Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2118 Secret Layout

Moments later, the five-seat Aurora mini-submarine that Mattis and the others were riding on also surfaced smoothly, and thunderous applause and excited cheers resounded on the sea again.

Immediately afterwards, the two small submarines drove to the stern of the Dauntless, stopped close to the swimming platform at the stern, and connected with the Dreadnought using cables.

The hatch on the top of the submarine opened immediately, and Ye Tian and Mathis came out of the two small submarines respectively and boarded the stern swimming platform of the Intrepid.

When they all got out of the submarine, several staff and divers who were guarding the stern of the Bravery immediately entered the submarine or jumped into the sea, and began to check the two small submarines to prepare for the next deep dive exploration.

The divers who jumped into the sea had another task, which was to remove the storage boxes that came with the two small submarines and hand them over to Ye Tian and Mathis.

Those two storage boxes contained a few antique cultural relics that Ye Tian and the others found from the shipwreck treasure on the seabed. They were basically gold products. Although they were not big, they were all very valuable.

In the blink of an eye, the diver took off the two storage boxes, surfaced, and handed all the storage boxes to Ye Tian who was standing on the swimming platform.

After getting the two storage boxes, Ye Tian immediately glanced at the few people left on the swimming platform, and then said with a smile:

"Guys, let's go up, go to the saloon on the main deck, have a good rest, and then discuss how to salvage the priceless treasures in this shipwreck treasure!"

After speaking, he stepped out first, boarded the gangway, and walked to the main deck above.

Behind him, Matisse and Charlie immediately followed, and everyone was extremely excited.

As soon as he boarded the main deck, Ye Tian saw Jason and David waiting here, as well as Walker and others who were in charge of security.

"Steven, congratulations, you have discovered another huge shipwreck treasure. This shipwreck treasure is really amazing. Its appearance has caused a huge sensation all over the world."

David came up to congratulate him, his words and eyes were full of envy and excitement.

"Hahaha, this is just the beginning. When we salvage the priceless treasures in this shipwreck treasure and let them see the sun again after more than two thousand years, the whole world will be excited!"

Ye Tian said with a confident chuckle, and lightly touched his fists with David.

After greeting these guys one after another, everyone walked towards the living room on the main deck together.

On the way, Ye Tian turned to Walker and said:

"Tell me about the situation on the sea, Walker, I believe that many uninvited guests have rushed to this sea area, it must be very lively?"

Walker nodded with a chuckle, and then began to introduce the situation on the sea.

"That's right, Steven, the sea is getting more and more lively now. Following the two medium-sized seaplanes from Italy, three medium-sized seaplanes sent by Greece have also arrived in this sea area.

Like the previous two seaplanes, the later three seaplanes also failed to enter the sea area designated as a restricted area by us. They could only stop on the outer sea and protested to us.

In addition, the first batch of official ships from Italy and Greece arrived in this sea area about half an hour ago, and they were moored on the outer sea, along with some yachts that joined in the fun.

Those yachts were originally on the Ionian Sea. After seeing the live TV broadcast, they rushed here to watch the excitement, but they arrived the fastest. There are still many ships on the way here, from far and near.

In addition to the countries along the Mediterranean Sea, the United States has also responded. The amphibious assault ship Bataan is currently on the sea about 70 to 80 nautical miles southwest of our fleet, forming a certain degree of force deterrence."

Hearing this report, a sneer flashed across Ye Tian's face immediately.

"Sure enough, the discovery of this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure has already made some people's eyeballs turn red. Just watch, there will be more guys with ulterior motives coming here.

What we have to do is to firmly guard this sea area, and no one will try to take advantage of us. If necessary, we can let the amphibious assault ship Bataan take action, so a large sum of money will not be wasted! "

While speaking, the group of them had arrived at the living room on the main deck of the Dauntless.

Entering the living room, Ye Tian first greeted the captain of the Intrepid and others, and then said to everyone present:

"Sit here first, rest for a while, and discuss the salvage operation that will be launched later, Mattis, come with me, we need to arrange some things in advance, just in case"

As he spoke, he waved to Matisse, then walked into a lounge next to him, and Matisse got up and followed in.

