Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2092 Small Appreciation Meeting

The gate of the banquet hall was closed, and several security personnel with live ammunition were guarding the door. No one was allowed to enter the banquet hall without permission.

The banquet hall, which was originally very lively, immediately fell silent the moment Ye Tian stepped onto the stage.

All the people in the banquet hall were staring at Ye Tian and at the metal trolley case placed on the solid wooden dining table in the center of the stage. Everyone's eyes were full of anticipation and excitement.

After standing still on stage, Ye Tian quickly scanned the audience, then picked up the microphone placed on the auction stage, came to the center of the stage, and said loudly with a smile on his face:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Steven, we all know each other, so I won't introduce much. It's a pleasure to meet you here, and you are very welcome to come to this small appreciation party upon invitation"

"clap clap"

There was a round of applause in the banquet hall, short but warm.

At the same time, the picture here also appeared on the Internet.

Many antique art appraisal experts, historical and archaeologists, senior figures of major museums, and many top collectors from all over the world are watching the live broadcast simultaneously and participating in this appreciation meeting remotely.

Those who are eligible to participate in this appreciation meeting and watch the live broadcast are limited to professionals in the industry, and they must have a certain weight.

Even if other people know that this appreciation meeting is being broadcast live on the Internet, they will not be able to watch the live broadcast at all because they do not have invitation codes and passes.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some professionals will spread the video content and use their mobile phones to broadcast live to the computer screen, presenting the live broadcast to everyone.

After the applause fell, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again.

"The reason for holding this small appreciation meeting today and inviting everyone to come to the Coco-Mate Hotel is that everyone knows the reason very well. Next, let's go straight to the topic.

Just at noon today, I saw a remnant of a marble statue at an antique stall in a flea market in Athens. I thought it was a bit interesting, so I bought it.

The remaining part of this statue is the left forearm of a female sculpture, which is broken at the elbow and has no left hand. Its surface is slightly weathered and scarred, with potholes on it.


There are still several long or short cracks on the remnant of the statue, which are stained with stains and have long lost their original luster, but these cannot conceal its beauty.

There are no decorations on the remnant of the statue, just a bare left forearm, but its shape is round and plump, with graceful lines, reminiscent of the idealism of ancient Greek sculpture.

And the marble texture is very good, it is the very famous and rare Paros marble, and the translucent Paros marble is regarded as one of the most exquisite things in ancient times.

Most of the people who come here are professionals, and they must all know that in ancient Greece, only statues enshrined in temples were eligible to use Paris marble.

For example, the statue of the goddess Athena once enshrined in the Parthenon, except for the wooden and ivory parts, the rest is carved out of Paris marble."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded slightly, and there was no disagreement.

And everyone became more excited and their eyes brightened, but no one interrupted Ye Tian's performance.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"In addition to the above characteristics, I carefully observed the only few lines on the remaining statue, or should be said to be the notches left by the sculptor, so as to make a judgment.

I can say with great certainty that this classical sculpture should have been created between 2500 and 2400, that is, between 500 and 400 BC.

There is no doubt about this, it is absolutely impossible to go wrong, and I will do a carbon fourteen test again later to determine the exact age of this sculpture and support the date I gave.

From 500 BC to 400 BC, it was the most powerful era after ancient Greece defeated the invasion of the Persian Empire. In that era, many great men appeared in ancient Greece.

In the field of sculpture art, it was also the greatest era in the history of ancient Greek sculpture. Three famous classical sculpture masters appeared, Phidias, Myron and Polykritos.

Considering the preciousness of the Paros marble, only the top sculptors are qualified to use it, and combined with the superb skills shown in the remaining statues, I draw another inference.

The body of this statue remnant is likely to be a statue sculpture made by a top sculptor in ancient Greece and enshrined in a certain temple, which is of great significance.

Starting from this point, combined with the graceful lines of this statue remnant, I unconsciously compared it with the representative work of Phidias, the statue of Athena.

Not to mention, I really found a little similarity between the two, but I dare not conclude that this is the remnant of the work of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture.

When I said these judgments, Professor Ophelia, an archaeologist from the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, who was also in the flea market in Athens, also thought of Phidias."

Having said that, Ye Tian raised his hand and gestured to Professor Ophelia who was standing in the audience.

Following his actions, everyone on the scene looked at Professor Ophelia, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

What else could Professor Ophelia do, she could only nod slightly, echoing Ye Tian's words.

