Ye Tian took a nap for a while, then got up and went to the living room to sit down, and through the tall floor-to-ceiling windows, quietly admired the Parthenon Temple standing on the top of the Acropolis.

He was waiting for the sun to rise, projecting the golden sunlight onto the Parthenon and spreading over the ancient city of Athens. That moment must be very beautiful and must not be missed.

Many tourists staying in this five-star hotel, as well as many people who came to visit Athens, also had the same idea, got up one after another, and waited for the moment when the sun rose.

The eastern sky is getting brighter and brighter, and the previous white belly has been replaced by a fiery red morning glow.

As the night fades away, Athens, an ancient city with a history of more than 3,000 years, is slowly waking up and preparing for a new day.

The landscape lights on the top of the Acropolis of Athens went out, and in an instant, the originally resplendent Parthenon suddenly dimmed, and even the sky in Athens seemed to be much darker.

Suddenly, a piece of golden sunlight projected from the sky and shone on the east side of the Parthenon Temple, as if coating this simple and solemn temple with a layer of gold powder, which was extremely dazzling.

In particular, those tall Doria stone pillars, like those made of gold, support the ancient but dilapidated Parthenon Temple, radiating the bright light of civilization.

The sun rose higher and higher, and it had sprinkled golden sunlight all over the Parthenon Temple and the entire top of the Acropolis, completely dispelling the darkness.

Athens, an ancient city with a history of more than 3,000 years, has completely woken up, and it is a new day.

Seeing this dazzling and beautiful scene, many rooms in the five-star hotel where Ye Tian was staying, as well as many places throughout the city of Athens, there were bursts of exclamations.

"Wow! It's so beautiful, it's like a miracle!"

"It's so shocking. It's a great idea to build the Parthenon on the top of the Acropolis. The high temple is like a lighthouse, spreading the light of civilization throughout Athens."

Just when people were amazed, Ye Tian had already stood up from the sofa, strolled to the floor-to-ceiling windows, admiring this beautiful and moving picture intoxicatedly, unconsciously immersed in it.


Time passed quickly, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

after breakfast,

Ye Tian is about to leave the Coco-Mat Hotel and visit the Acropolis Museum not far from the hotel.

At this moment, Jason's voice suddenly came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the guys from the Metropolitan Museum and the National Gallery of Art are here, along with two guys from the U.S. Department of Culture, and they want to meet you"

Hearing this, a sneer flashed across Ye Tian's face immediately.

He naturally knew why these guys came here. Without exception, these guys came for the sculptures of ancient Rome or Hellenism that might exist in the shipwreck treasure.

Compared with the top famous museums such as the Louvre, the British Museum, and the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, in terms of the collection and research of ancient Roman and ancient Greek sculptures, the strengths of major American museums are quite different.

This time I heard that there are likely to be sculptures from the ancient Roman or Hellenistic period in this shipwreck treasure. Those guys at the Metropolitan Museum and the National Gallery of America are not willing to miss such a godsend opportunity.

When Ye Tianfei came to Athens, the directors of these top American museums called Ye Tian one after another, asking about the treasure of this shipwreck, and expressing their willingness to buy some sculptures.

Not only them, but even the President of the United States called Ye Tian, ​​hoping that he could transport all the sculptures found in ancient Rome or Hellenistic period back to the United States.

If he plans to sell these valuable sculptures, please also give priority to the major museums in the United States and the top collectors in the United States to keep those ancient sculptures in the United States.

When talking with these guys on the phone, Ye Tian didn't give a clear answer, agree or refuse, only said it depends on the situation, it's too early to say these things now.

However, considering that his Brave and Fearless Exploration Company is located in Manhattan, New York, and he will have to deal with these guys and do business in the United States in the future, Ye Tian still gave these guys a little sweetness.

He promised these guys that they would send several experts and scholars who studied the sculpture art of ancient Rome and the Hellenistic period to participate in and witness this exploration operation to salvage the treasure of ancient Roman shipwrecks.

The guys from the U.S. Department of Culture and the Metropolitan Museum moved quickly. Ye Tian and the others had just arrived in Athens, and these guys rushed over immediately.

