Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2081 Athens at Midnight

Athens, here we come.

A private jet and an American Airlines charter plane that Ye Tian and the others took arrived in Athens at midnight and landed smoothly on the runway of Athens International Airport.

At this time, Athens has been completely shrouded in night, and there are sporadic snowflakes in the sky, the temperature is very low, and it is somewhat cold.

Of course, compared with New York, which is still freezing, it is much warmer here.

After getting off the plane, looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky and feeling the temperature here, some of the thinly dressed guys who came to Athens for the first time couldn't help shivering.

"Hey! Isn't Athens located at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula, on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea? It's not far from Africa. Why is the weather so cold here? I'm so surprised."

"Yeah, it's still snowing in Athens. I thought it was very warm here, and I could enjoy the sunny beach and swim in the blue water every day by the sea. That's not the case!"

Looking at these embarrassed guys, the rest of the group laughed gloatingly.

Later, some guys who had been to Athens or knew something about Athens explained with a smile:

"Although Athens is located at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula, deep into the Mediterranean Sea, its climate is quite special. It is the junction of the Mediterranean climate zone and the alpine climate zone, and it belongs to the typical Mediterranean climate.

At the same time, Athens is also located in the rain shadow area. Compared with other cities with a Mediterranean climate, it is very dry here. It snows almost every winter in Athens, and the lowest temperature can even reach about minus ten degrees.

However, after leaving Athens and entering the Mediterranean Sea, everyone can enjoy the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean Sea. Although the temperature of the sea water is a bit lower than in summer, you can still go for a swim in the sea.”

During the conversation, everyone got off the two planes and stood on the runway where the planes were, laughing and chatting.

At this moment, from the side of the airport terminal building and the side of the airport apron entrance, a convoy appeared respectively, galloping straight towards the two planes.

Before and after the two convoys, there were several Greek police cars and the vehicles of the airport customs. The lights of the police flashed non-stop, creating a somewhat tense atmosphere virtually.

In addition to these two convoys, there were also several ferry vehicles driving over here.

the first to arrive,

It was the security convoy led by Mattis.

The vehicles that make up this security convoy are exactly the Mercedes-Benz bulletproof SUVs and two passenger cars that Ye Tian and the others used when they jointly explored the treasure of the Knights Templar.

The security personnel who followed Matisse include both Ye Tian's subordinates and Raytheon security personnel employed by him. Everyone is very familiar with and knows everything!

During the driving process, the security convoy was divided into two parts. Some vehicles drove to the runway where the American Airlines chartered plane was located, while the other vehicles drove to the runway dedicated to private jets.

After the convoy arrived, many heavily armed security personnel got out of the car immediately, quickly dispersed around the Bombardier Global Express 8000, and became vigilant.

And Mathis and Jason walked towards Ye Tian and the others.

"Good evening, Steven, David, welcome to Athens"

With that said, these two guys have come to the front and greeted everyone.

Ye Tian bumped fists with these two guys, and casually asked about the situation here, but nothing happened, and everything went very smoothly.

After chatting for a few words, the convoy galloping from the terminal has also arrived at the runway dedicated to private jets and stopped outside the cordon built by the security personnel.

This convoy is very special. In addition to the police cars and airport customs vehicles, the flags of Greece and the United States are hung on the fronts of the other cars, which is very eye-catching!

Seeing these vehicles, Ye Tian and David immediately looked at each other and smiled.

Needless to say, the Greek government has already heard the news and sent high-ranking officials to find out. The appearance of the diplomats from the US embassy in Greece was also expected by Ye Tian.

The car door opened, and a group of guys in overcoats, suits and leather shoes came out of those cars one after another, and then, under the protection of several Greek policemen, crossed the cordon and walked straight towards Ye Tian and the others.

Among them are some old friends, such as Maria, the curator of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, one of the top ten museums in the world, and Pandemaris, the curator of the Acropolis Museum in Athens.

Ye Tian had dealt with these two before in New York and Paris, and more than once, so he was quite familiar with them.

Seeing them, Ye Tian immediately nodded to David, Jason and the others, and then went forward together.

In a blink of an eye, the two sides have converged.

Pandemaris, the curator of the Acropolis Museum, took the first step, extended his right hand to Ye Tian, ​​and said with a smile:

"Good evening, Steven, long time no see, welcome to Greece, welcome to Athens, I hope you like this ancient city"

Ye Tian shook hands with this old friend, and said politely:

"Good evening, Mr. Pendermalis, nice to meet you, it's so late, and the weather is so cold, I didn't expect you to come to the airport to meet us, I'm really surprised.

