Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2097 Aegean Sea

Athens, which has been left far behind by the exploration fleet, has become a black line where the sea and the sky meet.

As the exploration fleet gradually penetrated into the Mediterranean, the temperature gradually warmed up, not as cold as it was in Athens. This is the weather that the Mediterranean should have in winter.

There is still a long distance from the port of Piraeus to the Antikythera Strait, and the exploration fleet will have to sail for a while.

During this period, the expedition fleet will sail in the Aegean until it crosses the Strait of Antikythera.

The Aegean Sea is a blue ocean in the east and south of the Greek Peninsula. It is not only the cradle of Western European civilization, but also a sea with countless myths, especially romantic love stories.

For tourists from all over the world, sailing in this blue sea by boat is a symbol of romance.

The sky here is clear, the sun is shining, the sea is clear and quiet, as blue as the sky, the coastline is tortuous, there are many harbors, the islands are dotted, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

For such a picturesque scenery, no one wants to miss it.

When the exploration fleet entered the normal cruising state and started sailing at a constant speed, everyone except the pilots of the ships came out of the cabins and came to the deck one after another to enjoy the beautiful sea scenery.

The same is true for Ye Tian. He is standing at the forefront of the flybridge deck of the Blue Princess, leaning on the railing, basking in the sea breeze, admiring the sea that has bred countless ancient Greek myths and stories.

On this beautiful sea, there seems to be a beautiful and moving harp sound, blowing slowly with the sea breeze, blowing into everyone's ears.

The sound of the zither can restore calm to the angry Poseidon, stop making waves, make the jealous queen Hera feel tolerant, and make the gloomy Hades smile brightly.

The sound of the piano caressed the tall olive trees on the island, bringing people the laughter of the goddess Athena. Countless seabirds circling in the sky, in response to the moving sound of the piano, also sang happily.

Suddenly, an annoying mobile phone rang, shattering this beautiful artistic conception and awakening the intoxicated Ye Tian.

He shook his head slightly annoyed, then took out his mobile phone and looked at it, it was obvious that the call was from the US ambassador to Greece, and he had to answer it.

As the phone was connected, the other party's voice came over immediately.

"Good afternoon, Steven, where is your fleet? Is the sailing going well?"

"Mr. Ambassador, good afternoon, our exploration fleet has left the port of Piraeus, and it is sailing on the Aegean Sea. Everything is going well and there is no trouble."

Ye Tian said with a smile, and said a few polite words to the other party.

"It's good that everything goes well, Steven, at your request, we have already contacted the relevant personnel of the US North Atlantic Fleet and stated your requirements to the other party.

The other party made a decision after some research. During the exploration of the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks, if necessary, you can contact the North Atlantic Fleet and request military support or protection.

You are an American company, the employees are all American, and you have contributed a large amount of taxes to the US government. The US military has the responsibility and obligation to protect your interests from infringement.

The amphibious assault ship USS Bataan and an integrated supply ship belonging to the North Atlantic Fleet are cruising in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea, just off the island of Malta, and can provide you with protection.

In addition, there is a cruising nuclear submarine below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea. When necessary, it can also appear as a deterrent force to deter your enemies.

Of course, if you want to order those guys from the North Atlantic Fleet to dispatch, you still have to pay some price, and the two of you will negotiate on your own, and we will not participate."

"That couldn't be better, Mr. Ambassador, with the support of the US North Atlantic Fleet, we are much more relieved, and we are more confident about this operation to explore the treasure of the sunken ship."

"I hope you will succeed in finding the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck and create another miracle."

After chatting for a few more words, the two parties ended the call.

Subsequently, the US ambassador to Greece sent the contact information of several senior generals of the North Atlantic Fleet.

When receiving these messages, Ye Tian couldn't help but look back at the annoying tails behind the exploration fleet, with a cruel smile on his lips.

You idiots, just keep going and see what you get in the end.

Next, Ye Tian sent Mattis the contact information of relevant people in the North Atlantic Fleet, asking him to mobilize the relationship in the army, say hello to those US generals, and make some preparations first.

Afterwards, I can come forward to negotiate deals with those guys.