The rest stayed in the saloon on the main deck, sipping coffee and discussing the upcoming salvage operation for the sunken treasure, everyone was very excited.

In the blink of an eye, ten minutes had passed.

The lounge door opened again, and Ye Tian and Mathis walked out.

As soon as they appeared, Jason got up and said:

"Steven, those experts and scholars who came with the fleet demanded to meet with you immediately, and their attitude was very tough, and they were all very urgent. Seeing the posture they put on, they even didn't hesitate to swim over"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

This time Ye Tian did not refuse, he nodded with a smile and said:

"They are all experts and scholars who study the history of ancient Greece, or experts in the identification of top antique works of art. The discovery of this shipwreck treasure is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them, how can they miss it!

I didn't intend to completely exclude them, that would offend those old friends, Jason, send someone to pick up those guys and arrange them in the conference room of the Intrepid, where I will meet them."

"Okay, Steven, I'll arrange for the guys to pick up those experts and scholars."

Jason nodded in response, then picked up the walkie-talkie and walked out of the living room.

After he left, Ye Tian poured himself a cup of coffee, then walked to the sofa and sat down, talking about the next operation to salvage the sunken treasure.

"In view of the current situation, the operation to salvage the treasure of this sunken ship must be launched immediately, and those treasures sunk in the depths of the sea must be salvaged as soon as possible. The longer the time is delayed, the greater the possibility of variables!

Let the deep-sea salvage staff prepare, drive the submarine into the sea, cooperate with the underwater robot, and start the salvage work of the sunken treasure. The first goal is the life-size female marble statue.

In addition, there is the bronze head of Socrates and the other bronze head. These treasures are not big and not too heavy, and they are scattered on the sea ridge, so it is not particularly difficult to salvage them.

Using rope nets, buoyancy bags, and the crane on the Intrepid, it is estimated that they will be salvaged from the water in a short time, and these treasures that have been sleeping in the dark for more than two thousand years will be seen again.

After the three statues are salvaged from the water, I will take them away immediately. I have contacted the amphibious assault ship Bataan and the US air force base in Sicily, and arranged for a transport plane.

I am going to fly directly to New York with these three statues, and Jason will be responsible for the next treasure salvage operation. According to my estimation, the follow-up salvage and cleanup of the sunken treasure will last at least 20 more days."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, everyone couldn't help being stunned for a moment, somewhat surprised.

Immediately afterwards, David asked curiously in a low voice:

"Steven, why did you salvage that life-sized statue of a female human body in the first place? Could it be the work of a top sculptor in ancient Greece or the Hellenistic period, which is of great significance?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at David, then said with a secretive smile:

"The secret must not be leaked! What I can tell you is that if the experts and scholars who followed the fleet saw the whole picture of the female marble human body statue, those guys would definitely be crazy about it!

If the Greek government authorities or the Italian government authorities knew of the existence of the marble statue, they would most likely take the risk, ignore all laws, and directly send troops here to snatch it.

When I saw the outline of the back of the marble statue of a woman in the depths of the sea, I recognized the statue, so I stopped Charlie and the others from continuing to clean up, so as not to detonate the entire outside world.

This is why I salvaged the statue immediately and took it away quickly. Once the statue comes out of the water, it will definitely cause a huge sensation. It is dangerous to stay here for a second.

In comparison, the bronze head of Socrates and the other bronze head are not very important, even though they may be the work of one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, the master Leucippus"


There was a gasp of air at the scene, and everyone was shocked by Ye Tian's words, and became even more excited.

"Wow! What is that female figure? Which master sculptor is it? It's so precious, it's unbelievable!"

David exclaimed directly, holding his head in his hands, with an exaggerated expression.

"Once the marble statue is brought out of the water and cleaned up, you recognize the statue and become fascinated by it"

Ye Tian said with a light smile, but his tone was firm.

Next, he continued to explain his reasons for leaving early

"The salvage and cleanup of this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure will definitely take a long time. Twenty days is a conservative estimate, but I still have a lot to do, so naturally I can't stay here forever.

I leave with the most valuable statue, and it will also take away most of the attention, reduce the pressure here, and facilitate the salvage work. I will make many people with ulterior motives scruples when I am outside! "

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene nodded slightly, and there was no disagreement.

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