spot or captured, and were killed by the joint efforts of the New York police and the FBI.

This included the two snipers who had just withdrawn from the Rockefeller Center building and couldn't even catch their breath.

Ye Tian was the one who provided the exact hiding places of these scumbags.

It was because of the information he provided that the police and FBI were able to locate the hiding places of those Italian scumbags so quickly and accurately, and wiped out those guys.

Just as the gunfire stopped, Cole and the others secretly retracted the beetle drone used for tracking and monitoring, without attracting anyone's attention.

After taking care of those mafia scumbags from Sicily, the FBI agents continued their efforts and rushed directly into the bar of the Gambino family, arresting the boss of the Gambino family and several high-level figures.

When these bigwigs of the Gambino family came out of the bar in handcuffs and being escorted by FBI agents, many media reporters gathered outside the cordon were all excited to the climax.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the Paramount Marauder car and still watching the excitement on the north side of the intersection, smiled and nodded at those notorious mafia bosses, regardless of whether those scumbags could see it or not!

At the same time, the mafia bosses of the Gambino family also looked over in unison. Everyone's eyes were full of anger and hatred, as well as fear and fear.

It wasn't until these mafia bosses were all escorted into the police car that Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Okay, Cole, the matter here is over for the time being, let's go back, and then we have to deal with the New York police, make notes or something"

After the words fell, Cole's voice came over immediately.

"Got it, Steven"

Immediately afterwards, their heavy convoy started up again, turned around and drove towards the Rockefeller Center building.

By the time they rushed back to Rockefeller Center, everyone in the famous skyscraper had been evacuated, as was the situation in other surrounding buildings.

Everyone came to the street outside, braving the cold wind, staying outside the cordon, stretching their necks one by one, looking at the situation on the other side of the building, everyone felt terrified!

Not only that, all the subway lines passing through the underground of the Rockefeller Center Building have stopped running, and several surrounding streets have also been completely blocked by the police and designated as restricted areas.

At this time, the two bomb disposal teams of the New York police and the FBI were dismantling those remote-controlled bombs in the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building.

As soon as Ye Tian's heavy convoy came back here, it immediately caused a sensation and attracted countless attentions.

"Steven and he and his gang are back. It is said that they just rushed to Little Italy in lower Manhattan and took the Gambino family, one of the five major mafia families in New York, to death. It's really ruthless!"

"It was the New York police and FBI New York branch that took out the Gambino family, but it has a lot to do with Steven, who brought a large number of police and FBI agents to Little Italy.

This is really a crazy bastard. Those idiots who ambushed him in the underground garage didn't know what they were thinking. Not only did they risk their own lives, but they would definitely suffer crazy revenge! "

Just when people were discussing, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the place where the employees of their company gathered.

Ye Tian didn't get off the car, but asked Cole to get off the car and inform all the company employees that they can go home and don't need to wait here, or go to the Plaza Hotel not far away to rest.

It will be two days before the police and the FBI dismantle all the time bombs, thoroughly check the Rockefeller Center building and the surrounding area, and then allow everyone to enter the building to work.

After receiving the notice, the employees of the Brave and Fearless Exploration Company dispersed one after another and went back to their respective homes. There were also some curious guys who continued to stay here to watch the fun.

Accompanied by several elite lawyers, Ye Tian and the others began to contact the New York police and the FBI, introducing the process of the firefight to prove their innocence.

In his busy schedule, Ye Tian's first day back in New York passed like this, and it was extremely thrilling.

It was the second day in a blink of an eye, the sun was shining and the weather was very nice.

After waking up early and finishing morning exercises in the gym, Ye Tian went to the kitchen and made himself a fairly hearty breakfast to replenish the energy he had just consumed.

While he was having breakfast, Cole suddenly knocked on the door and walked into the apartment, and said to him in a little surprise:

"Steven, good morning, Assistant Director Sanders of the FBI's New York branch has come over and asked to see you, and this guy brought a group of fully armed FBI agents, aggressive!"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head and glanced out of the window, then pretended to be curious and said:

"What's Sanders doing here so early in the morning? He's still aggressive. Didn't the fight that happened in the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center Building yesterday have already been explained clearly?

