Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2091 Questions from the Greeks

At around 7:30 in the evening, the night has shrouded the ancient city of Athens.

The banquet hall on the top floor of the Coco-Mart Hotel is brightly lit and radiant at the moment, echoing the magnificent Parthenon Temple not far away on the top of the Acropolis in Athens, forming a beautiful scenery.

At the entrance of this five-star hotel, people from various Greek universities and all walks of life are holding various banners and slogans, protesting and demonstrating loudly, and they are very emotional.

"Greek antiques belong only to the Greek people and no one can take them away"

"Steven, leave those treasures, leave the remains of Phidias, and get the hell out of Greece!"

The high-pitched protests resounded one after another, resounding through the street in front of the hotel and the night sky in Athens.

Obviously, the guys who protested and demonstrated at the entrance of the hotel came for Ye Tian and the antique artworks that he looted during the day, and wanted to leave behind those valuable treasures through protest.

Especially the remnant of the marble statue that is suspected to be the work of Phidias, if it is really the work of Phidias, then there is no doubt that it is definitely a national treasure of Greece, and the Greeks will naturally not just watch the loss of that national treasure.

Among these protesters, there are many antique dealers from the flea market in Athens.

They had just been ransacked by Ye Tian during the day, not to mention how depressed they were, they all wanted to vomit blood, obviously they came here to vent their voices, and they were the loudest at the scene.

In addition to a large number of protesters and demonstrators, many media reporters gathered in front of the hotel, including local Greek media, as well as reporters from major news media from all over the world.

These guys held up long guns and short cannons one by one, and the scene that happened at the entrance of the Coco-Mart Hotel quickly spread throughout Greece, and even the whole world, and it was spread everywhere on the Internet.

But Ye Tian, ​​the object of these Greek protests, didn't even bother to pay attention to these guys gathered at the entrance of the hotel, and he turned a deaf ear to the protest slogans that resounded through the sky.

He has seen this kind of scene too many times, and he will encounter it every time during the exploration operation. There are people protesting and demonstrating downstairs in the company all year round, so he doesn't care about it.

Not only him, but the employees of the fearless exploration company and many security personnel are also used to this kind of scene, and they don't take it seriously at all.

Do what you should do,

It was not affected by these protesters in the slightest.

Just as those guys protested hoarsely at the entrance of the hotel, cars kept coming from all directions in the city of Athens and stopped at the entrance of this five-star hotel.

These vehicles are either luxurious or ordinary, but everyone who gets off from these cars is well-known in the field of antique art collection, either a top collector or an expert in antique art appraisal.

In addition, there are some high-level figures from famous museums, famous archaeologists from various Greek universities, high-level officials from the Greek Ministry of Culture, and diplomats from the US embassy.

With the arrival of these heavyweights, many media reporters gathered at the entrance of the hotel were as excited as chicken blood, and they all raised their guns and short cannons to shoot wildly.

And the voices of those protesting and demonstrating were louder, shouting hoarsely, waving banners, slogans, and various flags in their hands desperately, trying to attract more attention.

The banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel was already crowded with guests and it was very lively.

Ye Tian, ​​David and others in suits and leather shoes were weaving through the crowd, saying hello to the many invited guests.

"Good evening, Zoe, I didn't expect you to be in Greece too. It's a great honor to be able to participate in this small appreciation event"

Ye Tian said to an old friend with a smile on his face, and shook hands with him.

This is a top collector from the United States. He has dealt with Ye Tian many times in New York before and bought many antique works of art from him, and they are very familiar with each other.

"Good evening, Steven, my wife and I are on vacation in Santorini, and upon hearing the news that you found the remnants of the Phidias sculpture in Athens, we immediately flew to Athens by helicopter.

This is a historic moment, I don't want to miss it, I have to say, you guys are extremely lucky, you can find all kinds of treasures, why can't such a good thing happen to us!

I still want to ask, Steven, do you plan to sell the remnants of the sculpture of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture? If you plan to sell it, I intend to accept this treasure, and the price is negotiable."

Zooey said expectantly, her eyes were shining brightly, even showing a bit of greed.

