Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2080 Ancient Roman Shipwreck Treasure

In a blink of an eye, it was two days later.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, a huge convoy left the Rockefeller Center Plaza and sped straight to JFK International Airport in Queens.

It was Ye Tian, ​​a large number of armed security personnel under him, and 20 employees of the brave and fearless exploration company who left in this convoy.

The purpose of their trip is Athens, Greece, which is on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea. Another exploration trip destined to cause a sensation in the world has begun.

Leaving Rockefeller Center Plaza with them and preparing to go to Athens, Greece, there are two film crews from National Geographic Channel and NBC Television.

The exploration operation has not yet started, Ye Tian has already sold the broadcast rights of this exploration operation, and made a small profit.

Having experienced the fight with "Our Cause" before, coupled with the special place where the treasure is buried, choosing to make this exploration operation public and broadcast live is a way to protect yourself.

Under the lens of the camera and in front of all the TV audiences around the world, even if someone wants to deal with him, they will be a little more scrupulous and dare not act recklessly.

It didn't take long for this huge convoy to arrive at Kennedy International Airport.

Because this time, a large group of people set off together, with a lot of weapons and ammunition, so Ye Tian and the others did not drive directly to the private jet landing pad as usual, but entered the terminal building.

Ye Tian didn't want to be regarded as an arms dealer. The weapons and ammunition they carried had to undergo security checks, and each item had to be registered in the register, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

In addition, he has another purpose, which is to create momentum for this exploration operation and attract more attention, so that it will be safer.

Many media reporters who heard the news, as well as those media reporters who have been guarding the Kennedy International Airport all year round, also cooperated very well and successfully helped him achieve this goal.

As soon as Ye Tian and his group entered the terminal, dozens of media reporters rushed up like a tide, trying to conduct interviews.

This time Ye Tian didn't refuse the interview, but stopped, looked at these uncrowned kings swarming with a smile, and prepared to start his own performance.

When these media reporters rushed to a distance of five or six meters from Ye Tian, ​​they were immediately stopped by the well-prepared security personnel.

He could only ask questions at the top of his voice.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from the Washington Post. It is said that you have reached a settlement with 'Our Cause', one of the three major factions of the Italian mafia. ?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately looked at the media reporter who asked the question, smiled and said loudly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, good morning, I'm Steven, I'm very glad to meet you here and accept your interview.

Here I would like to solemnly declare that I am a legal citizen and have always been law-abiding, and the Intrepid Exploration Company under my name is also a law-abiding entity.

Myself and my company are clean and have no affiliation with any Mafia organization, including 'Our Cause', nor will we have any ties to any such organization.

So, I would like to remind this reporter friend, pay attention to your questions, and don’t associate us with any mafia organization, I will not answer such boring questions.”

Hearing what he said, everyone at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, and they all complained secretly.

This is called talking nonsense with your eyes open! The face is not red and the heart is not beating, the acting skills are too good, and the skin is too thick!

I don't know who it is? A few days ago, the massacres in the underground garage of the Rockefeller Center building, and many people related to the ambush were killed one after another, and the whole New York was shrouded in an atmosphere of terror!

In the remote Sicily, Italy, who hired a large number of killers and mercenaries? Turned the whole of Sicily into a battlefield full of blood and fire, and those mafia scumbags who were killed were terrified!

That's it, you bastard actually said that you have nothing to do with the Mafia, who would believe it? Do you believe it yourself? Anyway, we won't believe it if we kill him!

All the media reporters were complaining wildly in their hearts, but everyone was very sensible and didn't get entangled in this issue.

As soon as Ye Tian's voice fell, the second media reporter jumped out and asked loudly:

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from FOX News in New York. Some time ago, your company's deep-sea salvage ship "Intrepid" left New York Harbor and arrived in Athens, Greece after a few days of sailing.

Now you are traveling in a large group and are about to leave New York. May I ask if you are going to launch a new exploration operation? Have you found treasure in the waters off Athens? Can you tell us about it? "

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from CBS TV station. It seems that you left New York this time to explore treasures. Is the treasure you explored this time related to the Knights Templar?

If it has nothing to do with the famous Knights Templar, can you tell us about the specific situation of this treasure, where is this treasure buried, and how much is it worth? Everyone is very interested?

If this treasure is related to the Knights Templar, where is it buried in Greece? When will your joint exploration of the Knights Templar’s ​​treasure with the Vatican end? "

Many media reporters at the scene asked loud questions one after another, and the scene was extremely lively, as if a pot was boiling.