I came to Athens once a few years ago, and I really like this ancient and historic city, and I never want to leave, this is my second visit, and I will definitely have a different feeling and gain.”

Hearing his words, all the Greeks at the scene couldn't help but twitch their eyelids, feeling that something was wrong.

You greedy bastard, you'd better get nothing, don't take any antique art from Athens, don't take any antique art from Greece, the best result is to return empty-handed.

Next, Pandelmaris introduced several other Greeks to Ye Tian.

Except for Maria, the director of the Greek National Archaeological Museum, the rest are all senior officials of the Greek government, from the Greek Ministry of Culture and the Association for the Protection of Cultural Heritage.

When introducing the Greek Minister of Culture, the senior official of the Greek government said solemnly:

"Mr. Steven, I don't know where the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure you explored this time is located? Can you disclose it? If possible, our Greek government also wants to participate in this exploration operation.

One thing I must solemnly declare, if this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure is within the territorial waters of Greece, then your company must obtain the permission of our government to explore the treasure, otherwise it will be illegal! "

I just know that you guys are here for the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, and for the ancient Roman or Hellenistic sculptures that may exist in the treasure, not to welcome us!

However, this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure was stolen from those mafia scumbags with great difficulty, so no one can covet it!

A trace of disdain flashed deep in Ye Tian's eyes, but there was always a bright smile on his face.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Minister, this involves commercial secrets. I can't disclose the specific location of this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, but I am very sure that this sunken ship treasure is in the high seas.

I fully understand your Greek government’s desire to participate in this exploration operation, but I’m sorry, our company does not intend to introduce any third party to this exploration of the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure.”

As soon as the words fell, the faces of all the Greeks on the scene changed slightly, and they returned to normal in a blink of an eye, but everyone's eyes showed a bit of unwillingness.

Especially Maria, the curator of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, how could she be willing to let go of such an opportunity that fell from the sky.

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, the old friend couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, when you left New York, you told the media reporters that in this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, there are likely to be ancient Roman or Hellenistic sculptures, as well as other antiques.

The research on ancient Roman and Hellenistic sculptures is the strength of our museum. I hope you will let our museum participate in this exploration, which will benefit both of us.”

Ye Tian looked at this elegant old woman, then smiled and said:

"Maria, it is undeniable that the National Archaeological Museum of Greece is very powerful, especially in the research of ancient Greek and Hellenistic sculptures, it is an authority among the authorities.

But whether to let your museum participate in this exploration operation, I have to think about it, I can't answer you for the time being, please be patient, I will give you an answer in a short time! "

"Well then, Steven, I hope we can work together to explore this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure in the Mediterranean Sea and uncover the secrets left by history."

Maria continued, somewhat disappointed, but her eyes were still full of expectation.

Next, it's the turn of the guys from the US embassy in Greece.

There are not many of these guys, except for the security personnel and diplomats, there are only four, but the weight is not light. The leader is the US ambassador to Greece, the cultural counselor and others.

After the two parties got to know each other and made some polite remarks, the American ambassador pulled Ye Tian aside and said to him in a low voice:

"Steven, I just received a call from the White House. If you really find ancient Roman or Hellenistic sculptures this time, it's best to ship them all back to the United States.

Our embassy will fully assist and give strong support, and several military bases of the US military in Greece and Sicily, Italy will also give you support and provide convenience! "

When he said these words, the ambassador was full of excitement, and his eyes kept flashing with greed.

Ancient Greece and Rome are the origins of Western civilization. Sculpture works from ancient Greece and Rome are highly valued and of great significance in any Western country, and the United States is naturally no exception.

Ye Tian looked at the person in front of him, then smiled and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Ambassador, on the way to Athens, I received a call from Mr. President himself. I am also very concerned about the sculptures and antiques that may exist in this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure.

In addition, some friends from the Metropolitan Museum, the National Gallery of Art, and several other famous museums also called to ask about the treasure of this sunken ship.

However, the exploration operation has not yet officially started. It is too early to talk about this now. It will not be too late to talk about this when we find and unearth this treasure. We may need your help by then! "

The ambassador paused for a moment, then nodded with a chuckle and said:

"You're right, Steven, I hope you can find this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, and give everyone a huge surprise."

After dealing with this one, Ye Tian exchanged some pleasantries with the others, and then everyone got into the car, ready to go to the terminal for customs clearance, and then left the airport to go to the city of Athens.

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