"I'm very sorry, Zoe, I said on the phone that I don't plan to sell the remnant of the marble statue, I plan to collect it myself, and study it carefully to verify my identification conclusion.

Furthermore, it is still not very certain whether the remnant of the marble statue came from the hand of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture, or whether it is part of the statue of the goddess Athena.

The appraisal conclusion I gave before is just a family opinion, and it may not be correct. Because of this, there is a small appreciation meeting tonight. Please appreciate and appraise this statue remnant.

Although I don't intend to sell the remnant of the marble statue, but in order not to let everyone take a trip in vain, I have added an auction link to this small appreciation meeting, I believe you will like it."

"Steven, I have no doubts about the appraisal conclusion you gave, and I believe you will never be mistaken. Everyone who came here today should be the same as me.

Since you don't plan to sell the remnant of Phidias's sculpture, I can't force it, which means that I have nothing to do with that priceless treasure, but it's good to have a look.

I am also very interested in the auction you mentioned, maybe I can get one or two treasures, I heard that you have swept the flea market in Athens like crazy."

"Hahaha, it's not as exaggerated as the rumors said. In the famous Athens flea market, I did find some antique artworks that were overlooked and missed by my peers. You can see some of them later"

While talking, Jason led several people into the banquet hall.

Those who followed Jason into the banquet hall were Maria, the curator of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, several experts in the identification of antique works of art, and the minister of the Greek Ministry of Culture.

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian immediately pleaded guilty to Zooey, and walked towards the entrance of the banquet hall.

After coming close and greeting each other, the Greek Minister of Culture suddenly whispered:

"Steven, as far as I know, at the end of last year, you issued an announcement to collect fragments of a statue at a high price from Greece, Italy, and the whole world, which caused quite a stir.

And you have already collected quite a few fragments of the statue. I would like to ask, is the statue you collected the fragments related to the fragment of the marble statue discovered today?

In the announcement of collecting statue fragments, you also announced some external features of the statue and the places where the statue has been, including some places in Greece.

To be clear, is that statue the work of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture? Was it his statue of the goddess Athena? If yes, can you tell us about the statue? "

When he said these words, the Minister's voice was trembling with excitement, and his eyes were a little red.

Those Greeks who followed him, one counted as one, all stared at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of expectation!

Ye Tian glanced at these gleaming Greeks, and secretly complained in his heart.

"Of course it's the statue of the goddess Athena of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture? Otherwise, it wouldn't be worth my buddies to spend a lot of time collecting fragments of that statue from all over the world at any cost.

Besides the three major sculptors of ancient Greece, who else has that qualification? It takes a lot of trouble for my buddies, even the sculptures of the master artist Michelangelo, I am afraid they are not qualified.

The remnant of the marble statue found today is of course related to that statue, and it is the left forearm of the statue of Athena, but will my buddies tell you? dream! "

Of course, this is just Ye Tian's mental activity, it is impossible to say it in public, it is tantamount to asking for trouble.

With the attitude of the Greeks towards their country's history and antiques, and they are still in Athens, once they know that they have got a statue of Athena from Phidias, God knows what they will do!

What came out of Ye Tian's mouth was naturally something else.

"I'm very sorry, Mr. Minister, this involves commercial secrets, so I'm sorry I can't answer, but what I can tell you is that it shouldn't be long before the ancient Greek statue will be unveiled to the public.

At that time, you will naturally know the answers to these questions. The purpose of inviting you here today is to appreciate and appraise the remnant of the marble statue I just bought, no matter what else! "

Hearing his words, the Greek Minister of Culture and several other Greeks all rolled their eyes angrily, but there was nothing they could do.

Next, Ye Tian casually said a few words to these Greeks, and then brought them into the banquet hall, and introduced them to some guests from other countries and regions.

At the same time, there are still guests who continue to come by car, enter the five-star hotel at the foot of the Acropolis, and come to the beautiful and lively banquet hall on the top floor of the hotel.

In the outside world, this small appreciation event has attracted countless attentions, and many people are waiting with great anticipation for the news from this banquet hall.

Soon, it was eight o'clock in the evening, and the invited guests had all rushed to the banquet hall.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the crowd, raised his hand to look at his watch, and then walked towards the stage in front of the banquet hall.

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