"Bang bang bang!"

The ear-piercing gunfire sounded suddenly, resounding through the entire sea area.

Accompanied by the sound of a series of automatic rifle fires, a bloody killing kicked off.

The first to open fire was a few African pirates hiding in a fishing trawler. After all, these mobs could not withstand the tremendous pressure brought by the three helicopters and opened fire brazenly.

While firing, the trawler where the African pirates were hiding also began to run wildly, trying to escape from the sea area that had become a battlefield as soon as possible.

The rest of the ships did the same, turned their bows one after another, pushed the horsepower to the maximum, and began to flee in a hurry, even though the people on these ships did not shoot.

All of a sudden, this sea area was in complete chaos, all the ships were rampaging, gunshots continued, and there were countless horrified shouts and crazy curses.

However, since the battle has begun, it will not end easily, and there must be something left.

As soon as the gunfire rang out, the three helicopters whistling and circling in the air, oppressing the ships, pulled up abruptly and rushed to a higher place to avoid the attack from the sea.

The two snipers lying on the flybridge deck of the Blue Princess super yacht, performing remote support and fire cover, pulled the trigger at the same time.

"Bang, bang"

The deafening gunshots sounded again, this time from the sea where the exploration fleet was located.

At the sound of the gunshot, two 12.7mm armor-piercing incendiary bombs shot out from the muzzles of two Barrett anti-materiel sniper rifles at high speed, and hit the fishing trawler hundreds of meters away.

In the next moment, a pirate on the fishing trawler who was shooting towards the sky was turned into a blood mist by the sniper rifle bullets flying at high speed while dragging the flames, and was sent flying.

Another armor-piercing incendiary bomb rushed into the cockpit of the trawler like a bamboo, smashed the steering wheel, and ignited the trawler.

The pirate who stood behind the rudder wheel and piloted the trawler was spared the sniper rifle bullets, but the flying rudder wheel fragments turned him into a hedgehog, and he was not far from death.

Just a wave of attacks,

The trawler had been scrapped, a living target floating on the sea.

But this was only the beginning of the killing. The next moment, the stormy attack fell on the Libyan trawler.

These crazy attacks came from the sky, the sea, and hundreds of meters away, which can be described as three-sided attacks.

In the blink of an eye, the fishing trawler was smashed into a sieve by random guns. It was riddled with holes and was about to be torn to pieces by the torrential rain of rifle bullets.

The many pirates hidden on the trawler had no way to fight back, they could only stay on the ship and kill them, without any hope of escape.

Seeing this bloody and cruel scene, many experts, scholars and media reporters in the exploration fleet, as well as countless viewers on the live broadcast, felt a chill and fear to the bone.

At this moment, Ye Tianqing's clear voice came out again and reached everyone's ears.

"Ladies and gentlemen, everyone must have seen that we were not the ones who fired first, but the African pirates hiding in that fishing trawler. My security personnel were just acting in self-defense!

Let me tell you one thing, all my security personnel are wearing pinhole cameras, as are the yachts and speedboats, and the three helicopters, and we have video footage of the entire firefight.

Later, we will upload these video materials intact on the Internet for everyone to analyze. Through these video materials, I believe it is enough to prove that we are the party of legitimate defense and are innocent! "

Hearing his words, everyone rolled their eyes angrily.

Innocent ass! Yes, it was those stupid African pirates who fired the first shots and killed themselves, but not by your murderous minions!

Those African pirates were nothing but a mob, how could they withstand such enormous pressure, and how could they be the opponents of those special elites.

While complaining secretly, everyone felt terrified at this moment.

And people also had a new understanding of Ye Tian's cruelty.

Exactly as in the rumors, this is a bastard with no taboos, a devil from hell, who the hell can afford to provoke!

At this time, the countless live broadcast terminals and the Internet have already completely boiled over.

"Oh my god! This bastard Steven is so crazy, this is simply a one-sided massacre!"

"Those guys who were killed by Steven's men were notorious pirates, but now I feel very sympathetic to them. Those guys are so unlucky that they actually ran into the hands of that bastard Steven."

While people were exclaiming, the bloody massacre on the Mediterranean sea was still going on, and the fierce gunshots were still coming.

The Libyan trawler was already on fire, and its location was completely stained red by the wanton flow of blood, which formed a stark contrast with the surrounding blue water.

And the other ships in the same sea area are running desperately at this time, just trying to stay as far away from the firefighting place as possible, how dare they fight with Matisse and the others!


In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes have passed.

The gunfire stopped long ago, and the burning Libyan fishing trawler sank to the bottom of the sea without a trace.

In line with humanitarian principles, Matisse and the others searched the sea area carefully, but did not find any survivors.

All the pirates hiding on that trawler were killed, and as the fishing boat sank into the sea, it would soon become a delicacy for all kinds of marine life.

The other ships that were moored in that sea area before have all moved away from here.

They were rushing towards the territorial waters of Greece, and they were so embarrassed that they didn't even dare to turn their heads, let alone continue to follow the exploration fleet.

At this time, the people on those ships had long forgotten the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea. They only had one thought in their minds, and that was to escape from this devil's sea as soon as possible!

"Steven, the work of driving away the trailing ships has been completed, and now they don't dare to continue to follow the fleet even with the courage of those ulterior motives.

No one involved in the operation was injured, but your Bell Helicopter was shot a few times, it was not serious, it didn’t affect its use, and there were no survivors on the sea.”

Matisse's voice came through the wireless invisible headset, announcing the result.

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Great job! Matisse, come back, let's continue sailing to explore the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck and see what treasures we can find!"

"Okay, Steven, we'll be right back"

Mattis responded and ended the call.

It didn't take long for Matisse and the others to return to the exploration fleet and board the ships.

Immediately afterwards, this huge exploration fleet set sail again, cutting through the waves and sailing forward.

And the blood-stained sea behind the fleet quickly returned to its original appearance, becoming blue and clear, as if nothing had happened.

However, a few broken ship boards drifting on the sea clearly told people what happened here just now.

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