"Wow! The curve of the back of this marble statue of a woman is so beautiful, it looks like a masterpiece at first glance, but I don't know which master sculptor it is from?"

"When the statue was still deep in the sea before, I looked at the silhouette of the statue's back and felt a little familiar. Now this feeling is even stronger."

As soon as Ye Tiangang opened the rope net to reveal the back of the female human statue, there was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

Those who are amazed are naturally those experts and scholars, and many professionals on the live broadcast end performed similarly.

At this time, these experts and scholars all looked at the female body statue with bright eyes, and they were reluctant to blink their eyelids.

Among them, several experts and scholars showed thoughtful, even inconceivable expressions on their faces.

Ye Tian saw the performance of these experts and scholars.

He just smiled softly and didn't say much, then picked up a soft brush and began to clean the coral residue on the statue very gently.

And this marble statue is also a nude female human body statue. Although it is only the back of the statue, it is curvy, sexy and enchanting, which makes people daydream.

In this way, Ye Tian's movements looked somewhat ambiguous, as if he was stroking his lover's skin, extremely gentle.

The experts and scholars surrounded by the rope net wished they could take Ye Tian's place and clean up the coral debris on the female statue by themselves.

Although they haven't recognized the face-down female human body statue in front of them and the edges are partially covered by rope nets, they are all very sure in their hearts that this is definitely a masterpiece and must be priceless.

Let me ask, who wouldn't want to touch such a priceless and top-notch work of art with his own hands and conduct an appraisal immediately!

It's a pity that they are not the owners of this statue, so naturally they don't have such qualifications.

"Steven, can we announce now, is this statue of a female human body the work of that famous sculptor in ancient Greece or the Hellenistic era? How much is it worth?"

Jason finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked impatiently.

This is also a question that everyone else is very concerned about. Everyone wants to know the answer to this question, and everyone looks at Ye Tian.

Looking forward to his answer.

Ye Tian stopped the cleaning work in his hands, and gently stroked the back of the marble statue with his hands, his movements were extremely gentle.

However, in the eyes of others, his actions made everyone feel a little chilled.

Gently stroking the back of the statue, Ye Tian raised his head to look at Jason, glanced at the crowd, and said with a smug smile:

"Since everyone is so eager, let me reveal the answer, ladies and gentlemen, this life-sized statue of a female human body in front of you is extremely famous in the history of ancient Greece and is a truly priceless treasure.

This female statue was made by one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era, Master Praxiteles. It is the most outstanding representative work of Praxiteles, also known as "Aphrodite of Nidas". Didi"

After the voice fell, the scene was silent for a while, and then it was completely fried, and the situation in front of countless live broadcast terminals was the same.

"My God! How could this statue of a female human body be "Aphrodite of Nidas"? I'm not dreaming, am I? This dream is too beautiful and unreal!"

"Whoa! No wonder the curve of the back of this female figure looks familiar to me. She is Aphrodite of Nidas. That's right, I've seen a replica of it.

Needless to say, the edge covered by the rope net must be Aphrodite's bath towel, this guy Steven did it on purpose, and has been keeping everyone from seeing the whole picture of the statue."

Amidst the exclamation, the experts and scholars gathered around the rope net took a step forward in unison, then squatted down quickly, and began to examine the marble statue carefully.

It could be seen that each of them was almost crazy with excitement, and they almost threw themselves on this female human body statue.

Ye Tian, ​​who was squatting next to the marble statue, was staggered by these guys and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing this situation, he could only give a wry smile, then stood up and made way for those experts and scholars who had fallen into madness.

Fortunately, this is an intact marble statue, very strong, so there is no need to worry about it being damaged. Those experts and scholars are not willing to do so!

Not only the scene on the main deck of the Intrepid, but also the outside world at this time, because of what Ye Tian just said, created a huge wave.

Many experts and scholars who were watching the live broadcast, as well as people who had a little knowledge of Western art history, had their heads in their hands and exclaimed frantically.

They couldn't even believe what they had just heard, and wondered if they were hallucinating!

"Steven, can you introduce this beautiful female body sculpture to everyone? Many viewers on the live broadcast are not professionals, and may not know this famous sculpture very well!"

Chandler said excitedly, his voice sounded a little trembling.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this buddy, then nodded slightly at the camera lens and said:

"Okay, let me introduce this famous statue of a female human body to you. Let me first talk about the sculptor who created this statue, that is Praxiteles, one of the three major sculptors of the Hellenistic era.

Praxiteles, whose date of birth and death is unknown, was an outstanding sculptor in the late classical period of ancient Greece. There are few life stories handed down. His main creation period is from 370 BC to 330 BC.

He is good at describing the characters in ancient Greek myths and legends into ordinary daily life. His style is soft and delicate, full of lyricism, and he established the artistic characteristics of Greek sculpture in the fourth century BC.

The "Aphrodite of Nidas" in front of you is the most outstanding representative work of Praxiteles. Aphrodite is the goddess of beauty in Greek mythology, which is equivalent to Vener in Roman mythology. s.

Nidas is a small city in ancient Greece. This marble sculpture is a sculpture that the residents of Nidas hired Praxiteles to create for this small ancient Greek city.

This marble statue of a female human body is the first life-sized nude female sculpture in Greek history, and its carving skills are extremely superb, which is unparalleled in the world, so this work is extremely famous.

Behind this nude female sculpture, there are many stories hidden. When creating this human statue, the model Praxiteles chose was his lover and model Phryne.

Phryne was the most famous courtesan in Greece at that time. There are many stories and legends about her in history, and there are also many works of art about her in later generations. I believe many people have seen them.

Her beauty and open behavior have inspired many outstanding sculptures, plays and paintings from ancient Greece to modern times, such as Jerome's famous painting "Phyllini at the Court".

Let’s talk about the "Aphrodite of Nidas". Once this sculpture of a nude woman came out, it caused a huge sensation. Many kings in the Hellenistic era wanted to buy this statue at a high price.

These purchase requests were all rejected by the residents of Nidas, who enshrined this statue in a seaside shrine, which attracted countless people to visit, and it became a fashion at that time.”

As soon as I said this, a familiar voice suddenly came from Maria, the curator of the National Archaeological Museum of Greece.

"Steven, can you think of a way to erect this "Aphrodite of Nidas"? Let everyone appreciate this incomparable work of art and feel the artistic charm of the master."

When she said these words, Maria's excited voice trembled slightly, and there were even crystal tears in her eyes.

Hearing this, Ye Tian stopped talking immediately, turned his head to look at this old friend who was a bit out of his mind, then nodded with a smile and said:

"No problem, Maria, but wait a moment, how precious this "Aphrodite of Nidas" is, and you know very well that if you want to move this statue, you must be extremely cautious."

Maria nodded lightly and had no disagreement.

Leon, who was staying on the other side of the rope net, suddenly interjected and said:

"Yes, Steven, this statue is a truly priceless treasure, a spiritual wealth belonging to all mankind, and it must not be damaged in any way, even the slightest."

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