Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2100 Public Warning

In the blink of an eye, the exploration fleet sailed out of the Greek territorial waters and officially entered the high seas.

The many ships that had been waiting in the high seas for a long time also moved immediately, adjusted their course one after another, and approached the exploration fleet.

Among them, four large flybridge yachts took the lead in breaking out from these ships and quickly sailed towards the exploration fleet.

To the surprise of the people on the other ships, when the four flying bridge yachts were about 300 meters away from the exploration fleet, they suddenly adjusted their course and turned on their horsepower, and quickly dispersed around the fleet.

In this way, the four large flybridge yachts isolate all other ships from getting too close to the exploration convoy.

Moreover, the movements of these four flying bridge yachts are uniform, it looks like someone is coordinating and commanding, which is obviously a long-planned unified action.

The movements of the four flybridge yachts, and their distribution, made it appear as though they were protecting the convoy rather than following it.

While the four flybridge yachts were taking their positions and sailing together to protect the exploration fleet, dozens of heavily armed security personnel also appeared on these yachts.

And on the several large ships of the exploration fleet, there are also many fully armed security personnel carrying assault rifles, staring at the situation on the sea one by one.

The appearance of this scene immediately caused quite a commotion in this sea area.

"Fack! What are the origins of these four damn yachts? They are full of armed security personnel, and the same is true for Steven's bastard's exploration fleet. Several ships are full of armed security personnel"

"I'll go! There are a lot of snipers on those ships, pointing their sniper rifles at our side, that bastard Steven won't give the order to fire, will he?"

While there was a lot of discussion, the ships that tried to follow the exploration fleet were also in chaos.

As long as you are not a fool, you can understand the situation in front of you.

Obviously, those four large flybridge yachts that have been cruising in the high seas are pawns arranged by that bastard Steven, and they are full of heavily armed security personnel to support and protect the exploration fleet.

The situation on several large ships of the exploration fleet showed that Steven, that cunning bastard, had long been aware of the situation in this piece of high seas, and he assumed a tough stance that he would not hesitate to fight.

Thinking of this, the people on the other ships couldn't help but feel a chill down their backs, secretly terrified.

People like me want to plot against that bastard Steven, steal food from the tiger's mouth, and make a fortune, but who would have imagined that the movements of people like me have long since fallen into that bastard's calculations.

Now that the situation has reversed, people like myself have become the targets of calculations, and the result is unpredictable.

Unanimously, all the other ships slowed down one after another, quickly opened the distance from the exploration fleet, and stayed far behind the fleet for safety.

Those ships that followed all the way from Athens, as well as many ships that joined the tracking team halfway, have also appeared on the sea a few kilometers behind, and are heading here quickly.

After entering the high seas, the exploration fleet did not stop at all, and continued to fly at high speed on the sea, but the team became stronger.

It didn't take long for this huge fleet to sail five or six nautical miles, far out of the territorial waters of Greece.

At this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who was on the flybridge deck of the Blue Princess, finally issued an action command.

"Matisse, it's time to start the operation. You use the radio to warn and put out semaphore to warn the ships behind to stop following the convoy, or you will bear the consequences.

If those guys are obsessed with their obsession and continue to follow, then teach them a lesson, how to implement it, and you have full command. The principle is the same as before, and you must not be the first to fire.

There are National Geographic Channel and NBC TV live broadcast crews in the fleet, and they are live broadcasting, so we can't leave any excuses and cause some unnecessary troubles"

"Understood, Steven, leave these matters to us, you can just stay on the yacht and watch the show, there won't be any problems"

Mattis responded in a deep voice, full of confidence in his words.

Then, the two of them chatted a few more words before ending the call.

Afterwards, Mattis issued a public radio warning to the following ships to stop tracking or face the consequences.

At the same time, he also sent a crew member to board the flybridge deck of the Blue Princess, waved a flag, and played a warning sign.

As these stern warnings came out, the ships that followed the exploration fleet immediately boiled over.

"Boss, are we still following? The exploration fleet in front has issued a warning. If we continue to follow, that ruthless bastard Steven might order to open fire and stop us!"

"Probably not? No matter how daring this guy Steven is, he wouldn't dare to openly attack us in front of countless viewers all over the world. Don't forget, National Geographic Channel and NBC TV are live broadcasting."

Following these discussions, the ships following the exploration fleet reduced their speed one after another.