According to the experience of dealing with them several times in the past, those American soldiers are not good at nothing, they have a big appetite, and it is simply impossible to expect those greedy guys to help for nothing.

After everything is negotiated and the fleet arrives in the target sea area and starts exploration operations, if necessary, they can contact the other party at any time and let those American soldiers come out to solve some troubles.

Some of the troubles mentioned here are likely to come from the Greek government and the Italian government. It would be a bit troublesome to deal with it without the help of the US military.

After dealing with these matters, Ye Tian started calling Wilson from Raytheon again.

In a blink of an eye, the phone was connected, and the voice of that old Wilson came over.

"Steven, good afternoon, why did you think of calling me, what can I do for you?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, then whispered:

"Good afternoon, Wilson, of course I have something to call you. Are the security personnel of your company in place, and how is the equipment? We have already set off, and we will be able to pass through the Antikythera Strait in a short time!"

"Just rest assured, Steven, those security personnel in our company are in place, and everyone has dealt with and cooperated with you before, and they are well-established and trustworthy.

There are a total of thirty-two of them, each driving four large yachts, and they are currently cruising on the outer waters of the Antikythera Strait, waiting to join your exploration fleet.

Each of the four large yachts carries two high-speed speedboats. Once they are placed on the sea, they will fly at high speed. Together with your helicopters, it is enough to block a large area of ​​the sea.

As for the armed preparations and ammunition they carry, from pistols and underwater pistols, to machine guns, and shoulder-mounted needle anti-aircraft missiles, everything is enough to fight a low-intensity war.”

"That would be great, maybe we'll need those guys tomorrow, and you know, every time we go out to sea to explore the treasures of sunken ships, there are always some nasty tails behind us.

When the exploration fleet sails out of the territorial waters of Greece and enters the high seas, I plan to blast away those ulterior motives behind the fleet, and by then, force may be used to disperse them.”

"No problem, those security personnel are all hired by you, they are the guns in your hands, of course they must obey your command, shoot wherever you point!"

"One more thing, this time we may have to deal with the US North Atlantic Fleet, and we need the USS Bataan amphibious assault ship cruising in the Mediterranean Sea to provide support or protection to deter some people or a certain government.

Your Raytheon company has deep roots and has a very close relationship with the military, please help me say hello to those guys in the North Atlantic Fleet, so that we can start exploration operations with confidence."

"That's no problem, I'm more than happy to help you, Steven, but you have to pay a lot of money to buy the services of the US Navy"

"Of course, I don't expect those greedy guys to work in vain. You can tell those guys that the rewards I give will definitely satisfy them."

Ye Tian said with a light smile, but a trace of flesh pain flashed in his eyes.

But there is no way, this is the price that must be paid, who made this place the Mediterranean Sea, at the doorstep of others.

Next, Ye Tian chatted with Wilson for a while before ending the call.

At the same time, Andre and Zhou Jiakang, who stayed in Athens, had already used forged identities to quietly board a private plane to Valletta, the capital of Malta, and left Athens without anyone noticing.

In Valletta, the capital of Malta, more than 800 kilometers away, a medium-sized seaplane with smooth lines was waiting for them on the water surface of the port.

This was an alternate retreat route secretly arranged by Ye Tian. Except for him, Zhou Jiakang, and Andre, no one knew about it, including David and the others.

After admiring the scenery at the front of the flybridge deck for a while, Ye Tian returned to the rest area.

As soon as he sat down on the sofa, a female company employee who was taking a selfie next to him said expectantly:

"Steven, can you let the fleet stay on the sea for a while? The scenery of the Aegean Sea is so beautiful, it's a bit disappointing for this blue ocean to just pass by in such a hurry!"

Not only her, but other people also had this idea. Everyone looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone was full of expectations.

Ye Tian looked at the female employee, then glanced at the crowd, then nodded with a smile and said:

"To be honest, I don't want to miss this beautiful scenery. When the fleet arrives near Crete, it will be anchored on the sea, allowing everyone to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Aegean Sea.

The scenery near Crete is more beautiful and the weather is warmer. We will stay there for one night and sail out of the Antikythira Strait tomorrow to continue our exploration journey”

Before the words fell, there was a burst of cheers on the flybridge deck.

"Whoa! That's great!"

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