But in her heart, she was crazily complaining.

As for the object of complaints, who else could it be besides Ye Tian?

"Steven, it wasn't you, the bastard, who guided you step by step, so I named Phidias, thinking that this statue remnant might be the work of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture."

Of course, Professor Ophelia did not say these words.

Soon, everyone turned around and looked at Ye Tian again.

Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in the center of the stage, continued his performance.

"Everyone knows what happened next. As soon as the name Phidias appeared, it caused a sensation in the Athens flea market, and the influence spread rapidly.

Within a few minutes, the news spread throughout Athens, throughout Greece, and even the whole world. My mobile phone started ringing one after another, and I was almost blown away by you guys! "

With that said, Ye Tian pointed to the crowd in the audience, and then to the camera lens.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

The same goes for countless live broadcasts. Those guys who knew Ye Tian and just called him today also had smiles on their faces.

After the laughter subsided, Ye Tianqing's clear voice immediately came out again.

"There are too many people who call me. Everyone is my friend, and many of them are my benefactors. I have to answer anyone's call. It's too impolite, but I'm very busy, and I really don't have much time.

In order to solve the problem once and for all, and to listen to the appraisal opinions of other experts and scholars, after all, my appraisal opinion is only the opinion of one family, and I am not very sure, so I held this appreciation meeting.

At this appreciation meeting, everyone can carefully appreciate and identify the remnant of the marble statue, and discuss it openly to see if a unified opinion can be formed and a clear identification conclusion can be given.

Next, I will show the remnant of the marble statue, present it in front of everyone, and present it on the live broadcast screen, so that everyone can see clearly and every friend can participate in the appraisal."

After speaking, Ye Tian turned around and walked to the solid wood dining table, put down the microphone in his hand, and prepared to open the black metal trolley case.

Seeing his action, whether they were on the scene or watching the live broadcast, all the professionals became tense, staring at Ye Tian's every move and the metal trolley case.

Especially those guys in the banquet hall, Qiqi took a step forward, trying to get closer and see more clearly, but fortunately, they were restrained and did not rush to the stage.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had opened the trolley case, carried out the remnant of the marble statue from the case, and placed it on the table.

The next moment, bursts of astonishing exclamations rang out simultaneously in the banquet hall and countless live broadcast terminals.

"Wow! This fragment of the statue is really broken, and it's about to fall apart. How can everyone identify it?"

"Yes! The upper and lower ends are missing, and there are too few traces left by the sculptor, which is too difficult to identify! More importantly, everyone has never seen the sculptures of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture! "

Hearing the exclamation and discussion one after another in the audience, Ye Tian couldn't help but chuckled softly.

If it's so easy to appraise, how dare you buddies show it to let you guys appreciate and appraise it, isn't that asking for trouble!

After displaying the remnants of the statue on the table for a while and asking his employees to take pictures from various angles, Ye Tiancai allowed many professionals on the scene to take turns to appreciate and appraise it.

The first to step onto the stage were Pandemaris, the curator of the Acropolis Museum, and several appraisal experts from the Acropolis Museum. They are all authorities on the study of Phidias' sculpture art.

These experts and scholars came to the stage, picked up the identification tools on the table, and then gathered around the dining table, began to admire and identify the remnant of the statue, and their eyeballs were almost glued to it.

Soon, more than half an hour has passed.

The identification of the remaining statue is still going on, and the banquet hall is full of low-pitched discussions and even quarrels, which is very lively.

Those guys who have completed the appraisal or are in the process of appraisal discuss the origin of this statue fragment and analyze its artistic value from their own perspectives.

The focus of discussions and debates is naturally who made the remnant of the statue, and whether it is the masterpiece of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture.

As for the artistic style and creation period of this marble statue remnant, everyone did not have much controversy, and basically agreed with Ye Tian's conclusion that this is a classical sculpture created in the ancient Greek period.

As for the texture of this statue remnant, there is no doubt that it is indeed precious and rare Paros marble.

As the owner of the remnant of the statue, Ye Tian naturally joined the discussion, discussing in a low voice with several old friends.

At this moment, the Minister of Culture of Greece came over suddenly with Maria, called Ye Tian aside, and said in a low voice with a serious face:

"Mr. Steven, I have an unfeeling request. I hope you can leave this statue remnant in Athens. Do you agree?"

Hearing this, a look of disdain flashed across Ye Tian's eyes.

as expected! That's how the Greeks do it!

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