Relevant video materials have also been handed over to the FBI and the New York police. Those video materials are enough to prove our innocence without any doubt, so why did he come here at this time?

Cole, check if Sanders and the others have a search warrant, if they have, let them in, and you will accompany and monitor them, if not, then only Sanders is allowed to bring one of his men in."

"No problem, Steven, leave it to us!"

Cole responded, turned and left the apartment.

After Cole left, Ye Tian immediately took out his mobile phone and called Anderson, telling him to come here immediately, and notifying the news media to let those uncrowned kings come here for interviews.

In fact, many reporters from major news media have already gathered downstairs in the apartment at this time. These guys who are afraid of chaos in the world, stayed here all night yesterday!

After receiving the call, Anderson immediately took action and drove towards this side.

About ten minutes later, under Cole's leadership, Sanders walked into this top luxury apartment in New York with a gloomy face and menace.

There was also an FBI agent who came in together, only carrying a pistol, not a long gun.

Obviously, the guys from the New York branch of the FBI came in a hurry and did not bring a search warrant. The rest of the FBI agents could only stay downstairs, and only Sanders came up with one of his men.

Seeing this old friend, Ye Tian immediately put on a bright smile and stepped forward to meet him.

"Good morning, Sanders, what brought you here? Welcome to my house, so beautiful!"

With that said, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand, acting very politely.

Sanders shook his hand with a sullen face, then stared into his eyes, gritted his molars and said:

"Good morning, Steven, your apartment is very beautiful, it's like a beautiful palace, it's the top mansion in New York, but I'm not here as a guest.

Just last night, seven or eight important members of the Gambino family were silently killed. Those guys died in different hiding places, each of which was very secretive.

After an overnight interrogation last night, we managed to pry open the mouths of those mafia scumbags in Sicily, and learned that these scumbags from the Gambino family were providing them with cover and help.

When we got the list, checked the addresses and hiding places of these scumbags, and rushed to those places early in the morning, those scumbags had already had their throats cut with knives, and they were all dead..."

Sanders was about to continue talking, but Ye Tian suddenly interrupted him.

"I understand what you mean, Sanders, you came here so early, do you want to ask, or suspect, the mysterious killer who killed those scumbags last night, was it me?

Regarding this question, I am sorry that I cannot answer it for the time being. My lawyer is driving here and I believe he will arrive soon. I will answer this question when Anderson arrives! "

Hearing this, a look of helplessness flashed across Sanders' face, what else could he say.

I don't have a search warrant in my hand, and the other party is a super rich man, and he is the focus of everyone's attention. Almost all the media are now staring at this guy, and he can't use coercive means at all.

In desperation, Sanders could only nod with a wry smile and said:

"Okay, Steven, we'll wait here for your lawyer to arrive, and I'd love to hear your explanation then"

Next, Ye Tian took the two of them to the living room to sit down, brought them a cup of coffee each, then talked about him from left to right, and chatted about other topics.

Not long after, Anderson finally arrived at Ye Tian's house with an assistant lawyer.

Everyone is familiar with it, so some procedures on the scene, such as introducing each other and so on, are omitted.

When Anderson and the others also sat down in the living room, Ye Tian immediately briefly introduced the situation, then looked at Sanders with a smile and said:

"Director Saunders, I believe you also know that after returning home last night, I never left again. Until this morning, those bright posts and secret posts you set up outside the apartment building are not decorations."

Hearing this, Sanders' old face couldn't help turning red, somewhat embarrassed, but he didn't say anything.

As the bastard in front of him said, outside this apartment building, the New York police and the New York branch of the FBI have placed a lot of eyeliners, closely watching the bastard's every move, lest he launch a bloody revenge.

Everyone in the world knows that this is a bastard who will take revenge, and revenge will not last overnight, so we have to guard against it!

According to those eyeliner reports, they did not see this bastard leave last night, he seemed to have been staying at home.

If it wasn't him, who did the series of bloody killings last night?

Except for the bastard Steven, who could kill so many mafia scum overnight and silently without leaving any traces or evidence?

This is too much like Steven, the bastard's handwriting. The same thing happened in France and Italy. Those bloody killing scenes also left no clues!

Thinking of this, Sunderston suddenly felt a pain in his brain, but he was also very helpless.

How on earth did he do it? The cunning bastard.

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