Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2094 is too hateful

The Greeks did not turn their backs in the end, or because they wanted to participate in the upcoming operation to explore the treasure of the sunken ship, they did not choose to tear themselves apart with Ye Tian at this time.

They did not include the remnant of the marble statue and other treasures that Ye Tian swept from the flea market in Athens into the list of antique works of art restricted from leaving the country.

Under such circumstances, Ye Tian would still be polite, and time will not wait for me!

When the sun rose again and a new day came, an Air China chartered plane took off from Athens International Airport, roared into the sky, and flew straight to Beijing.

Not only the left forearm of the goddess Athena, but also another priceless treasure, the ancient Greek strip-shaped pottery bowl inlaid with flowers, and other valuable antique works of art were transported away by the Air China chartered plane.

When Ye Tian's private museum is established, these antique artworks from Athens, Greece will appear in the relevant exhibition halls, shining brightly.

Those responsible for escorting these antique artworks to Beijing were Anderson, who had just arrived in Athens, as well as several company employees and security personnel.

In Beijing, Betty and her aunt have also received the news and are ready to pick up the plane.

As for those antique artworks that also came from the flea market in Athens, but were of relatively low value or not so representative, most of them were auctioned off by Ye Tian.

With the sale of these antique works of art, the deposit figures on the bank account of the fearless exploration company skyrocketed once again, like a wild horse running wild, which made the corresponding bank staff stunned.

As for the unsold antique works of art, they were entrusted by Ye Tian to several famous auction houses for them to handle.

In the future, those antique works of art will appear in auctions in various European cities one after another, continuing to contribute wealth to Ye Tian.

In order to avoid attracting attention and attracting suspicious eyes, Ye Tian secretly informed Bowie that they would leave Athens and return to New York a few days later with a large number of antique artworks.

During this time, Bowie and the others can also visit Athens and relax.

While speaking, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

After dealing with the relevant matters, Ye Tian and the others were about to leave the hotel and head to Piraeus Port on the Mediterranean Sea, and then set sail to the Mediterranean Sea to explore the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks.

Ye Tian's deep-sea salvage ship Bravery is moored at Piraeus Port. It has already been prepared and can set sail at any time to start a new journey.

When Ye Tian and the others left the guest room and took the elevator to the hotel lobby, they immediately saw some old friends waiting here.

There are representatives from the U.S. Department of Culture, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the National Gallery of Art, the Deputy Cultural Counselor of the U.S. Embassy in Greece, and corresponding security personnel.

Then there are representatives of the Greek Ministry of Culture, representatives of the Acropolis Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, and their security personnel.

In addition to these guys, there are also several antique art appraisal experts from the Louvre Museum, the British Museum, and the Vatican Museum. They are all familiar old friends and have a good reputation in the industry.

In addition, two live teams from National Geographic Channel and NBC Television are also waiting here.

Without exception, all these people were full of excitement and looked forward to the upcoming exploration.

Seeing these guys, Ye Tian immediately walked over, and these guys also turned their heads to look at him.

Coming closer, Ye Tian smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. I wonder if you are ready? Let's set off for the port of Piraeus.

If everything goes well, we can sail out to sea at around 1:00 noon, and go to the blue Mediterranean Sea, while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the Mediterranean Sea, while exploring the treasures of sunken ships.”

"Good morning, Steven, we are ready and ready to go"

"Let's go, Steven, everyone can't wait, they all want to see the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure located on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea as soon as possible, and see what treasures are in the treasure!"

Everyone at the scene responded in unison, and the scene was very lively.

Ye Tian glanced at the scene, and then said loudly:

"Okay then, ladies and gentlemen, let's go to the port of Piraeus. The convoy is waiting in front of the hotel. There is a luxury yacht at the port for everyone to use. All supplies are available."

With that said, Ye Tian stepped out, leading David and the others to the hotel entrance.

Behind their group, the guys who were invited to participate in this expedition to explore the treasures of the ancient Roman shipwreck followed one after another, pushing their suitcases.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others had walked out of the hotel gate, and the motorcade was parked at the hotel gate.

The moment they walked out of the hotel gate, the turbulent protests from the opposite side of the street immediately hit our faces, bombarding everyone's eardrums.

"Steven, leave the treasures that belong to Greece, go back to damn New York!"

"You are a cultural relic robber, art thief! Steven, hand over those antique cultural relics belonging to Greece"

Standing across the street, the protesters who were blocked by the Greek police outside the cordon, saw Ye Tian and the others come out of the hotel, and they all shouted hoarsely as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

At the same time, they desperately waved the protest banners, slogans, and flags of various colors, and their arms were almost broken.

It seems like this, they can force Ye Tian to leave behind the looted antiques, and then leave Athens, Greece in despair.

Obviously, this is simply a dream, there is no possibility.

The guys who followed Ye Tian and the others out of the hotel couldn't help but be dumbfounded when they saw this scene at the hotel entrance!

This guy Steven is really hated! No matter where you go, there will be disturbances and countless voices of protest, no exception!

In addition to a large number of protesters and demonstrators, there are also many media reporters gathered in front of the hotel, from major news media in Greece and the world.

They were also stopped by the police outside the cordon, and could only ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from Le Figaro. Can you tell me about the suspected remnant of the statue of Athena, the god of classical sculpture, Phidias? How do you plan to deal with the remnant statue? item?"

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from the BBC. It is said that you held a small appreciation meeting last night and gathered many experts in the identification of antique works of art to jointly identify the remnant of the marble statue.

Can you tell me the conclusions you got? And at this small appreciation meeting, I heard that you have sold many valuable antique works of art. Can you introduce the situation of this small appreciation meeting? "

Ye Tian didn't respond to the questions from the media reporters, but just nodded and greeted the media reporters, and then opened the door to get in the car.

The moment he closed the car door, he took a quick glance at the guys at the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, and the Acropolis Museum and the National Archaeological Museum of Greece, and smiled at them.

At this time, those Greeks were all in a cold sweat, and they were all secretly happy, and they couldn't laugh.

They knew in their hearts that if the protesters at the entrance of the hotel knew that Steven had transported the remnant of the marble statue and a large number of antique works of art to Beijing, they would immediately fry the pot on the spot!

At that time, people's saliva will definitely drown people like myself completely, spouting all over their bodies.

Fortunately, that guy, Steven, was quite witty, and he didn't say this in public, embarrassing everyone.

The Greeks headed by Maria breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked towards the two luxury buses in the middle of the convoy, hoping to get out of here as soon as possible. It would be dangerous to stay a second longer!

Soon, everyone was in the car.

This huge convoy started immediately, and under the escort of a large number of Greek police cars, it drove away from the Coco-Mat Hotel and headed straight for the port of Piraeus on the Mediterranean Sea!

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