Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2090 Romeo in the 19th century

In the blink of an eye, another ten minutes passed.

Ye Tian and the others walked out of an antique shop on the side of the street. Several people were talking and laughing, looking very relaxed.

The owner of the antique shop who sent them out had a smile on his face, but there was a bit of anxiety and even regret in his eyes.

Obviously, this antique shop did not escape the bad luck of being ransacked by Ye Tian!

However, the owner of the antique shop didn't know the value of the antique he sold and whether it was looted, which is why he behaved like this.

As soon as he walked out of the antique shop, Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw a few familiar old friends walking towards here quickly.

The visitors were Pandemalis, several experts in the identification of antique works of art from the Acropolis Museum, and several high-level officials.

The Acropolis Museum is only a few hundred meters away from this flea market. Pandemalis and the others were the first to receive the news and arrived here the fastest.

The Acropolis Museum is also one of the most authoritative institutions in the study of Phidias' sculpture art.

For the statue of Athena, the god of classical sculpture, Phidias, the Acropolis Museum dreams of owning one, even if it is a fragment of the statue!

Hearing the news that Ye Tian found the remnants of the statue of Phidias, Pandemales and the others couldn't sit still, and immediately left the museum and rushed here.

While talking, these old friends have come to the front.

Before he could stand firm, Pendermalis said impatiently:

"Steven, I heard that you just bought a fragment of a marble statue at this flea market, which was identified as part of the statue of Athena, the god of classical sculpture, Phidias.

Can we have a look at the remains of the marble statue? If it is really a remnant of Phidias' sculpture, there is no doubt that this is definitely a great discovery that caused a sensation in the world! "

When he said these words, Pendermalis' voice was a little trembling, his eyes were fixed on the metal trolley case in David's hand, and he was not willing to look away for a moment.

The rest of the guys from the Acropolis Museum behaved the same way, all staring at the black metal trolley case with extremely hot eyes.


Ye Tian smiled and shook his head slightly, giving a negative answer.

"Pandermaris, you are very well informed, that's right, I did accept a remnant of a marble statue just now, it is the left forearm of a female sculpture, and it is a classical sculpture.

As for the appraisal conclusion I gave, it is only a family opinion. Whether the statue fragment is part of the work of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture, needs further research to be sure.

You can admire and identify the statue remnant, but not here, as you can see, the environment here is not suitable for doing this, and we still have some things to do.

At eight o'clock in the evening, come to the Coco-Mart Hotel. I am going to hold a small appreciation meeting. At that time, you can carefully appreciate and identify the remnant of the marble statue.

Maria from the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, several experts in the identification of antique works of art, as well as George and Dimitri, and some other professionals will also participate in this appreciation meeting.”

Hearing this, what else can the group of the Acropolis Museum say? Things are not in their hands, they don't have any initiative, they can only listen to Ye Tian.

After pondering for a while, Pendermalis nodded and said:

"It's a good arrangement, Steven. Let's wait for this small appreciation meeting tonight, to appreciate the remnant of the marble statue. To be honest, I can't wait, I wish the night would come soon!"

"Don't worry, Pandemaris, it's only a few hours away from 8:00 p.m., with this time, you can just do your homework."

Ye Tian said with a smile, his expression was very relaxed.

Next, he chatted with these old friends for a few more words, then said goodbye and left, walked forward along the street, and continued to visit this famous flea market.

Looking at Ye Tian's leaving back and seeing the many trophies that David and the others carried in their hands, these professionals from the Acropolis Museum couldn't help feeling envious.

"It seems that the legend is true. God will always stand with this guy, Steven, and always take care of him. This guy's luck is so good that he can find all kinds of treasures, which makes people crazy to envy!"

"That's right! Steven is indeed extremely lucky, and his vision is extremely sharp, but the antique dealers in the flea market on the Acropolis of Athens have suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck!

Just watch, after being ransacked by the bastard Steven, this historic flea market will be seriously damaged, and there is no way to recover in a few years! "

Just when these professionals were full of emotion, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to an antique booth and began to check the goods on that booth.

Soon, they left the stall dealing in antique art, or so-called antique art, and walked to the next stall without taking anything.

About ten minutes later, George, the top collector who just called, arrived at the flea market with several appraisal experts and bodyguards, and approached Ye Tian with an eager expression, as if he was on fire.

Seeing this old friend, Ye Tian also rejected the other party's request to appreciate and appraise the remnant of the marble statue, and repeated what he had just said to Pendermalis.