A little farther away, many tourists stopped in their tracks and gathered around to watch. Everyone was very curious, their eyes were full of envy, even jealousy!

Steven, the bastard, actually found another treasure. Is there any reason? God is really blind. All the good things happened on that bastard's head, but he couldn't even get a hair out of it. It's so unfair!

Amidst the din, Ye Tian raised his hands and pressed down gently, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

Following his gesture, the scene gradually became quiet.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out and reached the ears of everyone present.

"My friends from the media, you guessed right, we are leaving New York this time, and we are going to Athens, Greece. In the next period of time, we will launch a new exploration operation.

However, this exploration operation has nothing to do with the famous treasure of the Knights Templar. The Vatican, which cooperated with us before, will naturally not participate in it. There is no partner in this exploration operation.

As for the joint exploration of the treasure of the Knights Templar with the Vatican, after this exploration operation is over, it will continue. It will not take long for the secret of the treasure of the Knights Templar to be completely revealed! "

Hearing this, everyone at the scene immediately understood that the bastard Steven discovered a new treasure. He is really an extremely lucky bastard!

And judging from the posture they put up, this unknown treasure must be very astonishing, and it is likely to be another huge discovery that shocked the world.

Thinking of this, everyone was going crazy with envy, and many people's eyes turned red with jealousy, wishing they could replace Ye Tian.

The performance of the people at the scene was all seen by Ye Tian. He just smiled softly and continued with his performance.

"Let's talk about the treasures to be explored this time. Our company's intelligence collectors in Europe collected a piece of information last year, saying that somewhere in the high seas of the Mediterranean, someone discovered the wreckage of several shipwrecks.

In and near those wrecks, there appear to be some ancient sculptures and other antiques, as well as gold and silver treasures, a valuable shipwreck worth the effort to salvage.

After receiving this news, we immediately searched various materials and investigated the hydrological conditions of the shipwreck site. After doing a lot of homework, we finally confirmed that the possibility of the existence of this shipwreck treasure is very high.

Based on the collected information, I preliminarily determined that it should be an ancient Roman shipwreck site, and the sculptures that appeared near the sunken ship are likely to be ancient Roman sculptures or sculptures from the Hellenistic period.

That's why I decided to launch this exploration operation to see if I can find this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure. If I can find it, it would be great. If I can't find it, everyone will take it as a vacation! "

Before the words were finished, the scene was completely boiling, all the media reporters were crazily exclaiming, and many onlookers around were also very excited.

"My God! The treasures of shipwrecks in the ancient Roman period, and there are several shipwrecks, this is too exaggerated!"

"Did I hear you right? Ancient Roman sculptures or sculptures from the Hellenistic period, each piece of sculpture from these two periods is worth a lot of money, and there may be priceless treasures like "Venus de Milo"!"

Seeing these exclaimed media reporters, Ye Tian couldn't help flashing a look of complacency in his eyes.

After a short pause, he continued:

"Those ancient Roman shipwrecks have been sleeping on the bottom of the sea for a thousand or two thousand years, maybe they have been completely buried by sand, or they have already become a paradise for various marine life in the Mediterranean.

To be honest, I am not very optimistic about this exploration operation, but since I know that there is such a shipwreck treasure, I can't miss it. What if we find this treasure? "

Speaking of which, a reporter suddenly interjected and asked:

"Steven, can you tell me where this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure is located in the Mediterranean? Another point, can we follow up and interview? I hope you can allow it!"

Ye Tian looked at the reporter, then jokingly said:

"Dude, if it were you who found such a valuable treasure, would you disclose the exact location of the treasure before you found and retrieved it? Presumably you would not, and neither would I!

Let me talk about the interview, I am very sorry, friends from the media, I have sold the broadcasting rights of this exploration of ancient Roman shipwreck treasures to National Geographic Channel and NBC TV station! "

"I'll go! This greedy bastard, he never misses every opportunity to make money, it's really disgusting!"

Many media reporters at the scene rolled their eyes and complained secretly, but they were also very helpless.

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions before ending the impromptu press conference and leading the team to the VIP channel.

While the group of them was undergoing the security check, they discovered a treasure of an ancient Roman shipwreck, and the news that they were about to fly to Athens, Greece to start an exploration operation had spread like the wind across the world.

Unsurprisingly, countless fiery gazes instantly focused on Ye Tian and the Dauntless which was moored at the port of Piraeus, Greece!

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wants to see.

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