Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2120 Dreaming Greeks

In the conference room of the Intrepid, the experts and scholars who followed the fleet were admiring and appraising the antique cultural relics from the depths of the seabed, all of them fascinated and completely ecstatic.

Needless to say, the appraisal results, these antique cultural relics brought out by Ye Tian, ​​each one comes from ancient Greece or the Hellenistic era, they are extremely rare and expensive.

At this time, the sky outside was approaching dusk.

The setting sun is gradually setting, reflecting the whole sky and the blue and clear Mediterranean Sea red. The sea is sparkling and the scenery is extremely beautiful, just like a realistic landscape painting.

However, the people in the exploration fleet had no time to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Everyone was busy, making the final preparations for the upcoming salvage operation of the sunken treasure.

And on the distant sea, various ships and seaplanes kept coming from all directions, and then parked on the distant sea, looking towards the exploration fleet.

Without exception, the eyeballs of each of those guys holding up the binoculars to watch were a little red, and various emotions of envy, jealousy, and hatred flashed in their eyes.

It's a pity that they can only stop at a distance, and they can't get close to the exploration fleet at all.

The armed security personnel who took two helicopters and several yachts on the sea ahead and blocked the sea area where the exploration fleet was operating were enough to discourage them.

And the amphibious assault ship Bataan and the comprehensive supply ship farther away made them even more scruples, and they dared not act rashly, lest they would be hit hard.

It took more than 20 minutes for many experts and scholars to finish appreciating the several antique cultural relics that Ye Tian took out.

After reluctantly putting down the treasure in her hand, Maria immediately asked impatiently:

"Steven, what are you going to do with these incomparably precious and research-worthy antique relics, or should I put it this way, what are you going to do with the many antique relics in this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure?"

Following Maria's words, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​everyone's eyes were full of expectation, and there was also a bit of anxiety.

Ye Tian glanced at the experts and scholars present, then smiled and said:

"First of all, let me state that this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure is located in open sea waters, and it was discovered by our brave and fearless exploration company at all costs and a lot of manpower and material resources. This is well known.

And we are not hesitant to take great risks,

Diving deep into the depths of the sea, I found out the general situation of this shipwreck treasure. According to industry practice, this shipwreck treasure belongs to our company, there is no doubt about it! "

Hearing this, all the Greeks at the scene became impatient, their eyes widened and their molars gritted, ready to refute.

The rest of the people didn't say much, they had different expressions, and everyone was going crazy with envy.

Of course, the guys from the U.S. Department of Culture, the National Gallery of Art, and the Met all had big smiles on their faces.

Before those Greeks could refute, Ye Tian stretched out his hands and pressed down lightly, signaling to the other party to be calm and not to get angry.

At the same time, his voice was not interrupted, continuing his performance.

"How to deal with the antique relics salvaged from this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, I have a preliminary idea, which is no secret, and I can tell you here.

I plan to divide these antique cultural relics in front of you and all the antique cultural relics salvaged later into three parts and treat them in different ways.

The first part is antiques, which I plan to collect myself. As you know, I am preparing for my own private museum. These antiques will be displayed in my private museum in the future.

The second part of antique relics is still my private collection. I plan to establish the first independent exhibition hall in New York dedicated to the display of antique relics from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic era in the United States.

Once this independent exhibition hall is established, it must be the largest and most distinctive ancient Greek exhibition hall in the United States. It can be established in the existing major museums in New York, or it can be an independent museum.

Like my 'Kings and Knights' gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, this stand-alone gallery is sure to cause a huge stir and attract countless tourists from all over the world to visit."

Before the voice finished, it was already interrupted impatiently.

"Steven, you had a very pleasant cooperation with the Metropolitan Museum. I hope you can set up this exhibition hall of ancient Greece and the Hellenistic era in our Metropolitan Museum. We can provide the best exhibition conditions"

Needless to say, the person speaking is an old friend from the Metropolitan Museum.

Everyone at the scene turned their heads to look at that guy, everyone's eyes were full of envy, and they wished they could replace him.