After pondering for a while, Ye Tian smiled and said:

"Jason, I don't plan to meet with these guys for the time being. Just give them a hug and say that I have something to do and I can't get away. Arrange a few rooms for these guys and let them stay first.

If nothing goes wrong, representatives of the Louvre in France, the British Museum in England, and several other famous museums will also rush to Athens soon, and all will be handled in this way.”

"Okay, Steven, leave it to me to handle it"

Jason responded and ended the call.

Next, Ye Tian tidied up a bit, then walked out of the presidential suite, joined David and the others and several other company employees, and planned to visit the Acropolis Museum next to the hotel.

Responsible for protecting them is the many armed security personnel led by Mattis.

When a group of them stepped out of the elevator and appeared in the lobby of the Koko Mata Hotel, it immediately caused a sensation.

Many tourists in the hotel lobby, as well as all the staff, as well as many Greek policemen and other people from different backgrounds, all looked at them and started talking in low voices.

"Wow! This guy Steven really came to Athens. It seems that Athens cannot escape the fate of being ransacked, just like Paris, London, and other cities that were ransacked by this guy before!"

"If this guy, Steven, is only here for the antique artworks in Athens and to explore the treasures of the sunken ship, then it's okay to say, at least we won't suffer from the fish, and we can watch the excitement.

I'm afraid that this guy will turn Athens into a battlefield full of bullets and blood, then he will be in big trouble! You know, no matter where this guy goes, he will cause a huge storm! "

While people were discussing, they looked at Ye Tian with curiosity and endless envy in their eyes.

For these, Ye Tian and the others have long been accustomed to it, and turned a blind eye to it. They walked through the hotel lobby talking and laughing, and walked straight to the hotel door.

Several officials of the Greek Ministry of Culture waiting in the hotel lobby, as well as some Greek policemen in plain clothes who specialize in cultural relics crimes, followed up and stared at them closely.

Outside the hotel, many heavily armed Greek policemen are also on standby, watching the pedestrians and vehicles coming and going on the street vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

When he came to the hotel door and was about to walk out of the hotel door, Ye Tian secretly turned on the perspective, and quickly saw through the several buildings outside and opposite the hotel door, as well as the situation on the street.

After confirming that there were no potential safety hazards, Ye Tian walked out of the hotel and went to the street outside under the protection of Mathis and the others.

Standing still at the entrance of the hotel, Ye Tian glanced at the situation on the street, then smiled and said:

"Let's go, guys, let's go to the Acropolis Museum, and then go to the top of the Acropolis to enjoy the Parthenon, the symbol of Western culture"

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out and walked straight to the Acropolis Museum less than a hundred meters away.

David and Matisse immediately followed, talking and laughing, everyone was very relaxed, and looked no different from other tourists who came to Athens for vacation.

However, the Greeks who followed, whether they were officials from the Greek Ministry of Culture or Greek policemen in plain clothes or uniforms, were not at ease.

Each of them is highly nervous and on high alert all the time, keeping a close eye on the movement around them, lest there be a sudden sound of gunshots and a rain of bullets flying from a certain corner.

If that kind of thing really happened, with Steven and his gang of bastards acting ruthlessly, Athens would instantly become a battlefield full of bullets.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

There were no gunshots, no fatal bullets flying, and even the most common thieves on the streets of Greece seemed to be much less.

This made all the people following Ye Tian and the others, and even every Greek and every tourist in the vicinity secretly relieved, and they were not so nervous.

While speaking, Ye Tian and the others had arrived at the gate of the Acropolis Museum in Athens.

This is a modern and classical museum building, located at the foot of the Acropolis, covering an area of ​​about 25,000 square meters, quite huge!

The Acropolis Museum was built in 2009. It is very recent and its style is different from the historic Acropolis Hill and the Parthenon Temple on the top of the hill.

However, there is no conflict between them, but a bit of harmony.

Standing in front of this famous museum, visitors feel as if they are in a space-time tunnel, wandering between the ancient and the modern, which is amazing!

Standing still in front of the museum, Ye Tian immediately saw a few old friends walking towards this side, the director of the Acropolis Museum, Pandemaris, and several famous experts in the appraisal of antique works of art.

Obviously, these old friends had received the news, so they were greeted from the museum.

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