Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2123 Avatar of the Philosopher

The sun had already set in the west, and night gradually enveloped the entire Mediterranean Sea.

However, the sea area where the exploration fleet is located is brightly lit, as if it were daytime.

At this time, almost everyone in the fleet had already walked out of the cabin, stood on the decks of each ship, and looked at the sea surface near the deep-sea salvage ship Bravery. Everyone was extremely excited and their eyes were full of expectation.

On the sea farther away, the people on the other ships held up binoculars, stretched their necks, and looked towards this side. Many of them had red eyes with jealousy, and they looked quite scary.

And in countless places all over the world, many people are staring at the live broadcast, looking forward to the discovery of the treasure of this ancient Roman shipwreck, and the reappearance of the bright light of civilization after more than two thousand years.


While the waves were churning, two huge pearls radiating dazzling light rose up from the depths of the bottom of the sea one after another, and surfaced out of the sea.

The two Aurora mini-submarines that Matisse and the others were riding on first surfaced and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

Immediately afterwards, a huge rope net rose to the surface of the sea. To be precise, it was hoisted to the surface of the sea by the crane on the deep-sea salvage ship Bravery.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, resounding through the entire sea area.

The first time this rope net appeared on the sea, people on the ships of the exploration fleet gave their warm applause and cheers.

There were also waves of applause on countless live broadcasts, and everyone was applauding for the victory in the first battle to salvage the treasure of the ancient Roman shipwreck.

When the rope net was about a third of the way up, the hoist stopped suddenly.

The next moment, two high-speed speedboats cruising on the sea near the stern of the Bravery immediately approached.

When they got close to the rope net, several brave people on the speedboat quickly hung a few safety ropes on the rope net.

The other ends of these safety ropes are respectively connected to the No. 2 and No. 3 cranes on the Intrepid and a winch in the stern boat garage, just in case.

After hanging up the safety rope, Ye Tian, ​​who was standing on the main deck of the Intrepid, said immediately:


Hoisting the rope net onto the main deck of the Intrepid and slowly lowering it down for cleaning and later transfer to the main deck of the Blue Princess"

As the order came out, the No. 1 crane on the Intrepid started working again.

In the blink of an eye, the huge rope net was hoisted out of the sea as a whole, and then slowly moved towards the main deck of the Intrepid.

After a while, the huge rope net was hoisted above the main deck and slowly lowered.

When the rope net was lowered to a height of more than one meter from the main deck, several company employees immediately stepped forward, pulled the rope net by hand, and placed it stably on the prepared mat.

At this moment, there was another round of warm applause and cheers on the Dauntless.

Next, several company employees quickly unfastened the hooks on the rope net, but they did not open the strong rope net. Instead, they stacked the rope net together, just covering the three statues inside.

Seeing that the rope net had been placed, many experts and scholars who had been waiting nearby rushed forward immediately, one by one scrambling like a tide.

There were also two live broadcast groups from National Geographic Channel and NBC TV station rushing up together.

Ye Tian didn't stop these guys, he just smiled softly, and then followed with David and Jason.

Fortunately, there were several company employees guarding it. As soon as those experts and scholars rushed up, they were stopped by several company employees. They could not touch the three ancient statues, so they could only stare greedily.

While speaking, Ye Tian and David had passed through the crowd and came to the edge of the rope net.

Before they squatted down to look at the three statues, someone next to them couldn't wait to say:

"Steven, hurry up and untie this rope net. Let's take a look at the three sculptures inside and see what they are carving, which master sculptor is the work of, and how much is it worth?"

"That's right, Steven, hurry up and open this rope net bar, everyone is waiting impatiently"

Ye Tian quickly glanced at the crowd, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Everyone, don't worry, these three ancient statues have been salvaged out of the sea, and they are in front of everyone. They can't grow wings to fly anymore. We can appreciate and appraise them slowly, don't be too anxious!

These three statues have been sleeping in the depths of the sea for more than two thousand years, and they must be carefully cleaned before they can be seen, especially the two bronze heads, which must be stained with rust.