Ye Tian glanced at the guy from the Metropolitan Museum, nodded slightly to that old friend, and then continued:

"Let's talk about the third part of antique relics. I plan to push them to the antique art market. Collectors and major museums who are interested in these antique relics can compete fairly.

In this way, other collectors and major museums also have the opportunity to receive these antiques from ancient Greece or the Hellenistic era to enrich their own collections.

In order to take care of the feelings of the Greeks and out of respect for the ancient Greek civilization, if the major Greek museums participate in the competition, they can obtain some preferential conditions, such as the right of first refusal.”

"Those antique relics originally belonged to Greece, but now we are asked to pay for them. How can there be such a reason? Steven, if you really respect ancient Greek civilization, you should return those antique relics to Greece!"

A senior official from the Greek Ministry of Culture said loudly, interrupting Ye Tian's words.

Hearing this, the rest of the Greeks on the scene nodded frequently, as if they were fighting against each other.

There was a hint of smile on the faces of the rest of the people, as if they were watching the excitement, and a hint of disdain flashed in the eyes of those guys from the United States.

If you want Steven, a greedy guy, to spit out the fat that he ate, what dream is he doing? These Greeks are really whimsical!

Ye Tian looked at the senior official of the Greek Ministry of Culture, then sneered disdainfully and said:

"It is undeniable that most of the antiques in this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure come from ancient Greece and the Hellenistic era, but as early as 30 BC, ancient Greece no longer existed.

In the following two thousand years, the Romans ruled the land of Greece, the Ottoman Empire ruled this land, and Greece was divided into a dozen or even dozens of city-states.

And these ancient Roman shipwrecks all sank more than 2,000 years ago, and they sank in high seas, not within the territory or territorial waters of Greece, and have little to do with modern Greece.

I am a professional treasure hunter. The Daring One Exploration Company is an economic entity. Pursuing profit is a matter of course. There is nothing wrong with it. This does not conflict with my respect for ancient Greek civilization.

As for sending all the antiques and cultural relics in this shipwreck treasure to Greece, there is no possibility at all. Is it possible that the Mediterranean Sea, where we have traveled thousands of miles, came here to do good deeds? "


There was a lot of laughter at the scene, and those guys who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement all laughed.

And the faces of those Greeks became very ugly, as if their own fathers had died.

Forcibly suppressing the boiling anger in her heart, Maria was about to speak and argue hard.

As for whether the truth is on their side, it is a matter of opinion, and different positions have different opinions.

At this moment, Jason's voice suddenly came from the intercom

"Steven, everything is ready to salvage the sunken treasure. Would you like to come to the swimming platform at the stern or the living room on the main deck and watch through the monitor?"

"Tell Matisse and them, let's start to act. Be sure to pay attention to your own safety and protect those valuable antiques. I will go to the living room on the main deck later."

Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and said, issuing an action order.

Before the words were finished, many experts and scholars in the conference room had already pushed aside their chairs and stood up.

"Steven, we ask to participate in the salvage work of the sunken treasure, take a small submarine to the depths of the sea, and investigate this treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck. You just promised everyone!"

Several experts and scholars said in unison, everyone is impatient.

The rest of the people behaved the same way, wishing they could rush out of the conference room immediately and participate in the exploration and salvage of the sunken treasure.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then smiled and said:

"Don't worry everyone. This is just a tentative salvage operation. The target is a few antique cultural relics scattered on the sea ridge. It is mainly for training soldiers and getting familiar with the underwater environment. It is not suitable for everyone to participate in it.

When our company's deep-sea salvage experts and relevant staff are familiar with the seabed environment and formulate a set of safe work procedures, you can participate in the follow-up salvage work.

Now everyone can follow me to the living room on the main deck, or stay in this meeting room, and witness the salvage operation of the sunken treasure through the images uploaded from the bottom of the sea, which is also participatory.”

After speaking, Ye Tian made a gesture of invitation, then opened the door of the meeting room, and walked out first.

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