Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2102 The Shipwreck Treasure Located on the Ridge

After cutting off those nasty tails, the next voyage of the exploration fleet went smoothly without encountering any disturbances.

When the fleet was about 50 nautical miles away from the territorial waters of Greece, Ye Tian ordered all the ships to turn off their onboard radars and replace them with their own portable radar system for navigation, in order to achieve the purpose of concealing their whereabouts.

This can only fool some ordinary ships trying to track the fleet. As for the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, they must be closely watching the whereabouts of the fleet, knowing the position and direction of the fleet.

Coupled with the ongoing live broadcasts of National Geographic Channel and NBC TV, the move to turn off the ship's radar can only be said to be better than nothing.

In fact, countries around the Mediterranean Sea responded quickly.

Soon after Matisse and the others started to drive away the trailing ships, many official ships with various national flags set off from the ports of various countries one after another, and quickly came to the exploration fleet.

However, they are still far away from the exploration fleet, and it will take a lot of time to catch up with the exploration fleet or reach the sea area where the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure is located.

This is enough, what Ye Tian wants is this time difference.

During this period of time, he can calmly make arrangements to prevent the ships coming behind from interfering with the exploration operations.

In the blink of an eye, another day will pass.

As the sun sets, the Mediterranean Sea, which was originally blue and transparent, is now covered with a golden coat, sparkling and beautiful.

After more than ten hours of uninterrupted voyage, the exploration fleet has penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Mediterranean Sea, surrounded by endless sea water and nothing else, not even a shadow of an island.

Moreover, it is far away from the busy Mediterranean commercial routes, and there are no ships in sight, so it looks very quiet.

For this quiet ocean, the arrival of the exploration fleet is like an uninvited guest, directly breaking the tranquility here, which seems somewhat unharmonious.

The fiery red sunset in the sky finally fell below the surface of the sea, disappeared from everyone's sight, and the twilight gradually rose up.

In the rest area of ​​the flybridge deck of the Blue Princess, everyone stood up one after another, preparing to leave the flybridge deck and go to the restaurant on the lower floor for dinner.

at this moment,

Ye Tian suddenly picked up the walkie-talkie, smiled and said:

"Matisse, inform the captains that we are going to stop the ship. We have arrived at the eastern end of the target sea area. Next, everyone will have dinner first, and then have a good night's rest. We will start the exploration operation tomorrow."

"Understood, Steven, I will inform everyone"

Matisse's voice came from the walkie-talkie, full of excitement.

Not only him, David and Jason who were on the flybridge deck, as well as other company employees, all turned their heads and looked over, everyone was very excited.

After Ye Tian and Mathis finished talking, Jason couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, where exactly is the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure? If it is really in this sea area, then what are you waiting for? Go directly to the sea to explore and salvage it, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Everyone has walked this way, just like they are on vacation in the Mediterranean Sea, there is no consumption at all, everyone is in good condition, and there should be no problem in directly launching exploration actions.”

After the words fell, several other company employees also echoed a few words, meaning the same as Jason, and they were a little impatient.

Ye Tian glanced at these guys, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Guys, don't worry, since we have successfully arrived at the target sea area, as long as this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure really exists, then we will definitely find it, and no one can stop it.

In fact, the information I got on this shipwreck treasure only has an approximate location, but no precise coordinates. If we want to find this shipwreck treasure, we still have a lot of work to do.

In addition, here is the Ionian Sea, the deepest sea area in the Mediterranean Sea, and the sea area with the most frequent earthquakes. The hydrological conditions are very complicated, so you can't go into the sea rashly.

We can only go into the sea to explore after we have figured out the hydrological conditions here and the exact depth of the sea water. After all, safety is the first priority, and treasures are second.”

Hearing these words, David and Jason all nodded, naturally there was no objection.

While speaking, the speed of the exploration fleet has slowed down, and finally stopped on the sea.

And everyone on this expedition fleet, as well as countless viewers on the live broadcast, have already learned that this fleet exploring the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks has arrived at the target sea area.

However, because the coordinates of the fleet are not given in the live broadcast, people cannot determine the specific location of the exploration fleet for the time being, and can only guess secretly.