The people staying on those ships looked at the exploration fleet in the distance in amazement, feeling uneasy and unwilling to leave. Is it easy to follow all the way here?

In the end, greed overcame reason, and some people had no idea and chose to follow the herd.

The ships following behind did not stop there, but still followed far behind, but the speed of the ships was reduced a lot!

Not only those guys with ulterior motives behind, but also many experts and scholars in the exploration fleet, as well as the two live broadcast groups, and countless viewers on the live broadcast end, also heard and saw the warning issued by Matisse.

Not surprisingly, these guys were also in an uproar, all terrified.

"What the hell is that Steven guy going to do? Could it be that he wants to kill those tails that follow him? This is too crazy, you know, this is a live broadcast!"

"If it were someone else, they might have some scruples and wouldn't be able to do such a crazy thing, but everyone, don't forget, this is the fleet of that bastard Steven. Is there anything he dare not do?"

Just as everyone was discussing, Mattis issued two warnings in succession, telling the ships of unknown origin to stop tracking, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

It's a pity that these two warnings had little effect, and only made the ships behind slow down a little, but it didn't stop those guys from continuing to follow.

After the procedures on the scene are completed, it is time to proceed to the next step.

Seeing that the warning did not work, Mattis immediately issued an order to stop the ship.

As his order came out, this huge exploration fleet immediately began to slowly slow down, and finally broke down and moored on the sea.

As soon as the fleet stopped, the three helicopters parked on the Blue Princess, the Intrepid, and the other super yacht took off one after another and began to circle over the fleet.

Several heavily armed security personnel were sitting on the three helicopters, carrying all kinds of light and heavy weapons, preparing to suppress the ships with ulterior motives from the air.

At the same time, the four large flybridge yachts on the periphery of the fleet have also turned their heads to face the rear of the fleet, and each yacht has lowered two high-speed speedboats from the stern.

Each of the eight high-speed speedboats carried three heavily armed security personnel and a large number of weapons and ammunition, ready to block the sea with speed and firepower, and drive away the ships behind.

The security personnel remaining in the exploration fleet and the snipers on the flybridge deck of each ship are responsible for long-range fire support and protection of the exploration fleet.

In just a moment, everything was ready.

Immediately afterwards, Mattis issued an action order through the walkie-talkie.

"Guys, let's go, let's meet those guys with ulterior motives behind, and have a good communication with those guys"

Before the words fell, the three helicopters hovering over the fleet flew out, roaring and flying straight towards the ships behind the fleet.

On the surface of the sea, eight high-speed speedboats full of armed security personnel, like arrows flying off the string, plundered towards the sea behind the sea surface, full of murderous aura.

The last ones to set off were the four large flybridge yachts on which the Raytheon security personnel took. Their main function was to respond and cooperate with the blockade of the sea.

As these helicopters and yachts rushed out at high speed, the sea area and countless live broadcast fronts were all fried.

"Oh my god! Does that bastard Steven want to kill all those tails in the back and send those guys into the sea to feed the fish? This is too crazy!"

"Wow! It's a good show, I knew it, but wherever this guy Steven appears, there must be constant disturbances, as expected!"

Just when people were screaming wildly, an urgent voice suddenly came from a walkie-talkie at Ye Tian's hand.

"Steven, what are you trying to do? Although this is the high seas, we will never watch you attack Greek ships and citizens. Please pay attention to your behavior and refrain from using force."

The voice came from a senior official of the Greek Ministry of Culture, and it sounded like they were trembling, as if they were on fire.

It's no wonder this man is so anxious, even terrified. You know, among the ships following the exploration fleet, there are the most Greeks. Can you not get angry?

Not only him, but other experts, scholars and media reporters in the exploration fleet also scrambled to ask Ye Tian, ​​what do they mean? Are they really planning to open fire and start a bloody killing?

"Ladies and gentlemen, don't be too nervous. We just want to warn the guys behind to stop following the fleet. If we let them continue to follow, something will happen sooner or later.

Don't worry, we will refrain from using force and will never fire first. Of course, we can't give up the right to self-defense, it depends on what the guys behind do! "

Ye Tian's voice came from the walkie-talkie, reached the ears of many people, and also reached the ears of countless viewers on the live broadcast. It sounded very relaxed.

However, when his words were heard in the ears of others, it made everyone feel cold and terrified!

It's over, this sea area will definitely be soaked in blood today, God knows how many people will be buried in the belly of the fish!

Nine Heavens Emperor

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