Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2074 Who Did It?

The latest website: Without waiting for Sanders to give a response, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In addition to the NYPD and your FBI's outposts, those media reporters guarding outside the apartment building can also provide strong proof that I did not leave my home last night.

It can be seen from this that the series of killings that happened last night have nothing to do with me at all, and you shouldn't be looking for me! This may be a dispute within the mafia, but it looks more like killing people.

But for these killings, I am happy to see the results. For the citizens of New York, this is also a good thing. Those guys are out-and-out scum, and they deserve to die! "

Hearing this, Sanders couldn't help but rolled his eyes angrily, complaining secretly.

The death of those mafia scumbags in the Gambino family has nothing to do with you bastard? I wouldn't believe it even if I was killed, not just me, nor anyone else.

Although he thought so in his heart, Sanders couldn't think of words to refute for a while, not to mention how depressed he was.

Ye Tian looked at this old friend, continued to smile and said:

"Sanders, can you reveal the identities of these mafia scumbags who were killed last night? I really want to know who are secretly plotting against me and helping those Sicilian scumbags?"

After the words fell, Sanders immediately said angrily:

"Steven, stop acting, don't you know the identities of those mafia scumbags? How is it possible? Even if you don't know, I can't reveal the identities of those scumbags, even if they are all dead!"

Hearing this, Anderson, who was sitting aside, was ready to intervene immediately, warning Sanders to watch his words.

However, Ye Tian reached out and pressed down in time to stop Anderson.

"Whether you believe it or not, Sanders, I still have to say that I really don't know the identities and hiding places of those guys, and since you don't intend to reveal the identities of those scumbags, I can't force it.

I have answered your question. The killings that happened last night were not done by me, and there are many witnesses to prove it. Can you dispel your doubts about me? "

"That's right, Steven, you do have a lot of witnesses, which can prove that you did not leave this top apartment last night, but the witnesses alone are not enough, more evidence is needed.

If I'm not wrong, this luxurious apartment must be equipped with a top-notch security system and many surveillance cameras. Can you show us the surveillance data from last night? "

"It's okay to watch the surveillance data, Sanders, but there is one thing I must explain. Every day when we return to the apartment, we will turn off the surveillance cameras at home and only turn on the ones outside the apartment.

This is to protect personal privacy. No one wants to expose their private life to surveillance cameras, and neither do we. After returning home last night, I turned off all the surveillance cameras at home.

But the corridors outside the apartment, the elevator room, the roof, the facade of the apartment building, and the surveillance probes covering the street outside were all turned on last night, and the video surveillance data was also intact.

It can be seen from these video surveillance data that I did not leave my home last night, which is enough to prove that the series of killings in New York last night had nothing to do with me!

I can provide these video surveillance data, but it must be kept in absolute secrecy, because these surveillance data will reveal the location of various outdoor surveillance probes, which will bring security risks.

In other words, if you want to see these video surveillance materials, you must go through legal procedures, and try to minimize the number of people who have access to these surveillance materials. I believe this is not difficult to understand.”

Hearing this, Sanders couldn't help but a look of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The bastard Steven is so convincing and so confident. Could it be that he really wasn't responsible for the series of killings last night? Who is it, who has such a powerful strength?

Looking at the bewildered Sanders, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a hint of joking in the depths of his eyes, which was fleeting.

Next, Sanders asked a few more questions, then got up and left with that subordinate, still puzzled when he left.

Ye Tian personally sent them out the door and to the elevator entrance.

Just when the elevator door opened and Sanders and the others were about to enter the elevator, Ye Tian suddenly smiled and asked:

"Sanders, the boss of the Gambino family and other high-level figures, when will you come out of your FBI New York branch building, I really want to pay a visit to those famous scumbags!"

Hearing this, Sands immediately froze in place as if he had been hit by a hold spell, his eyes almost flew out of their sockets!

Steven, this crazy bastard, does he want to kill them all? Get rid of all the bosses of the Gambino family? That would definitely lead to an extremely bloody war.

If he dared to do this, New York would be over, and it would surely become a battlefield full of bullets and blood.