Accompanied by the rattling sound of the iron chains, the ships of the exploration fleet dropped their anchors one after another, and were firmly nailed to the surface of the sea.

As soon as the fleet came to a stop, several speedboats were put down one after another on the superyacht on which the experts and scholars were riding, as well as on the two planing yachts dedicated to National Geographic Channel and NBC TV.

Immediately afterwards, those speedboats galloped towards the Blue Princess carrying a group of experts and scholars and the hosts of the two live broadcast groups.

When these guys arrived, Ye Tian asked Jason to take them all to the living room on the main deck of the Blue Princess.

As soon as she entered the living room, Maria, the curator of the Greek National Archaeological Museum, couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, is this the sea area where the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure is located? You know, this is the Ionian Sea, the deepest sea area in the Mediterranean Sea. How did you find that shipwreck treasure?"

"That's right, the deepest part of the Ionian Sea exceeds 4,000 meters, and the general depth is about one or two kilometers. Don't tell me that you have thoroughly explored the Ionian Sea before you discovered the treasure of the sunken ship."

Another archaeologist echoed, his eyes full of doubts.

Ye Tian looked at the two, then smiled and said:

"Maria, Leon, don't worry, I'll explain when everyone is here, so I don't have to repeat myself many times"

Hearing this, Maria and the others could do nothing but suppress their curiosity and wait patiently.

During the conversation, all the experts and scholars who came to the Blue Princess, as well as the hosts of the two live broadcast groups, had gathered in the living room on the main deck and sat down.

After everyone sat down, Ye Tian got to the point.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the sea area where the fleet is currently located is the sea area where the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is located, the target of our expedition to the Mediterranean Sea by the Intrepid Exploration Company.

To be precise, this is the eastern end of the sea area where the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure is located. Fifty nautical miles to the west from here, the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure may be found anywhere, and we will definitely find it.

Everyone must have understood that we do not have the exact coordinates of this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, but only a general orientation. Whether we can find this shipwreck treasure is still a matter of discussion.

The reason why this happened is very simple, because the information about the sunken ship’s treasure comes from a third party, not our own discovery, because it must be kept confidential, I will not say the source of the information.”

Having said that, Maria suddenly interrupted and repeated the question just now.

After she finished speaking, Ye Tian immediately continued:

"As we all know, the Ionian Sea is the deepest sea area in the Mediterranean Sea, and there are frequent earthquakes, the deepest depth exceeds 4,000 meters, and the hydrological conditions are extremely complicated.

The seabed terrain of this sea area is undulating, and the sea basins and sea ridges are interlaced. The water depth between the bow and the stern of a ship traveling in this sea area can even vary by as much as four to five hundred meters.

The treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck happened to be located at the top of a sea ridge, but it was actually not too deep. By chance, it was discovered and ushered in the dawn of light.

It's a pity that the man who discovered the treasure of the sunken ship died on the bottom of the sea during a deep dive before he could organize his forces to salvage the treasure of the sunken ship.

After several twists and turns, the information on this sunken ship treasure fell into my hands, so our company’s exploration fleet appeared in this sea area to explore this sunken ship treasure.”

Hearing this, everyone at the scene couldn't help rolling their eyes, and each of them secretly complained.

How exasperating! God once again favored this lucky bastard, but turned a blind eye to everyone else. Is there any reason?

Ye Tian saw the performance of everyone on the scene.

But he seemed to have never seen it, and continued with his performance.

"It's dusk now, everyone will have a sumptuous dinner first, and then have a good night's rest. When the sun rises tomorrow, the exploration operation will officially begin.

After clarifying the hydrological conditions of this sea area, we will explore every sea ridge here, and I believe that it will not take long before we can find the treasure of the shipwreck,..."

Next, Ye Tian continued to introduce the relevant situation of this shipwreck treasure, as well as the follow-up action arrangements.

Of course, what he said was irrelevant, and he didn't disclose a single word of the information that needed to be kept secret.

As time passed, the sky outside became darker and darker, and the darkness gradually swallowed up this beautiful azure blue ocean.

However, the ships of the exploration fleet are brightly lit at this time, as if it were daytime, full of laughter and laughter everywhere, and it is very lively, like lighthouses standing in the dark night.

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