Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2109 Killer whales from the abyss

"Steven, look at the coral reef in front, does it look a bit like an ancient wooden ship? Maybe it's the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure we're looking for!"

Chandler, the host of the National Geographic Channel, who was sitting in the back row, suddenly pointed to a coral reef not far ahead and said in an excited tone.

Following the direction of his finger, Ye Tian and the others in the submarine all looked at the coral reef more than ten meters away.

On the sea, the employees of the brave and fearless exploration company, many experts and scholars, the rest of the two live broadcast teams, and countless viewers in front of the live broadcast terminal also looked at the coral reef with great anticipation.

After pretending to take a serious look, Ye Tian nodded and said:

"Not to mention, from a distance, the outline of the coral reef is indeed a bit like a ship, Charlie, drive the submarine over there, take a closer look, and then use the robotic arm to break through the coral reef to have a look."

"Okay, Steven"

Charlie nodded in response, and then drove the seven-seater Aurora submarine over there.

At this time, it was around eleven o'clock in the morning.

The sea ridge that Ye Tian and the others are exploring is the second sea ridge in the target sea area, and the exploration is almost finished.

On the first sea ridge before, they followed the mountain trend of the sea ridge and searched for one kilometer in both north and south directions.

It's a pity that they didn't find anything. They only enjoyed the beautiful underwater scenery along the way and passed by countless marine creatures.

After exploring the first ridge and making sure that the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck is not on that ridge, they surfaced and returned to the Intrepid for repairs.

And those Mediterranean spotted dolphins who have been following Ye Tian all this time were sent away by him to hunt far away, and they probably will come back soon.

The two huge loggerhead turtles floated to the surface to take a breath of air, and soon dived into the sea again.

Next, the exploration fleet pulled anchor and set sail, continued to sail westward, and came to the top of the second sea ridge five or six nautical miles away, and anchored here.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian and the others took two small Aurora submarines into the sea again, and began to explore the second sea ridge to see if they could find anything.

After more than an hour of exploration, except for a trawler that sank decades ago, they have never found the shadow of those ancient Roman shipwrecks, and there are no other surprising discoveries.

Of course, the scenery on this ridge is also very beautiful, and those colorful Mediterranean corals are also valuable, but these are not the goals of your trip.

Seeing that the second sea ridge was about to be explored, Chandler suddenly discovered such a coral reef with an outline that looked a bit like a ship, which immediately made everyone's eyes brighten.

While talking, the seven-seater small submarine that Ye Tian and the others were on had already sailed to the front of this colorful coral reef.

Another small submarine, which was traveling more than 30 meters away, also approached here.

With the arrival of these two small submarines, many marine creatures that originally lived in this coral reef immediately dispersed and fled to other places.

After the submarine stopped, Ye Tian carefully observed the coral reef, then shook his head slightly and said:

"This should not be an ancient shipwreck, but a native coral reef, but this boulder on the top of the mountain is relatively large and rectangular. After being covered by coral, it looks a bit like a ship.

But we still need to check it on the spot, Charlie, you drive the submarine to approach slowly, and when you get closer to a certain distance, Waiters, you use the mechanical arm to cut a piece of coral and see what's behind it."

After the words fell, the small submarine moved again and slowly approached the coral reef.

When it was about fifty or sixty centimeters away from the coral reef, Charlie stopped the submarine, clinging to the side of the coral reef, suspended in the sea water.

Immediately afterwards, under the control of Waiters, the two mechanical arms at the front of the small submarine protruded and slowly stretched towards the coral reef, like two long tentacles.

When the two robotic arms touched the coral reef, the chainsaw at the top of the robotic arm immediately spun at high speed and began to cut the beautiful corals that had grown for hundreds of thousands of years.

Seeing this scene, some so-called environmentalists in front of the live broadcast could not help but itch their teeth with hatred, and they all cursed Ye Tian at the top of their throats, but there was nothing they could do!

In just a moment, a large piece of coral was cut off and fell to the sea ridge below.

Hidden behind this coral was a hard gray rock, not a rotting ship's hull, or fine marble, or anything.

This piece of gray rock is the main body of this sea ridge. It is so common that it can be found everywhere!

Seeing this result, everyone couldn't help but feel a little disappointed and sighed lightly.

Of course, this does not include Ye Tian, ​​he already knew this was the result, so how could he be disappointed!

Next, Waiters retracted the mechanical arm, and Charlie immediately started the mini-submarine, ready to leave here.

