Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2121 buddy is very generous

At the stern of the Intrepid, two small Aurora submarines have dived into the sea one after another, and disappeared from the sea surface. Carrying several deep-sea salvage experts and two live broadcast teams, they dived to the depths of the seabed again.

Immediately afterwards, the staff on the Intrepid used the winch to put the two underwater robots and the deep-diving decompression stop carrying a large amount of supplies into the sea one by one.

The location where the deep diving decompression stop and the two underwater robots are launched is just above the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck on the seabed, and it can directly reach the sea ridge where the treasure of the shipwreck is located.

In the living room on the main deck, Ye Tian and the experts and scholars who followed the fleet were sitting on the sofa, drinking coffee while staring at the big-screen TV in front of them.

What is being played on it is the real-time picture uploaded from the depths of the seabed.

Among them, there are not only the pictures taken by the photographers of the two live broadcast groups, but also the pictures taken by the two small submarines and two underwater robots, which are very comprehensive from all angles.

At this time, no matter the two small submarines or the underwater robot, they are slowly diving, heading towards the bottom of the sea bit by bit. The salvage operation has not officially started, so there is not much to watch.

Naturally, everyone can't sit still and still talk about the topics that were not finished before.

"Steven, judging from the current situation, the ancient Roman shipwreck treasures are distributed in a wide range, some of which are located at the top of the high-standing sea ridge, and some of them are located in the surrounding deep sea.

What are you going to do with those ancient Roman shipwrecks and the corresponding shipwreck treasures that sank on the bottom of the deep sea? Should we continue to explore and salvage all those antique cultural relics out of the water, or should we give up salvaging? "

An old friend from the Louvre asked aloud, a greedy light flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene looked at Ye Tian, ​​and everyone's eyes were extremely hot.

Obviously, this is a question that everyone is very concerned about. Everyone wants to know what kind of answer Ye Tian will give.

Ye Tian naturally knew what these guys were thinking and what little calculations they had.

He quickly glanced at these unpredictable guys, then smiled and said:

"The goal of our Fearless Exploration Company is only the shipwreck treasures located on that sea ridge. As for the ancient Roman shipwrecks and corresponding treasures that sank into the surrounding deep sea, we don't covet them.

That is,

After salvaging the part of the shipwreck treasure that has been discovered and located on the sea ridge, our company’s exploration and salvage of the ancient Roman shipwreck treasure has officially come to an end.”

Hearing this, the eyes of these experts and scholars in the living room suddenly lit up, and began to shine generously, like searchlights.

As soon as Ye Tian finished speaking, the old friend from the Louvre couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, does this mean that after your company's exploration fleet leaves this sea area, other people can start exploration operations here, continue to explore and salvage the sunken treasures that have sunk into the deep sea?

No matter what other people have discovered in the depths of the sea, or how many antiques have been salvaged, it has nothing to do with your brave and fearless exploration company, and it belongs to the country or individual who actually carried out the exploration and salvage! "

Ye Tian nodded slightly, then smiled and said:

"That's right, Lyon, if the Louvre is interested, it can also organize an exploration team to salvage this sunken treasure. Other countries, organizations, and even individuals can also organize teams to explore this sunken treasure.

Although it was our company that discovered the treasure of the shipwreck, the distribution of the treasure of the shipwreck is too wide and the location is too deep. It is impossible to clean it up with only our exploration team.

That being the case, why not get more people involved? Except for those antiques on the sea ridge, and those shipwreck treasures that sank in the surrounding deep sea, everyone depends on their ability, whoever fishes it will be theirs! .

If your strength is strong enough to carry out exploration and salvage shipwreck treasures at a depth of two or three thousand meters, then congratulations, you will surely reap huge surprises one after another.

Of course, not everyone can participate, organizing a team to explore and salvage the treasure of this ancient Roman shipwreck, that would be a complete mess, and it would definitely attract some guys who just want to make money and do not hesitate to wreak havoc.

It will even attract some criminal organizations and turn this sea area into a bloody killing field. Among other things, those mafia scumbags on Sicily will rush forward as soon as they hear the news! "

Hearing this, many experts and scholars at the scene couldn't help but rolled their eyes angrily.

The guy who is only looking for money and does not hesitate to wreak havoc, isn't he talking about yourself! Could it be that others can't do it?

In the previous exploration operations, those beautiful coral reefs that have grown for thousands of years and have finally grown up have been cut to pieces by you guys with robotic arms, which is horrible.

When you greedy guys finish the salvage work and return with a full load, the ecology on the sea ridge deep under the sea will be completely destroyed, and it will never return to its former beauty.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"So I think that the country should be used as a unit to organize a team to explore and salvage this ancient Roman shipwreck treasure, and there must be a coordinating and commanding organization so that it can be orderly.

After our company completes the salvage work of the sunken treasure on the sea ridge, I will try to contact UNESCO, which will coordinate and organize the follow-up salvage work of the sunken treasure.

As far as I know, many countries along the Mediterranean Sea do not have the strength to carry out deep-sea exploration and deep-sea salvage operations. Our company can provide certain technical support and share information.

The underwater robots of our brave and fearless exploration company can dive deep into the seabed below 3,000 meters to carry out exploration operations. I believe that not many countries and organizations have such top-level underwater exploration equipment.

Of course, what we provide is a paid service, which can be paid in cash, or settled with salvaged antiques, ladies and gentlemen, the opportunity is in front of you, it depends on whether you can seize it.”

After throwing out this huge pie, Ye Tian leaned back on the sofa and looked at these experts and scholars with a smile on his face.

The living room suddenly fell silent, only the sound of rapid breathing remained, and the temperature in the air seemed to have risen by a few degrees.

After a while, the senior official from the Greek Ministry of Culture broke the silence first, stood up and said:

"Steven, what you said is true? Are you sure you're not joking with us?"

Ye Tian looked at this one, then nodded with a light smile.

"Of course it is true. Every single word is true, more true than real money! In fact, I am a very generous person. Even such a huge shipwreck treasure is willing to share it with everyone!"

Stop talking nonsense!

If it weren't for the fact that the rest of the ancient Roman shipwrecks are located too deep, it is too difficult and too dangerous to explore and salvage, so you guys are giving up that part of the shipwreck treasure.

If not, with your extremely greedy behavior, how could you share the treasure of the shipwreck with other people? I'm afraid even ghosts won't believe it!

Everyone complained secretly for a while, and rolled their eyes in unison.

"Okay, Steven, I'll go out and make a call first, and report this to Athens"

The senior official of the Greek Ministry of Culture said something, then quickly left the living room and went out to make a phone call.

Immediately after this, several experts and scholars took out their mobile phones and walked out of the living room one after another to report the news to the country.

At the same time, the live images on the big-screen TVs have also changed.

The two Aurora mini-submarines successfully dived to the ridge deep in the bottom of the sea, suspended in the sea water.

Soon, the two underwater robots and the deep-diving decompression stop carrying a large amount of supplies and equipment also slowly fell from the seawater above and landed on this sea ridge.

Next, those antique cultural relics that have been sleeping in the depths of the sea for more than 2,000 years will be salvaged one by one, and today, after more than 2,000 years, they will shine brightly again.

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