"Dude, it was a pleasure working with you, it was a very nice surprise, bye"

Ye Tian said to the stall owner with a smile, and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

"Goodbye, Steven, you are an out-and-out robber!"

The stall owner nodded with a wry smile, his expression was extremely painful, he looked devastated, and his eyes were blood red, full of remorse.

Ye Tian smiled softly, and didn't care about the other party's verbal attacks.

I ransacked the unlucky guy in front of me, and took the only priceless treasure from the other party's booth into his bag. He had to allow him to vent his anger, otherwise this guy would have to die of humiliation.

Next, he dragged the metal trolley case containing the remnants of the marble statue, and under the protection of Matisse and the others, he walked to another antique booth not far away.

The group of them had just taken a few steps when there was a sudden noise behind them.


The stall owner slapped himself hard, with a very crisp voice.

In the next moment, this buddy's right cheek swelled up quickly, five blue and black fingerprints were clearly visible, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, which showed the ruthlessness of the attack and the depth of pain in his heart!

Turning his head to see this scene, Ye Tian couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, then turned back and continued walking forward, ignoring that poor guy.

Following the slap on his face by the stall owner, Professor Ophelia, who had fallen into a sluggish state, was awakened immediately, and quickly looked around the situation.

Immediately afterwards, she quickly chased after Ye Tian, ​​and followed closely behind Ye Tian, ​​her eyes were fixed on the metal trolley case in his hand, not willing to move away for a moment.

Not only Ophelia, but also many Greeks watching the excitement, as well as some tourists from all over the world, and many professionals followed suit.

Without exception, these guys' eyes were full of envy, even jealousy, and they all stared at the metal trolley case in Ye Tian's hands, wishing they could grab it directly and take it as their own.

Especially for some Greeks and those professionals, their eyeballs are all red, and they look a little scary.

at the same time,

The news of Ye Tian's discovery of the statue's remnant has spread rapidly like a hurricane throughout the entire Athens flea market, and even the entire Athens, the entire Greece, and the entire Western world!

Wherever the hurricane went, it caused a huge commotion.

When people heard the news, they were shocked and stunned. They couldn't believe their ears, and thought they were hallucinating!

That is the head of the three ancient Greek sculptors, Phidias, and it is his most famous representative work, the remnant of the statue of the goddess of Athens!

Throughout the ages, in the history of Western art and Western sculpture, Phidias seems to be a god of classical sculpture that only exists in legends, an art master who is admirable!

Except for the stone sculptures on the Parthenon, some of which may have come from the hands of Phidias, no one has seen his other sculptures, let alone his statue of the goddess Athena!

The statues related to Phidias that people can see now are just imitations of the Roman Empire and later generations. The exquisiteness and skill of those statues have already made people amazed.

But who would have imagined that the remnant of the statue of Athena carved by Phidias would appear in the Athens flea market and fall into the hands of Steven, wouldn't it be shocking?

When people woke up, there were bursts of exclamations from countless places, and countless fiery eyes all looked at Athens, and all focused on the metal trolley case in Ye Tian's hand.

After some crazy exclamation, many people immediately took out their mobile phones and started making calls to share this shocking news with their friends and colleagues, or to take action quickly.

However, many professionals and top collectors in Athens rushed out of their homes or hotels, drove straight to the Athens flea market, and went on a rampage all the way, ignoring traffic rules.

This antique market located at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens caused a huge commotion, many people rushed to where Ye Tian and the others were, and everyone was extremely excited.

Some antique shop owners, gallery owners, and stall owners who were doing business in this market even left their businesses and let others take care of them, and quickly ran over to where Ye Tian and the others were.

At this time, Ye Tian was standing in front of another antique booth, scanning the things on the booth.

It's a pity that there are no treasures in this booth that make his heart flutter, or there are no antique works of art worthy of his own sale.

As for Bowie and the others who were not far behind, they could still use their fists here and capture a few decent antique works of art.

After a quick glance at the goods on this booth, Ye Tian turned around and left, preparing to go to a small gallery not far away.

When he turned around and saw the situation behind him, he was immediately taken aback.

With just such a knack for it, there was already a crowd of people behind him, each of them rubbing shoulders, it seemed that everyone in the market had gathered on this street.