After Sanders and the others left, Ye Tian discussed with Anderson for a while, discussing how to deal with the next investigation by the New York police and the FBI.

The answer is simple, whether you do it or not, you cannot admit it if you are killed.

In the blink of an eye, it was already a quarter past nine in the morning.

Many media reporters who stood outside the apartment building against the cold wind and waited for the opportunity to interview finally.

When these media reporters saw the door of the apartment building opened, Ye Tian and the others came out of the building, and immediately rushed up like a tide, trying to interview Ye Tian.

As in the past, these media reporters were once again stopped by the police who maintained order at the scene, but Ye Tian did not refuse to interview this time.

Taking this opportunity, he publicly announced that the person who ambushed himself and planted a large number of remote-controlled bombs in the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center yesterday came from the notorious Italian mafia organization, "Our Cause."

He is putting eye salve on 'our cause', and he is also using the power of the media and public opinion to deliberately create momentum to put pressure on the US government and the Italian government to let them come forward to wipe out 'our cause'.

As for the conflict or hatred between himself and 'our cause', he also briefly introduced it.

Of course, those Italian mafia scumbags wanted to loot their own treasures and wealth, but they chose the wrong opponent and kicked them on the iron plate.

Not only 'Our Cause', the Gambino family was also hit by him.

He disclosed the fact that the Gambino family and 'Our Cause' colluded with each other, provided support for those mafia scum from Sicily, and created yesterday's appalling ambush.

As for his purpose, it is still to use the media and public opinion to put pressure on the US government, the New York City government and the police, and use their power to deal with the Gambino family.

In addition, he did not forget to clear himself up, claiming that the series of killings that occurred in New York last night had nothing to do with him, and he never went out after returning home at night.

Regarding this, the police and FBI agents standing outside the apartment building, as well as many media reporters can attest to this.

Moreover, he also characterized the series of killings last night in a speculative tone, claiming that they were probably fighting within the mafia, or someone was killing people to silence them.

Between the words, he vaguely pointed his target at the senior management of the Gambino family, pouring dirty water on those mafia scumbags!

Anyway, those mafia scumbags are already extremely dirty, they stink from head to toe, and they don't care about adding another basin of dirty water.

After the performance, Ye Tian and the others got in the car and left, heading straight to Sotheby's auction house in Midtown Manhattan.

At ten o'clock this morning, Sotheby's auction house will hold a large auction, which can be regarded as a preview of this year's New York spring auction season, which is relatively important.

In this large auction, there will be several antique works of art belonging to Ye Tian, ​​and each one is worth a lot of money, that's why he rushed to participate.

At ten o'clock in the morning, just as the auction had just started, Ye Tian also just arrived, and led by the manager of Sotheby's Auction House, walked into the auction venue.

His arrival immediately detonated the entire auction venue.

"I'm going! Why is this guy Steven here? He still has the mind to participate in the auction? This is not a good thing. Could it be that he has taken a fancy to an antique artwork that was auctioned today and is going to compete with us?"

"If he participates in this auction as a buyer, then that's fine. I'm afraid he didn't come to participate in the auction, but to fight some enemy, and that would be troublesome.

The bloody fight that shocked the world yesterday is still fresh in my memory, and I am afraid when I think about it. I hope God bless that such a thing will not happen here, and we will not encounter it! "

The auction venue was like a boiling pot, everyone was talking about it, everyone had a bit of fear in their eyes, felt their legs were weak, and almost had no strength to stand up.

For all of this, Ye Tian turned a blind eye and acted as if nothing happened.

He greeted the collectors, antique art appraisal experts, and art dealers he knew, and strode towards the front row of the auction venue.

Soon, a group of them came to the front row of the venue, sat down in the reserved seats, chatted in low voices, and flipped through the auction brochure.

The other people in the auction venue were still worried, all worried.

This plague god-like guy, wouldn't bring the war here and turn this auction venue into a Shura field full of bullets and corpses?

Fortunately, nothing like this happened.

As the auction progressed, people's attention gradually shifted, and they returned to the main topic again, and began to compete for those exquisite and valuable antique works of art.

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