George could only accept Ye Tian's arrangement, and wait until eight o'clock in the evening to go to the Coco-Mart Hotel and appreciate the remnant of the marble statue at the appreciation meeting to see if it is part of Phidias' work.

After that, Ye Tianlu successively received many calls from all over the world, including calls from familiar old friends, calls from colleagues, calls from the American Ministry of Culture and the Greek Ministry of Culture, and so on.

The purpose of these guys calling is all the same, which is to inquire about the condition of the remnant of the marble statue, and to ask if it is a remnant of Phidias' work.

Some of them, like George, expressed their willingness to buy before seeing the remnant of the marble statue, and their bids were higher and higher, as if they were determined to win.

Ye Tian's response was very simple. He sent invitations to all his old friends in Athens, Greece, who had a certain amount of weight, to participate in the appreciation meeting held tonight.

As for those old friends and colleagues who are not in Athens, Greece, you can enjoy the remnant of the marble statue through high-definition video and participate in this small appreciation meeting remotely!

At that time, the appraisal conclusions given by many antique art appraisal experts on the scene will be heard by all users.

With the incoming calls one after another, the sensational effect caused by the news that the suspected piece of Phidias's work was discovered has become bigger and bigger.

The people who received the news were all waiting for the night to come and the small appreciation session that was destined to attract much attention at 8:00 pm.

And the core figure in this matter, Ye Tian, ​​still led a group of subordinates to continue to crazily sweep the Athens flea market, and it seemed that he was going to sweep it all!

Soon, it was around three o'clock in the afternoon.

The company employees and security personnel who followed Ye Tian returned to the hotel several times in succession to release the loot that Ye Tian raided.

However, the metal trolley case containing the remnants of the marble statue was always in David's hands and never left Ye Tian's sight.

In fact, he didn't dare to let this trolley case out of his sight. That would be tantamount to giving others the opportunity to snatch this national treasure of Greece.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others walked into a small antique shop on the side of the street.

Seeing them pushing the door and coming in, the owner of this antique shop couldn't help but wryly smiled, but he had no choice but to come forward to greet Ye Tian and the others.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, welcome, nice to meet you, I'm Norris, the owner of this small antique shop"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Norris, nice to meet you too, your antique shop looks very nice and elegant, I like it very much"

Ye Tian said politely with a smile on his face, and shook hands with the antique shop owner.

After some courtesies, Norris said nervously:

"I don't know what you want to see? Mr. Steven, let me introduce you"

"Let's take a look first, Norris, you go to receive other guests, if necessary, I will greet you"

After speaking, Ye Tian pointed to the other two customers in the store, and nodded slightly to them, as a greeting.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, you are free to call me if you need it"

Norris nodded in response, then turned and walked towards the other two guests, his expression still uneasy.

Next, Ye Tian took David and the others, and started admiring the goods displayed in this antique shop like a horse on a horse.

After a while, he suddenly pointed to a painted pottery bowl on the shelf and asked curiously:

"Mr. Norris, where and when did this painted pottery bowl come from? Judging from the painted pattern on it, it seems to be an antique from the late nineteenth century"

Hearing this, Norris immediately turned his head and looked over.

The moment he saw the painted pottery bowl, he breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

"Mr. Steven, you can take a look at the pottery bowl. The set of painted bowls is indeed from the late nineteenth century. It was a gift from a young Athenian painter to his lover.

The painted pattern on the pottery bowl was drawn by the young painter himself, and there is also a Greek love poem written in the bowl, which is "To Anadoria" by the ancient Greek poetess Sappho."

"Wow! I love Sappho's "To Anna Doria". This old love poem is very touching. It seems that this is a very romantic gift. Let me enjoy it!"

Ye Tian pretended to be amazed, and reached out to pick up the painted bowl set on the shelf, and admired it carefully.

However, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes covered by the sunglasses.

Here and there is a painted pottery bowl from the late 19th century. It is clearly a striped pottery bowl inlaid with flowers in ancient Greece. It has a history of at least two thousand years. It is extremely precious, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure!

And the young painter in Athens in the 19th century was obviously a lover.

That guy didn't know where to find such a priceless treasure. In order to please his lover, he painted and wrote poems on this striped and inlaid pottery bowl, and then gave it to his lover as a gift.

In this way, the original face of this priceless treasure was completely concealed, and it became a very ordinary nineteenth-century painted pottery bowl, a romantic token of love.

Thinking of this, Ye Tian suddenly had the urge to laugh out loud, and was also full of gratitude to that Romeo in the late nineteenth century. 8)

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