At this moment, Matisse in another small submarine not far away suddenly pointed to the back of the coral reef and said loudly:

"Steven, be careful, a group of big guys have swum up from the deep sea behind that piece of coral reef, it seems that the visitors are not good"

Before the words fell, a large shadow had risen from behind the coral reef, directly covering the submarine that Ye Tian and the others were riding on, blocking out the sky and the sun.

The next moment, there were almost crazy exclamations from the two small submarines on the seabed, the exploration fleet on the sea surface, and countless live broadcast terminals.

"My God! That's a group of killer whales. It's incredible that there is a small group of killer whales in this sea area!"

"Wow! This scene is simply too spectacular. Who would have thought that such a group of killer whales would come out halfway, and in such an almost sudden attack.

I don't know what the purpose of these big guys is? I don't know if that guy Steven can perform a miracle again and become friends with these overlords in the ocean? "

Just as people were exclaiming, these killer whales that suddenly jumped up from the deep sea had already lowered their heads to look at the two strange objects emitting strong light, and at Ye Tian and the others in the submarine cockpit.

And everyone sitting in the two submarines, through the fully transparent glass cockpit, is also observing these sudden big guys.

Everyone was stunned, their eyes were wide open, and their eyeballs were about to fly out!

Obviously, everyone was very frightened. Some were nervous, some were frightened, and some were even trembling, such as NBC's Peterson.

However, Ye Tian's eyes flashed with ecstasy.

If you doze off, someone will give you a pillow! There is no doubt that this is definitely a group of powerful thugs and a super gift sent to him by the sea god Poseidon!

Killer whales are large toothed whales. Adult killer whales are generally eight to ten meters long and weigh about nine tons. They have a slightly round head with a not-so-obvious beak, a tall and upright dorsal fin, and a black and white body. pretty.

It has a slender mouth, sharp teeth, and an extremely ferocious temperament. It is the top predator in the ocean, and it is extremely good at hunting, especially teamwork!

Killer whales have a very diverse diet, from penguins to seals, to other cetaceans, and even great white sharks, all of which are on top of their diets. They can be called the veritable king of the sea!

Although killer whales are relatively friendly to humans, and it is rare to hear of wild killer whales hurting people, there have indeed been several killings of killer whales, all of which happened in man-made ocean worlds!

Coupled with their huge size and invincible powerful attack power, anyone who faces a group of killer whales in the ocean will be terrified and terrified!

Killer whales are not only powerful in attack, but also a highly social animal. The family composed of some killer whale groups is one of the most stable families in the animal kingdom.

Some of their complex social behaviors, hunting techniques, and vocal communication methods are even considered to be some evidence that killer whales have their own culture.

It can be seen that the IQ of killer whales is as high as that of their close relatives, dolphins.

As the overlord of the sea with no natural enemies and strong adaptability, killer whales have a very wide distribution range and are distributed in almost all oceans on the earth. They can be seen from the equator to the poles!

The killer whales that appeared here at this time are a small family consisting of seven killer whales.

Among them, five adult orcas were more than eight meters in length, and the two largest orcas were even more than nine meters in length.

In this family of killer whales, there are also two young killer whales, both of which are more than six meters long!

Looking up at these black and white behemoths floating in the sea water above the submarine, gently swaying their bodies, Ye Tian soon had an incomparably bright smile on his face.

Moreover, he raised his hand and waved lightly at these big guys a few times, as if he was greeting a good friend.

Seeing this scene, everyone was amazed and secretly admired.

Under such circumstances, how could this guy, Steven, still be able to laugh, and dare to say hello to these kings of the sea with a smile? That was him, who would have the guts to be someone else?

Just when everyone felt admiration, the next scene almost made everyone's eyes explode!

Those killer whales floating in the sea seemed to feel the kindness released by Ye Tian, ​​and joy flashed across their small eyes at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, they swam to the top of the seven-seat Aurora mini-submarine, staring at Ye Tian in the cockpit through the fully transparent glass cockpit, nodding frequently, showing very intimate.

Ye Tian stood up from his seat, and through the glass cockpit, stretched out his right hand and gently stroked those cute giants outside, as if communicating with those smart guys!

Seeing such a scene, the whole place was fried in an instant!

"I'll go! This is fine, true or false? This guy Steven must have magical powers, it's simply unbelievable!"

"This is simply a miracle! There is no doubt that Steven has become the master of this sea area. Without his consent, no one can dive deep into the sea, let alone snatch the sunken treasure from him!"

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