As far as the eye can see, there are a lot of black human heads in the field of vision, which has blocked the street completely.

And these guys all have bright eyes, staring at Ye Tian and the metal trolley case in his hand, their eyes are extremely hot, everyone's eyes are full of envy, and there are some guys whose eyes are red with jealousy.

Fortunately, there were quite a few Greek policemen on the scene maintaining order, as well as the tough Matisse and the others. The deterrence was sufficient, and the guys surrounding them were fairly honest and did not make any drastic moves.

If Ye Tian was the only one here, it would be another matter.

It is very likely that these raging guys will rush forward, ransack Ye Tian, ​​and then scatter in all directions, fleeing here quickly!

Turning around to see this scene, seeing those green eyes, even the mighty Ye Tian couldn't help shivering, somewhat nervous!

Play big! If I had known this, I shouldn’t have publicly explained the remnant of the Athena statue just now, and I wouldn’t have driven these dead foreigners crazy!

Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene, and then whispered through the wireless invisible earphone:

"Mattis, put the guys on alert and be ready, these guys around look like they're going crazy, have to be careful"

After the words fell, Matisse responded immediately.

"Understood, Steven, just don't worry, nothing will go wrong"

Next, the group of them walked to the gallery not far away, and everyone maintained a certain degree of vigilance.

Perhaps because of Ye Tian's reputation of being ruthless and vengeful, some guys in the surrounding crowd had red eyes, but they didn't rush forward to rob.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others passed through the crowd and arrived at the entrance of the gallery.

Just when they were about to enter the gallery, Ye Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, it was an old friend calling.

Ye Tian took out his phone and glanced at it, then gently slid to unlock the screen lock, and put the phone to his ear.

Immediately afterwards, a familiar voice came.

"Good afternoon, Steven, I'm George, I heard that you just found a remnant of a statue from the ancient Greek period in the Athens flea market, and it came from the statue of Athena, the god of classical sculpture, Phidias!

You are one lucky guy! I would like to ask, can you sell me this statue remnant? You can set the price whatever you want, I'm on my way to the Athens flea market now, we can meet and talk! "

This guy named George is not Ye Tian's helicopter pilot, but a well-known Greek ship tycoon and an internationally renowned top collector. He has dealt with him more than once.

Hearing what George said, a smile flashed across Ye Tian's face.

Sell ​​you this statue remnant? What are you kidding?

If it was sold to you, wouldn’t the statue of Athena, the treasure of the Ancient Greek and Roman Sculpture Museum in my buddy’s private museum, be missing half an arm?

Of course, this is just Ye Tian's mental activity, and it is impossible to appeal to it. The existence of the statue of Athena made by Phidias is not suitable to be announced now.

What came out of his mouth was another set of words.

"Good afternoon, George, your news is so well-informed that you received the news so soon, but I'm very sorry, I don't plan to sell this statue remnant.

In fact, the appraisal conclusion I gave in public just now is just an inference and a family opinion. It is not certain whether this appraisal conclusion is accurate, and further research is needed.

The condition of this statue fragment is very special, only the left forearm is broken at the elbow, and there is no left hand, it is difficult to draw an accurate identification conclusion based on only one arm,..."

As Ye Tian was talking, George interrupted him impatiently.

"Steven, your eyesight is extremely sharp. We all know this. I have never seen it before. I believe in your appraisal conclusion and I am willing to take risks for it. How about 200 million euros? Sell me the fragment of this statue"

"Wow! This price is very attractive, George, but I still say the same thing, I don't plan to sell this statue fragment, I plan to take it back to New York to study it, and then announce the accurate identification conclusion!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tian directly rejected this old friend's offer.

Just want to buy the works of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture, for 200 million euros? What a spring and autumn dream! Even if it's just a scrap.

Next, Ye Tian casually said a few perfunctory words, then hung up George's call.

At the same time, a group of them have also entered the gallery, ready to appreciate the many artworks displayed in this gallery.

They had just stood still, and before they had time to say hello to the gallery owner, Ye Tian's cell phone rang again, and it was Martinez from the Louvre who called.

The purpose of this old friend's call, you can tell with your heels, it is naturally for this piece of Athena goddess suspected to be Phidias.

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