Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2125 The most beautiful god of beauty

"Maria, Leon, you can clean the back of this female human body statue first, it will take a lot of time, after cleaning the back of the statue, we will find a way to turn this statue over.

At that time, you can see the whole picture of "Aphrodite of Nidas" and enjoy it. Of course, if you don't want to clean it up, I have to do it myself."

Ye Tian said with a smile, it was clear that the chariots and horses were going to use these free and professional labor to speed up the cleaning.

While saying these words, he also took a step forward and completely lifted the rope net covering the edge of the statue.

Following his movement, the edge of the statue covered by the rope net finally revealed its true face, which was the partial shape of Aphrodite holding a bath towel with his left hand.

The scene became quiet again, and many experts and scholars were all staring at the part of the statue that had just been exposed. Everyone's eyes were full of obsession, and their eyes were extremely hot!

After a while, these guys just woke up.

Immediately afterwards, Maria and Leon nodded in unison and said:

"Okay, Steven, leave the work of cleaning up "Aphrodite of Nidas" to us. It is our honor to clean up such a top-notch work of art with a long history!"

Not only them, but other experts and scholars also responded one after another and joined the team to clean up the statue, and all of them were very excited and eager to try!

For these experts and scholars who study the history of ancient Greece and the Hellenistic period, as well as antique cultural relics, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, how could they be willing to miss it!

"Okay then, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry to trouble everyone, this will undoubtedly speed up the cleaning process and restore this famous statue to its original appearance as soon as possible."

Ye Tian smiled and nodded, not polite at all.

Next, Maria and Leon squatted down again, each picked up a small brush, and began to carefully clean this priceless treasure from the Hellenistic period.

As for Ye Tian, ​​he picked up the conversation just now and continued to introduce this priceless treasure to the audience on the live broadcast.

""Aphrodite of Nidas" shows the scene of Aphrodite, the god of beauty, preparing to bathe in the sea. This statue is not only beautiful in body, but also very charming in the relationship between skin and various parts.

Her upper body leaned forward slightly,

The left leg is slightly bent, and the eyes are fixed on the nearby water surface. The body forms an extremely elegant curve, which is very vivid and natural, fully expressing the tenderness and beauty of women.

This famous statue of the female human body is not only very beautiful from the front, but also from any other angle. It is the most beautiful of all known statues of Aphrodite.

When appreciating this famous statue of a female human body, everyone can also let their imaginations fly, imagine the scene where the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, or Phryne bathes in the sea, that picture must be very beautiful.”

At the same time, the editors and directors of the two live broadcast groups also timely called up some pictures of the goddess of beauty Aphrodite and the ancient Greek socialite Phryne, and displayed them on the live broadcast screen in the form of picture-in-picture.

Listening to Ye Tian's professional and vivid explanation, and admiring those extremely classically beautiful pictures, many people couldn't help being immersed in it, their eyes full of obsession.

After a short pause, Ye Tian's voice came out again, reaching everyone's ears clearly.

"When sculpting this marble statue, Praxiteles used translucent Paros marble, which strengthened the elasticity of the women's skin and gave people the feeling of icy skin, which is amazing.

It's just that this statue has been soaked in seawater for more than two thousand years, and has been buried under the coral reef. There are many traces and debris of coral growth on it, and the gloss is not very good, but these can be repaired.

Next, we will hire the top restoration experts in the industry to restore this priceless treasure. I believe that it will not take long for this famous statue of the God of Beauty to appear in the best condition in front of everyone.

As an art treasure that has been passed down through the ages, Aphrodite's posture is so graceful that it almost became a template later on. While admiring, imitators competed to imitate this famous statue of Beauty.

Many statues of Goddess of Beauty unearthed in later generations are plagiarized works of this famous statue. According to incomplete statistics, this statue "inspired and inspired" more than fifteen different Venus shapes, or even more.

In the Vatican Museum and the Munich Museum in Germany, there is a replica of the Roman period, but it is much worse than the original. The "Kaufmann Head" in the Louvre is derived from this statue.

Also created in the Hellenistic era, the treasure of the Louvre Museum, "Venus de Milo", can also be seen in the famous sculpture of "Aphrodite of Nidas". to the impact

But "Venus de Milo" is an afterimage, the arms have been damaged and lost, and this "Aphrodite of Nidas" is intact. In my opinion, this statue is obviously more beautiful and more beautiful. value"

Hearing this, Leon, who was cleaning up the statue, immediately turned his head and rolled Ye Tian's eyes angrily.

In the Louvre in Paris, his old friend Martinez shook his head and cursed softly.

"Steven, you are really a lucky bastard. You just found this priceless treasure. Is it necessary to belittle our treasure?"

At this time, if anyone heard Martinez's words, they would definitely be able to hear that Martinez obviously lacked confidence when he spoke!

He also knew in his heart that the treasure of the Louvre Museum, "Venus de Milo" and "Aphrodite of Nidas" were indeed somewhat different.

Not to mention anything else, just mentioning the names of the two sculptors, there is a huge difference!

Alexandros, who was also a famous sculptor in the Hellenistic era, is not on the same level as Praxiteles, one of the three major sculptors in the Hellenistic era, and cannot even be compared together!

Ye Tian continued his performance, explaining happily.

"It can even be said that this "Aphrodite of Nidas" by the famous sculptor Praxiteles is the original God of Beauty and the most beautiful of all God of Beauty sculptures!"

When everyone sees the back profile of this female human body statue, I believe they all have a feeling of deja vu. It looks familiar because you have seen many sculptures derived from it.

According to legend, this famous sculpture was later moved to Istanbul, the capital of Byzantium, and then burned down in a fire without leaving any written materials, and disappeared from history.

But who would have thought that this "Aphrodite of Nidas" was not transported to Byzantium, nor was it destroyed by fire, but sank in the depths of the Ionian Sea on the way to Rome.

For the next two thousand years, this famous statue has been lying in the depths of the sea, sleeping in the dark, until it was discovered by our Intrepid Exploration Company, and it was able to surface and see the light of day again!

This is undoubtedly a good thing for this famous statue, and a very good thing for all people who love art all over the world, even for Western civilization! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sound of exclamation on the various ships of the exploration fleet and countless live broadcast terminals.

"Wow! Steven is right. The appearance of this "Aphrodite of Nidas" is definitely a great discovery, enough to be recorded in history!"

"Steven is so lucky to be able to discover such a priceless treasure. It's so enviable that people are crazy. Why can't such a good thing happen to me!"

Just when people were amazed, the sensational effect caused by the birth of "Aphrodite of Nidas" has become bigger and bigger!

At this time, the whole of Greece is already as lively as a pot, and Washington, who is far away across the ocean, has already become annoyed.

Seventy to eighty nautical miles away, two Chinook heavy transport helicopters took off from the deck of the Bataan amphibious assault ship one after another, and flew straight to the sea area where the exploration fleet is located!

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