Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2110 Incomparably Harmonious Scene

On the second ridge, Ye Tian and the others did not find the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure they were looking for, but they took in a group of the most powerful bodyguards in the ocean, a small group of killer whales.

Two Aurora mini-submarines surfaced again, and the group of black and white top ocean killers followed Ye Tian's silver-gray Aurora submarine to the surface of the sea.

When their black backs emerged from the water, appeared in the sight of the rest of the exploration fleet, and let out cheerful chirping sounds, the sea immediately boiled.

The guys in the exploration fleet all responded and cheered, and their voices resounded throughout the sea area. They seemed to be competing with those killer whales to see who had the loudest voice.

Everyone was ecstatic and ecstatic, dancing and celebrating on the various ships, taking out their mobile phones and cameras to take pictures non-stop, recording this rare and spectacular scene.

Ever since Ye Tian communicated with this group of killer whales in the depths of the sea and became friends, everyone's sense of oppression and fear of these top killer whales has also disappeared and completely disappeared.

At this time, everyone regards this group of killer whales as friends. They are super big but very cute and full of aura. Everyone wants to get close to them, but they are a little nervous.

Of course, not everyone is in a happy mood.

Those experts and scholars from Greece and France all had helpless wry smiles on their faces at this time, even dumbfounding.

They knew very well in their hearts that as long as these top ocean killers were still in this sea area, even if the salvage ships from Greece and France arrived here, they would never even think about launching exploration operations in the sea.

With the ruthless and black-hearted behavior of that bastard Steven, he will definitely secretly instruct this group of killer whales to prevent others from approaching the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck, and even drive this group of killer whales to kill people at the bottom of the sea.

It is said that that bastard has done such things in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, but there is no evidence left, and no one can do anything about him.

It's just that the two times he drove sharks, he killed a lot of idiots who wanted to find the treasure of the sunken ship. This time, he drove a group of killer whales, and the lethality was even more terrifying. Who dare to face it!

As for driving away this group of troublesome and frightening killer whales, or even killing them with guns, there is no possibility at all, don't even think about it!

First of all, it's impossible for that bastard Steven to agree.

Leaving aside his friendship with this group of killer whales,

From the perspective of profit alone, it is impossible for him to give up this group of invincible super bodyguards, unless his brain is flooded!

Besides, it is now being broadcast live, and the appearance of this group of killer whales has already attracted the attention of countless people.

In this case, if someone dares to touch this group of killer whales, they will be sprayed to death and completely submerged by the saliva from all over the world!

Especially those animal protectionists, cetacean protection organizations, other environmentalists, as well as news media and entertainment stars who like to join in the fun, politicians who want to win votes, and children who are full of love and so on.

The criticism and accusations from these people alone are enough to turn anyone into a street mouse that everyone shouts and beats, with nowhere to hide.

At this time, the marine research institutions of the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, which are already in a state of carnival, cannot let go of anyone who dares to attack this group of killer whales. Is it easy for killer whales to appear in the Mediterranean Sea!

Anyone who dared to hurt this group of orcas would be the first to rush up and tear them to pieces.

Thinking of this, many experts and scholars from Greece and France couldn't help feeling powerless.

Can everyone just watch as that greedy bastard Steven finds this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure and then sweeps it up, but can't do anything?

After surfacing on the submarine, Ye Tian did not return to the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid to recuperate like Mathis and the others did, to recharge his batteries for the next exploration operation.

He asked the crew on the Intrepid to put down a speedboat and put it on the surface of the sea, preparing to drive the speedboat alone to lure the group of killer whales away.

Ever since following the submarine to the surface, these big guys have gathered on the sea near the stern of the Intrepid, unwilling to leave for a long time.

However, their size is too large, and the Dauntless will soon set sail again, sailing to the third sea ridge in this sea area, and continue to explore the treasures of the sunken ship.

No matter for this group of killer whales or for the Intrepid, the distance between them is too close, and there is no small danger to both sides.

Because of this, Ye Tian was going to lure this group of killer whales away a little bit, and drove the speedboat to personally lead these cute big guys forward to the waters where the third sea ridge is located.

The speedboat has been lowered and is moored at the side of the swimming platform at the stern of the Intrepid, and it can be stepped up.

But Ye Tian didn't board the speedboat right away, but walked to the other side of the swimming platform at the stern of the Intrepid, and squatted down on the edge of the platform.

Following his action, the two young killer whales closest to the Intrepid immediately swam towards this side, causing a big wave.


Amidst the sound of exclamation, a wave of waves came quickly and rushed directly onto the swimming platform, completely soaking the legs of almost everyone standing on the platform.

After the waves washed up on the swimming platform, the momentum remained, and then they rushed into the stern boathouse, washed the floor of the boathouse thoroughly, and then slowly flowed out.

