Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2098 Walk With Me

It was midnight, and everything was quiet on the Aegean Sea.

A round of bright moon hangs in the night sky and sprinkles the cold moonlight all over the sea, adding a bit of color and melancholy to the azure blue sea.

The sea breeze caressed past, sending the cheerful chirping of birds on the island of Crete in the distance, and the squeaking of some marine life.

Coupled with the sound of the waves beating the ship's side gently, all these sounds are intertwined and play a moving serenade together, as if singing for this beautiful night.

Most of the people in the exploration fleet have fallen asleep, recharging their energy for tomorrow's operation, only some security personnel are still working, watching the movements on the sea vigilantly.

On the sea about a few hundred meters behind the exploration fleet, the ships that followed Ye Tian and the others also fell silent.

The guys on the large and small ships also need to rest, so that they can continue to track tomorrow and reach the sea area where the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is located.

And the Crete island in the distance was completely shrouded in darkness at this time, only a few sporadic lights came out from the darkness, reminding all kinds of ships sailing on the sea.

At this moment, two figures in full-dry diving suits, oxygen cylinders on their backs, and diving propellers appeared on the swimming platform at the stern of the Blue Princess.

Their movements were very agile. They were fleeting on the swimming platform at the stern of the Blue Princess, jumped into the sea in a blink of an eye, and then quickly disappeared below the sea surface driven by the submersible propeller.

When they surfaced again, they were already at the stern of a fishing trawler several hundred meters behind the exploration fleet, without making any sound, like two ghosts from the depths of the sea.

At this time, the people on this trawler had already fallen asleep, and the other boats moored nearby were also the same.

After quickly observing the surrounding situation and confirming that it was safe, the two guys who had just emerged from the sea started their operations.

One of them was in charge of sentry and cover, floating on the sea, watching the movement around him vigilantly.

Another guy threw a flying claw, grabbed the trawler's side firmly, and quickly climbed up the fishing boat and disappeared into the cabin.

A few minutes later, this fellow reappeared at the stern and hoisted two lashed trawl nets from the fishing boat,

Gently hoisted to the surface of the sea, leaving only one rope connected to the fishing boat.

Immediately afterwards, he slipped quietly from the other side of the fishing boat, returned to the sea water again, and came to his companion.

The next moment, these two ghostly guys each pulled out a diving knife and began to cut the two huge trawl nets, and quickly cut the two trawl nets into twenty or thirty pieces.

Then, they tied up the cut nets and swam silently to other ships moored in this area.

All of this happened in the dark, without anyone noticing!



When the sun rose again and sprinkled golden sunlight on the Aegean Sea, a melodious siren sound suddenly sounded on the sea surface, waking up everyone in this sea area.

Even the people on the shore of Crete, as well as the countless birds that inhabit the forests on the island, also started a new day amidst the sound of sirens.

The people who woke up looked in the direction of the sound and at the exploration fleet moored on the sea.

Accompanied by the sound of the melodious siren, all the ships in the exploration fleet had pulled anchor and sailed slowly towards the direction of the Antikythera Strait.

Seeing this scene, the rest of the ships following the exploration fleet, as well as the people on those ships, immediately started to act in a hurry.

They also lifted the anchor and started the engine one after another, preparing to continue to follow the exploration fleet until they reached the sea area where the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck was located.

However, when some of the boats in the front row started their engines, they found that there seemed to be a problem with the normal boat engines, and they would turn off after a few turns after starting.

Some of them didn't believe in this evil, and forcibly started the engine one by one. As a result, the engine was completely scrapped, and black smoke rose on the spot.

It is logical that their ships can only stay in place and cannot advance an inch.

At this moment, many ships from farther away had already sailed over, and they were about to collide with these ships that were standing still.

Soon, the sea was in chaos.

All kinds of horrified shouts, cursing, accusing each other, and the sound of various ships rubbing and colliding, etc., sounded one after another, one after another!

At the same time, the huge exploration fleet has gone away, and the distance between the two sides has become farther and farther.

It wasn't until ten or twenty minutes later that the order on the sea was gradually restored.

