Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2119 Dionysus Carol

In the living room on the main deck of the Intrepid, Ye Tian was still making arrangements.

"David, get ready and escort the three statues back to New York with me. Your work here will be taken over by Anderson and his assistant. They are on their way here and will arrive in the evening.

Mattis, you are still in charge of the security of the exploration fleet. I am going to take Walker and the others to leave. Walker can fly all kinds of aircraft, including heavy transport aircraft, so it is safe to take him with you.

In addition, if necessary, you can contact Raytheon's Wilson at any time and ask them to send additional armed security personnel to ensure the safety of the exploration fleet and ensure that our interests are not violated."

"Understood, Steven, we know what to do"

David and Mattis responded in unison, and everyone was full of confidence.

Next, Ye Tian told everyone a few more words, making various arrangements, with extremely thorough consideration, almost impeccable.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten minutes have passed.

Mattis, the captain of the Intrepid, and others have left the living room on the main deck to prepare for the upcoming salvage operation.

Only Ye Tian and David were left in the living room, drinking coffee while admiring the antiques brought up from the depths of the sea.

At this moment, Jason walked into the living room.

"Steven, those experts and scholars have taken over and arranged them in the conference room according to your instructions. When are you going to meet those guys?"

Ye Tian looked at Jason, then jokingly said:

"Let's go now, if I don't go there again, those guys should curse at the top of their throats"

After saying that, Ye Tian put away a few antique cultural relics on the coffee table, stood up from the sofa, and then walked out of the living room with David and the others, and walked towards the conference room.

As soon as the three of them walked into the meeting room, the experts and scholars staying in the meeting room immediately stood up in unison, and looked towards the door one after another. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Ye Tian quickly scanned the scene, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, I have something to deal with just now, and I have kept you waiting for a long time"


Ye Tian and David had already walked to the conference table, and put the portable safe in their hands on the conference table.

"Good afternoon, Steven, it's so hard to see you, that's not what you said when you left Athens!"

"That's right! Steven, you promised us to participate in this expedition to explore the treasures of ancient Roman shipwrecks, but now we have become spectators. Aren't you just breaking your promise?"

Many experts and scholars began to condemn Ye Tian one after another, and they were all very angry.

Ye Tian always had a bright smile on his face, and he wasn't unhappy at all. The experts and scholars who watched were itchy, but there was nothing they could do.

After letting these experts and scholars complain, Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down lightly, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

When the conference room became a little quieter, he immediately smiled and said loudly:

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Today is just the first day of exploring and salvaging the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure. This exploration of the sunken ship treasure will definitely last for many days. Everyone has the opportunity to participate in it.

Before the situation of the seabed is unknown, the existence of the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure and the general situation of the treasure are not known, of course we cannot take everyone to dive deep into the seabed to explore the treasure, that would be too risky.

Now that we have ascertained the general situation of this shipwreck treasure, and have a certain understanding of the hydrological conditions in the depths of the ocean, everyone can participate in the follow-up exploration and salvage operations."

Hearing these words, many experts and scholars at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily, but they were very helpless.

Cooperating with you guy is for safety reasons, so we are excluded, let us stay on the sea and watch helplessly, and don't even let us board the deep-sea salvage ship Intrepid.

You crafty bastard would be so kind? Why am I so unbelievable!

"Okay, Steven, stop using your eloquent skills, first show the treasures you brought from the shipwreck treasure, let us open our eyes, and then talk about other things"

Maria said loudly, her eyes full of expectation.

Following her words, many experts and scholars at the scene all looked at the portable safe in Ye Tian's hand, and everyone's eyes lit up, and their eyes were extremely hot.

"Well, let's first appreciate these treasures from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic era that have been sleeping in the depths of the sea for more than two thousand years. Each of them is very beautiful and valuable."

With that said, Ye Tian had gently opened the portable safe, and began to take things out one by one.

The first thing he took out was the gold coin of the Ptolemaic Dynasty's "Holy Brothers and Sisters".

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is one of the three great dynasties of the Hellenistic era, the Ptolemaic Dynasty's "Holy Brothers and Sisters" gold coins, struck during the reign of Ptolemy II.

Regarding this priceless Hellenistic gold coin, when I found this gold coin in the depths of the seabed, I made an introduction, so I won’t repeat it here! "

While saying these words, Ye Tian had already taken out the antique gold coin and placed it in the middle of the conference table.


The sights of all the experts and scholars at the scene were instantly focused on the dazzling antique gold coin, and their eyes were so hot that they were about to burn, and they didn't even want to blink their eyelids.

The performance of these guys was completely within Ye Tian's expectation.

For these experts and scholars, this priceless and special antique gold coin is even more attractive than their first love standing naked in front of them!

Ye Tian smiled softly, and then continued to shock these experts and scholars.

"You don't have to be cautious, you can pick up this 'Holy Brother and Sister' gold coin of the Ptolemaic dynasty and appreciate it carefully, as long as you don't take it out of the meeting room, it belongs to our company's property.

The next thing you see is a more precious antique gold coin. This antique gold coin is small, irregularly round, and weighs about 8.46 grams. It is a heavy gold coin of 1 standard in ancient Greece.

The obverse of this gold coin is engraved with the helmeted head of the goddess Athena Corinth, and the reverse is engraved with the standing image of the two-winged goddess Naik holding a cross and a wreath, and the word "Alexander" is also engraved."

While speaking, another small gold coin was taken out by Ye Tian and placed on the conference table.

Before his words fell, the slightly crowded conference room was completely boiling.


Accompanied by the sound of pushing and pulling chairs, these experts and scholars all pushed aside their chairs and stood up, staring at the small gold coin on the table with their eyes widened.

"Wow! This is the gold coin of Alexander the Great, and it was made before Alexander the Great was alive. It is really rare, and there are only a few in the world!"

"Today was really an eye-opener. Not only did I see the gold coins of the 'Holy Brothers and Sisters' of the Ptolemaic dynasty, but also the more precious gold coins of Alexander. It was a fantastic day.

Can I boldly imagine that we will see Alexander's Conquest Coin and the older Philip II 4 drachma silver coin next, that would be perfect! "

Obviously, these experts and scholars are a bit hopeless, and their appetites are bigger than Ye Tian's.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then said triumphantly:

"Everyone's eyesight is very good, as expected of top experts and scholars, yes, this is the famous gold coin of Alexander the Great, minted from 326 BC to 323 BC.

In the western antique coin collection market, this gold coin is also known as Alexander's lifetime coin. The word "lifetime" endows this antique gold coin with unparalleled status and value.

As for the other Alexander's coin that everyone said, that is, the silver coin of Alexander's Eastern Expedition, and the older Philip II 4 drachma silver coin, we haven't found it yet.

In the following exploration and salvage operations, maybe these two kinds of priceless antique coins will be found. It would be perfect. I believe that good luck will always be with me.

In addition to the antique gold coins, we also found several interesting gold artifacts, one of which was a golden wine cup from the Hellenistic Kingdom of Macedonia, with ancient Greek inscriptions on it."

Before the words were finished, an exquisite golden wine glass appeared on the conference table, shaking everyone present a little dizzy.

The conference room fell silent in an instant, and everyone stared dumbfounded at the golden wine glass and the ancient Greek writing on the golden wine glass, their eyes full of fascination.

The next moment, a voice trembling with excitement suddenly came out, shattering the tranquility.

"My God! That's the Dionysus of ancient Greece!"

As the sound came out, the conference room was immediately fired up!

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