Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2082 The Temple on the Top of the Mountain

Athens, the capital and largest city of Greece, is located at the southern tip of the Balkan Peninsula. It has a typical Mediterranean climate, with warm and humid winters, little rain and plenty of sunshine in summers.

This is one of the oldest cities in Europe, and even in the entire world, with a well-documented history of more than 3,000 years, known as the "cradle of European civilization".

It is also the birthplace of European philosophy, which has had a major impact on the development of European and world culture. It has produced a large number of historical greats such as Socrates and Plato, and is the origin of the so-called folk culture.

In the entire western world, Athens can even be called the spiritual home of people, and its status is extremely important.

After a long time of more than three thousand years, Athens still retains many historical sites and a large number of works of art, radiating the bright light of civilization.

The most famous of these is the Parthenon on the Acropolis, which is regarded as a symbol of Western culture and stands on the top of the Acropolis.

In addition, Athens is also the birthplace of the modern Olympic Games and has hosted many Olympic Games.

When the convoy of Ye Tian and the others entered the downtown area of ​​Athens, darkness still shrouded the ancient city, and the people living in this city were all asleep in their dreams.

Because of the dark night, although Ye Tian and the others had already entered Athens, they were unable to appreciate the beauty of this city and appreciate the historical charm accumulated over the past three thousand years, which was somewhat regrettable.

However, when the convoy entered the central city of Athens and bypassed several hills of different heights, everyone's eyes lit up in the convoy.

Not far in front of the convoy, the Parthenon Temple standing on the top of the Acropolis suddenly broke into everyone's field of vision.

Although it is early morning, darkness covers the earth and the whole city, but under the illumination of landscape lights, the Parthenon Temple on the top of the Acropolis looks resplendent, simple and solemn!

Looking at it suddenly, it looks like a temple that fell from the sky, emitting extremely bright light, illuminating the entire Athens, the entire Western world, and Western civilization!

Seeing this scene, there was an exclamation in the convoy immediately.

"Wow! It's so spectacular! It's so shocking! At this moment, I really appreciate the greatness of the Parthenon!"

"The Parthenon is so beautiful, who would have thought that such a magnificent and solemn temple,

It is unbelievable that it was built more than 2,500 years ago! "

Unlike the amazed guys in the motorcade, Ye Tian felt something different when he saw the magnificent Parthenon Temple on the top of the Acropolis!

This ancient Greek temple, regarded as a symbol of Western culture, has its most admirable and shocking sculpture art, all from Phidias, the head of the three ancient Greek sculptors, and is one of its most famous representative works. one.

The Temple of Pat was built to celebrate Athens' victory over the Persian invaders. It is dedicated to the patron saint of the ancient city of Athens, the goddess of wisdom, art and war, and the goddess Athena.

The name of the city of Athens comes from its patron saint.

The statue of the goddess Athena once enshrined here was made by the master sculptor Phidias, and it is a famous representative work of him.

It was a statue of Athena inlaid with gold and ivory, about twelve meters high, and it was the largest statue of Athena in ancient Greece at that time.

In addition to this statue of Athena, in the ancient city of Athens, there are two other statues of Athena from Phidias.

One is located in Constitution Square, the statue is nine meters high; the other is on the pillar of the Acropolis Mountain Gate, about seven meters high, both of which are top-level works of art.

It is a pity that these statues of the goddess Athena have disappeared in the long river of history and are nowhere to be found.

Not only these statues of Athena, but also most of the other sculptures by the master artist Phidias have disappeared and have not been handed down. They only exist in legends.

The only surviving sculptures of Phidias, which are widely known, are those on the Parthenon.

It is these sculptures on the Parthenon, the most perfect specimens of these classical sculptures, that established Phidias as the head of the three ancient Greek sculptors, and it is undisputed.

Everyone thought that, apart from these classical reliefs on the Parthenon, the independent sculptures of Phidias had long since ceased to exist.

But who would have thought that in Ye Tian's hands there was a statue of the goddess Athena that was made by Phidias and was about 70% assembled.