The few guys staying in the boat garage also had their legs wet by the sea water.

Fortunately, everyone was well prepared, and there were no accidents, such as slipping into the sea and so on.

As for Ye Tian, ​​who bears the brunt, his whole body is soaked, with water running down from his head, but there is an incomparably bright smile on his face.

While talking, the two baby killer whales had come near the swimming platform at the stern and approached Ye Tian.

To say they are small is relative to adult killer whales.

In fact, these two guys are huge monsters, over six meters in length and several tons in weight. Once they move, they will shake the ground!

What's more, the picture of two young killer whales moving together and swimming to the stern swimming platform of the Intrepid is even more shocking.

But the more shocking scene has just begun to happen.

After the two young killer whales swam near the platform, they immediately poked their heads out of the sea water, staring at Ye Tian who was squatting on the edge of the swimming platform, their eyes were full of joy, and they kept chirping, with an unusually cheerful voice.

Ye Tian stretched out his right hand and directly touched the round head of the little killer whale on the right. He didn't care about the sharp jagged teeth of the killer whale at all, and said with a smile:

"Cute little guy, I'm Steven, nice to meet you and happy to be friends with you"

Seeing this scene, no matter the people in the exploration fleet or the countless viewers on the live broadcast, everyone's heart instantly rose to their throats, and they were extremely nervous.

This is a real wild killer whale. It is likely that it has never been in contact with humans before. How can it be serious? If it opens its mouth to attack, the picture will be very beautiful.

Isn't Steven, a bold guy, a little too arrogant? I really thought I was Poseidon, the god of the sea!

Of course, many people in front of the live broadcast want to see such a scene happen, without exception, these guys are enemies who hate Ye Tianbu to death!

Unfortunately, all their hopes were dashed.

There was no resistance or reluctance, but a very friendly exchange between humans and wild killer whales.

Ye Tian's right hand landed smoothly on the round head of the little killer whale, and stroked it a few times, the movements were very gentle and full of love.

With his stroking, the chirping sound of the little killer whale became more cheerful, and it even poked its whole head out of the sea, gently pressing against Ye Tian's right hand, enjoying his caress very much.

There are two little killer whales here, of course one cannot favor the other, otherwise, the other little one is likely to be jealous and get angry.

Ye Tian stretched out his left hand again, and gently put it on the head of the little guy on the left, stroking it lightly, as if he was teasing a cute child.

The chirping of the two baby killer whales was one after another, immature but full of joy.

Under the blowing of the sea breeze, their cheerful calls quickly spread throughout the entire sea area and reached everyone's ears, including several adult killer whales cruising on the sea near the stern of the Intrepid.

Those big guys swam to this side one after another, bringing waves again, rushing towards the Dreadnought non-stop.

The scene that happened at the stern of the Intrepid was spread across the entire world in an instant through the cameras of the two live broadcast groups, and it also detonated almost all live broadcast terminals.

"Wow! This scene is so beautiful, incomparably beautiful, how did Steven do it? Could it be that this guy really has magical powers?"

"It's so cool, I wish I could be there and see these sea elves up close, if I could communicate with them and dance with them, it would be perfect!"

At this time, no matter the people in the exploration fleet or the countless viewers in front of the live broadcast, they were going crazy with envy. Everyone wished they could take Ye Tian's place and touch those two extremely cute little killer whales with their own hands.

Finally, someone made the request.

"Steven, can I pet these two baby killer whales too? They are so cute and cute!"

The person who made this request was a female employee of the Intrepid Exploration Company. She was lying on the railing at the stern of the Intrepid, watching the two little killer whales condescendingly, her eyes full of fascination.

Not only her, but everyone else at the scene was also eager to try.

No one wants to let go of such a godsend opportunity to have close contact with wild killer whales. Once this opportunity is missed, it is likely that it will never be encountered again in a lifetime!

Ye Tian turned to look at the female subordinate, then smiled and said:

"Judy, of course you can get in touch with these two little killer whales and play with them, but not now, these killer whales have just surfaced and are not familiar with everyone, so you can't get too close to avoid danger.

Next, I will lead this group of killer whales and go with the expedition fleet to explore the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks. After you get to know these killer whales well, you will come down to play with them. There are plenty of opportunities.”

Before the words fell, there was already cheers in the exploration fleet, resounding through the sky.

Some experts and scholars who were also in the exploration fleet sighed in unison, and everyone was extremely disappointed.

Next, Ye Tian teased the two little killer whales for a while, and then boarded the high-speed speedboat parked at the stern of the Intrepid, and drove the speedboat slowly out.

Behind this high-speed speedboat, the group of ocean overlords followed step by step, and those two cute little killer whales were swimming in the front.

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