Immediately afterwards, some guys wearing diving masks jumped into the sea one after another, and began to check the situation of their respective ships, and what went wrong.

When these guys surfaced again, the people on these boats finally realized that the reason why their boats could not move was because a large piece of fishing net was wrapped around the propeller.

Moreover, the fishing net was so tightly entangled that it could not be untied at all, and could only be cut with a knife.

All ships with engines out and anchored, whether yachts, cargo ships, government ships, etc., are all the same, without exception.

After figuring out the cause of the accident, the people on these ships were stunned for a moment, and then they cursed loudly, with smoke coming out of their noses in anger.

"Fack! This must have been done by that fucking bastard Steven, just to stop us from following"

"Steven, you are a complete bastard, a villain, and you are so vile to the extreme!"

After cursing a few words frantically, these guys suddenly stopped cursing like a power outage, and everyone's eyes were full of fear and their bodies were cold, as if falling into an ice cave.

These guys have already woken up. Last night, those guys who touched their boat without anyone noticing, if they didn't come to hang fishing nets and kill people, they would have died long ago.

Nine out of ten people who sneaked over in the dark last night were Steven, that ruthless bastard.

The reason why people like myself are still alive is definitely not because that bastard Steven is soft-hearted and unable to kill so many people, but because this place is within the territorial waters of Greece, and that bastard doesn't want to cause trouble.

If this is high seas waters, not under the jurisdiction of any country, the heads of the twenty or thirty people on the boats may have all been relocated, and that bastard Steven will definitely do it!

Thinking of this, these guys who were originally coveting the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks and trying to make a fortune couldn't help fighting a cold war. A chill rushed from the soles of their feet to their foreheads, almost freezing them completely.

These guys are already afraid, and they dare not follow the exploration fleet anymore. They are undoubtedly making fun of their own lives.

In fact, most of their boat engines have been reimbursed. Even if they have not been reimbursed, it will take a lot of time to remove the fishing nets wrapped around the engine, and it is impossible to continue tracking.

However, the remaining intact and uninformed ships did not give up tracking the exploration fleet.

When the order in this sea area was slightly restored, these ships broke out, and then chased them at full speed, trailing far behind the exploration fleet, with a bit of perseverance.

In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour has passed.

The exploration fleet passed the Antikythera Strait smoothly, leaving the blue Aegean Sea and entering a wider ocean.

As soon as the fleet passed the strait, Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, which direction should we sail next? South, north, or west?"

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then gave a general heading.

"Matisse, inform the captains of the ships in the fleet to sail in the direction of Syracuse, Sicily, Italy. Next, I will give the course and coordinates one after another until I reach the sea area where the treasure of the sunken ship is located.

In addition, you also informed the guys from Raytheon Security Company to meet us outside the territorial waters of Greece, and get ready to disperse those nasty tails following the exploration fleet."

"Understood, Steven, I will inform the captains and those guys from Raytheon"

Mattis responded, then ended the call and took action.

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden burst of excited cheers on the bow deck of the Blue Princess.

"Wow! Everyone, look, there is a group of dolphins at the bow of our boat, sailing with the fleet"

"That looks like a Mediterranean spotted dolphin, they are so beautiful!"

In the midst of the cheers, several spotted dolphins suddenly sprang out of the sea like lightning, swung their bodies and flew into the air, as if showing their graceful posture to everyone.

At the same time, there was a pleasant chirping sound on the sea, which was extremely moving.

Ye Tian and David, who were on the flybridge deck, had come to the front of the flybridge deck, bathed in the morning sun, and condescendingly admired the elves chasing the waves on the sea.

"Steven, it seems that you have a very close relationship with dolphins. Every time you go out to sea to explore the treasure of a shipwreck, a group of dolphins will accompany you. This time is the same!"

David said with a smile, with a bit of envy in his tone.

"No way, who made me a friend of these sea elves, they heard that I came to the Mediterranean, so they came here to meet me, let's go, let's go down together, and say hello to these lovely sea elves"

With that said, Ye Tian turned around and walked towards the stairs on the flybridge deck.

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