I will open this rope net now, let's start with the two bronze heads, clean them one by one, and then appreciate and appraise them. I believe that we will reap a series of huge surprises! "

As he said that, Ye Tian pulled the lock on the rope net, opened a hole less than one meter wide in the rope net, then put on a pair of special gloves, put his hands into the rope net, and kept groping.

Obviously, he did this on purpose to prevent those experts and scholars from seeing the female body statue prematurely.

Seeing this scene, the experts and scholars next to him were itchy with hatred, but there was nothing they could do.

No way, everyone is currently on the bastard Steven's boat, surrounded by his subordinates, and the three statues that were just salvaged from the sea belong to this bastard in name, the form is better than people!

Just when these experts and scholars were complaining secretly, Ye Tian had already taken out a rusty bronze statue from the rope net, and carefully placed it in front of everyone.

Although the bronze statue is very severely corroded, and there are many coral debris on it, only the outline of the statue can be seen clearly, and the details are still unclear.

But, that's totally enough.

The shape of this bronze statue is so special that everyone at the scene is very familiar with it, as long as you see its outline, you can recognize it at a glance.

Unsurprisingly, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

"Wow! It really is the bronze head of Socrates. Its outline is almost exactly the same as the marble head in the Louvre. Could it be that this is really the work of one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, Master Leucippus?"

"This should be the work of Master Leucippus. You must know that the ancient Roman shipwrecks on the seabed have sunk for more than two thousand years, and more than two thousand years ago was the Hellenistic era.

In the Hellenistic era, there should not be many people deliberately imitating the sculptures of Master Leucippus. If this is an imitation, I believe the Roman Empire will not attach so much importance.”

Although everyone has long expected that this bronze head is probably the work of one of the three major sculptors of ancient Greece, the master Leucipos.

However, when everyone saw this bronze sculpture with their own eyes and confirmed that it was the work of the master Leucipos, they were still shocked, even a little unbelievable!

You know, this is the work of one of the three sculptors of the Hellenistic era. How many statues are there in the world? The only few statues are all dilapidated and full of questions!

The bronze head in front of me is different. There is almost no doubt about its origin, and it is so well preserved. It is so rare and precious!

There is no doubt that this is a priceless treasure, can everyone not be shocked by it?

Not only the experts and scholars at the scene, but also many professionals in front of the live broadcast, as well as countless viewers, were all stunned by this rusty bronze head.

This bronze head reappeared in the world after more than 2,000 years, which immediately caused a huge sensation and attracted countless attentions.

There are many coveting eyes, and some guys are so jealous that their eyes are blood red, and they wish they could take Ye Tian's place and directly take this priceless bronze head as their own.

But this is just the beginning, more shocking scenes are yet to come.

Before the exclamation came down, Ye Tian's triumphant voice came out again, reaching everyone's ears clearly.

"It seems that my guess is correct, this is indeed a sculpture by Master Leucippus, one of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy, the bronze head of Socrates.

Next, we will carefully clean up the traces of rust on this bronze head, and strive to restore it to its original appearance as soon as possible, and re-bloom its incomparably bright and wise light.

Since this is the bronze head of Socrates, which sage is carved on the other unknown bronze head? For this answer, I am full of expectations.”

Saying that, Ye Tian stretched his hands into the rope net again, and began to grope in the rope net.

The next moment, he took out the other bronze head from the rope net, and displayed it in front of everyone and on the live broadcast screen.

Following the appearance of this bronze head, the scene was silent for a few seconds, and then it was completely boiled.

"Wow! Am I right? This is the bronze head of Plato, one of the three giants of ancient Greek philosophy. The shape and outline are almost exactly the same as the marble head of Plato in the Louvre!"

"My God! This must be the work of Master Leucippos again. Am I dreaming? In one day, I found two sculptures of Master Leucippos. This is really a dreamlike day!"

Just like the situation on the Intrepid, in front of countless live broadcast terminals, it was completely boiling at this time, and almost crazy exclamations kept ringing out, endlessly!

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