Ye Tian didn't respond immediately, but glanced at the two Greeks, the smile on his face slowly disappearing.

Seeing his performance, the two Greeks felt a little bit in their hearts, and both felt that something was wrong.

Immediately afterwards, Maria lowered her voice and said:

"Steven, this marble statue remnant is only a section of left forearm, the upper and lower ends are missing, although the carving skills shown are very superb, and it has the taste of ancient Greek sculpture idealism.

However, if we want to confirm that this is the work of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture, and it is a remnant of his famous masterpiece, the statue of the goddess Athena, I am afraid it is still not possible, and more evidence is needed! "

More evidence? You Greeks don't have it, but my buddies do!

When I bring this statue fragment back to Beijing and combine it with other statue fragments, you will know whether this is the sculpture of Phidias or not!

The remnant of the statue in front of you looks very broken, but when it appears on the statue of Goddess Athena, you will see how bright it will shine!

Until then, expect to be eye-popping, and so is everyone else.

Ye Tian complained secretly, but did not interrupt Maria.

"However, it cannot be denied that this marble statue fragment is indeed very remarkable, and it is very likely that it was the work of a famous sculptor in ancient Greece, and it was probably a part of the sculpture of a famous god.

In view of this, Steven, we hope to keep this statue remnant in Athens and the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, and we will organize the top experts and scholars to study this statue remnant,..."

Maria continued to speak in a low voice, Xiaozhi tried to impress Ye Tian with emotion and reason.

But for this marble statue remnant, Ye Tian knew better than anyone else, and understood its great value, how could it be possible to keep it in Athens!

Not to mention the two Greeks in front of me, even if the Heavenly King Laozi came, he would not be able to take away the remnant of the marble statue from him.

After Maria finished speaking, Ye Tian immediately sneered and said:

"I bought this fragment of a marble statue from a flea market in Athens, and the buying and selling process is completely legal.

It was the result of a fair deal, which is well known, and there were many witnesses at the time.

In other words, this is my private property, and I have the right to dispose of it freely. I think everyone here is very clear about the basic principle of private property being sacred and inviolable. There is no doubt about it.

I am very sorry, Mr. Minister, Ms. Maria, I will not leave this marble statue in Greece, and I will arrange a plane to transport it and some other antique works of art tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, the two Greeks immediately became impatient.

"That's right, Steven, the basic principle of the sanctity of private property, of course we know that this marble statue remnant was obtained by you through fair trade, and we will not deny it.

However, you should know about Greece’s protection policy on antique cultural relics. We will never allow such important cultural relics, which are closely related to the Greek nation and history, as well as culture and art, to leak out.

For such important antiques, we will definitely include them in the list of antiques that are restricted from leaving the country. You can collect and trade them in Greece, but you can’t take them out of Greece.”

The Minister of Culture of Greece gritted his molars and said in a low voice. He was already a little out of breath, and his eyes were spitting fire.

Maria standing next to him was not much better, her eyes were wide open, her fists were clenched tightly, wishing she could rush up and beat Ye Tian up.

Ye Tian glanced at the two of them, then sneered and said in a low voice:

"If you include this marble statue remnant in the list of antique artworks that are restricted from leaving the country, then I am very sorry, but you will lose the opportunity to participate in this operation to explore the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks.

Originally, I planned that if I found Roman or Hellenistic sculptures and antiques during this expedition, I would not mind leaving some of them in Greece.

In other words, if you restrict me from transporting my legal private property, I can only cancel the original plan, refuse to cooperate with you, and take away all the treasures that will be salvaged next.

You may be able to stop this search and salvage operation for the treasure of ancient Roman shipwrecks by not allowing us to use the Greek ports, and that's okay, we can start the operation again in another country.

And back to this statue fragment, I wouldn't break Greek law and take it out of Athens, but I could sell it to some top collector, or put it in a bank vault, and you won't get it either.

Presumably you don't want to see that kind of situation. For both of us, it is the worst result, so I advise you to think carefully, don't do things that harm others and benefit yourself, the gain outweighs the loss! "

The Minister of Culture of Greece and Maria were all dumbfounded. They stared at Ye Tian dumbfounded, as if they were looking at a man-eating monster, their eyes were full of anger.