Once this statue of Athena is assembled, even if it is not completed, as long as it is publicly displayed, it will be announced that it is the work of Phidias, the ancient Greek god of sculpture, and that it is the statue of Athena created by him.

At that time, what kind of scene will appear and what a huge sensation will be caused, even Ye Tian, ​​who has seen and handled countless top-level antique works of art, dare not imagine.

In front of this statue of Athena of Phidias, the two treasures of the Louvre Museum, "Venus de Milo" and "Statue of Victory", are not enough to see at all, and the value is far apart !

There is no doubt that once this statue of Athena of Phidias is publicly unveiled, it will definitely shock the whole world and attract countless people to go crazy.

Especially the Greeks, Athenians, and even all Westerners, I am afraid that they will go on a pilgrimage like a tide and worship under this statue of God!

The Parthenon Temple, which symbolizes Western culture, stands on the top of the Acropolis in Athens, but the only statue of Athena in the world, which was created by Phidias and should be enshrined in the Parthenon Temple, is displayed in its own museum. !

Thinking of this, Ye Tian felt refreshed all over, and was so excited that he wanted to cheer loudly, not to mention how happy he was!

It didn't take long for the convoy to arrive at the scheduled hotel.

This is a five-star hotel located at the foot of the Acropolis. It is very close to the Acropolis. It takes less than five minutes to walk there. It is even less than 100 meters away from the Acropolis Museum.

Staying in this hotel, opening the window, or even lying on the bed, you can see the magnificent, but simple and solemn Parthenon, with a wonderful view.

Because of the scenery here and the unique geographical location, Ye Tian booked this five-star hotel and booked two floors of guest rooms as everyone's residence in Athens.

In this way, you can also enjoy the most beautiful scenery in the city of Athens during the days before and after you go out to explore the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

The arrival of Ye Tian and the others made the Athens police and the hotel very nervous, and also raised the security level of this five-star hotel to the highest.

At the entrance of this five-star hotel and around it, you can see Greek police cars with flashing police lights and heavily armed Greek policemen with live ammunition everywhere.

The security personnel of the hotel were also in high spirits, staring at the convoy that had just arrived and everyone in the convoy, not daring to relax for a moment.

Fortunately, nothing happened, Ye Tian and his group successfully completed the check-in procedures.

Next, Ye Tian politely greeted the Greek friends who accompanied him to the hotel, as well as the diplomats from the American embassy, ​​and shook hands with these guys one by one to say goodbye, sending them all away.

Afterwards, he took David and Jason upstairs to his own presidential suite.

After entering the room, putting down the things in his hands and taking off his coat, Ye Tian immediately said to Jason:

"Jason, go and inform everyone that everyone can move freely tomorrow and the next two days, take a good rest, adjust the jet lag, and go out for sightseeing and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Athens, but you must pay attention to safety.

In Europe, we have many enemies. Because of this exploration operation, there are also many guys who are jealous of us. If you go out to visit, you must go together and be accompanied by security personnel.

Two days later, we will sail Yang Fan out to sea to explore the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Mediterranean Sea. After the exploration operation is over, I will set aside time for everyone to enjoy life! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll let everyone know"

Jason responded, then turned and left the presidential suite.

Next, Ye Tian explained some things to Mathis and David, and the two guys also left one after another, went to their own busy lives, and then went back to their rooms to rest.

After they all left, Ye Tian first took a look at the Parthenon Temple, which stood on the top of the Acropolis, which was close at hand, and then began to look at the presidential suite where he lived.

When appreciating this exquisite and elegant presidential suite, he also secretly turned on the perspective, thoroughly seeing through this presidential suite, not letting go of any corner.

He also thoroughly checked the upstairs and downstairs rooms of the presidential suite to prevent anyone from making fuss, monitoring or plotting against him.

In fact, Matisse and the others at the front station have thoroughly checked the place, and installed a lot of anti-surveillance and monitoring equipment, as well as monitoring equipment, to keep the place tight!

After confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, Ye Tian ended the perspective, retracted his gaze, and then walked into the bedroom.

At this time, the snow outside had stopped, and a hint of whiteness appeared in the eastern sky. A new day is coming soon!

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