He is a lunatic, and extremely cunning, too difficult to deal with!

Next, Ye Tian casually said a few words to the two Greeks, took his leave and left, turned around and walked towards David and Zoe.

Watching his leaving back, the two Greeks cursed in a low voice through gritted teeth.

"This damn bastard is too greedy. If I had known earlier, he should not have been allowed to enter the country, and he should not have been allowed to come to Athens"

"Just like in the legend, the bastard Steven is really greedy to the extreme. What should we do now? Can we just watch him take away the remnant of the marble statue?"


Soon, another hour passed.

Many professionals in the banquet hall have already appraised the remnant of the marble statue, discussed with each other, and reached an appraisal conclusion that most people agree with.

The one who announced the appraisal conclusion in public was naturally the discoverer and owner of the marble statue, Ye Tian.

He came to the center of the stage again, picked up the microphone and said loudly with a smile:

"After repeated appraisals by many professionals present and open and honest discussions, a preliminary appraisal conclusion has been drawn on this marble statue remnant, and I will announce it next.

First of all, it is certain that the body of this marble statue remnant was indeed created in ancient Greece between 500 BC and 400 BC, and it is a statue of a certain goddess in ancient Greek mythology.

The statue of the ancient Greek goddess should be enshrined in a temple in ancient Greece, which is of great significance. Regarding this point, it can be concluded from the Paros marble used in the sculpture, and there is no dispute.

Moreover, the carving skills shown on the remnant of this marble statue are very superb. Just a few lines show the idealism of ancient Greek sculpture, which is obviously a masterpiece.

The lines on this marble statue remnant are too simple, with no clothing and no more carving marks, even though the shape and lines of the wrist are a bit like the statue of Athena of Phidias.

However, it is impossible to determine based on these alone. This is the work of Phidias, the god of classical sculpture. To confirm this, more evidence and more statue remnants are needed.

Only by finding more statue remnants and combining them, even if only a complete arm can be recovered, can basically determine its creator, which ancient Greek sculptor is the master.

Although we are temporarily unable to determine who created this marble statue remnant, which comes from the ancient Greek sculpture, it is certain that this is a very important antique artifact."


There were sighs in the banquet hall and countless live broadcasts at the same time, and everyone was somewhat disappointed.

And this is the voice Ye Tian most wants to hear.

In time, when the Athena statue of Phidias is assembled and restored, and it turns out in Beijing, people will understand the value of today's marble statue remnants.

Next, Ye Tian introduced the different appraisal opinions on the remains of the marble statue, and just ended the first part of today's small appreciation meeting.

And the second link, of course, is the auction, it's time to sweep the wealth.

With his own hands, Ye Tian put the remnant of the marble statue back into the black metal trolley case, and then put the case next to the auction stage.

At the same time, two employees of the brave exploration company carried an oil painting onto the stage and put the oil painting on the display stand next to the auction table.

This painting depicts a young girl, wearing a white gauze dress, leaning on a lady's chair, resting her chin on one hand, as if in deep thought, with tenderness in her eyes.

The sunlight that shines into the room through the window evenly sprinkles on this beautiful girl, adding a bit of color to her, making her look even more moving.

While everyone was admiring the painting, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came from the stage again and reached the ears of everyone present.

"The oil painting you see now is a romantic painting, to be precise, it is a romantic painting of the Munich School, and it is a work of art that I picked up at the flea market in Athens today.

The artist who created this romantic painting was the famous Greek painter Lumbesis of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, today he is considered one of the most important representatives of the Munich School art movement.

Among all the Romantic painters of the Munich School, Rembesis is considered the most romantic artist, and his personal signature is on this painting, but it is very hidden and difficult to find,..."

Unsurprisingly, there was another commotion in the banquet hall and countless live broadcasts.

"I'm going! Is it true or not? This guy Steven actually found another painting of Rembesis. God also favors this guy too much. Is there any reason for it!"

"I am now very sure that the Athens flea market must have experienced a catastrophe today, and it was ransacked by Steven!"

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