Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2126 Ready to Evacuate

Exploration and salvage operations for the sunken treasure have been temporarily suspended.

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on the statue of "Aphrodite of Nidas", fascinatedly admiring this goddess of beauty who came from ancient Greek mythology.

After cleaning the back of the famous statue, Ye Tian stopped the cleaning work.

Immediately afterwards, using the crane on the Intrepid and the huge and strong rope net, everyone worked together to successfully transfer this famous statue to the main deck of the Blue Princess.

Also transferred here are the two bronze heads of Socrates and Plato, the giants of ancient Greek philosophy, as well as the first few antique cultural relics salvaged from the water.

For this transfer, the experts and scholars who came with the fleet were a little surprised, and even thought it was superfluous.

However, Ye Tian gave his own reasons, which seemed to make sense.

He told these experts and scholars that the Intrepid will continue to salvage the treasures of the sunken ship. There are many salvage equipment on board, people come and go, and as the salvage work begins, a lot of space will be occupied.

However, there is a lot of space on the Blue Princess yacht, and there is enough space to place these salvaged antiques, so they need to be transferred.

Of course, this is just a grandiose excuse.

The real reason is that there are not so many towering cranes and deep-sea salvage equipment on the Blue Princess, and the Chinook heavy transport plane can directly land on the main deck to transport away those priceless treasures.

As "Aphrodite of Nidas" was transferred to the Blue Princess, those experts and scholars also followed, and continued to clean up the famous statue with great enthusiasm.

It didn't take long for the facade of the famous statue to be largely cleaned up.

After more than two thousand years, this statue of the goddess of beauty, which is well-known in the history of Greece and in the entire history of Western art, finally shines brightly again.

When people saw the true face of this famous statue through the live broadcast, they were instantly attracted by this youthful ancient Greek goddess of beauty, and quickly immersed in this fascinating beauty.

The experts and scholars who cleaned up this famous statue were even more excited. They all stared round their eyes, admiring this beautiful female body sculpture with fascination.

David and Jason,

As well as other employees of the brave exploration company, they also admired this sculpture obsessively.

Even Ye Tian, ​​who had already seen this sculpture through perspective many times, was deeply attracted by this beautiful statue.

Suddenly, Matisse's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, the two Chinook heavy helicopters that took off from the amphibious assault ship Bataan will arrive in this sea area in ten minutes. Should you make preparations for departure?"

Hearing the announcement, Ye Tian immediately woke up. He quickly walked to the side of the ship and said in a low voice:

"Received, Mattis, let Walker and the others prepare first, I have to appease these experts and scholars, and find a way to get them off the Blue Princess, so as not to cause trouble.

These guys are very excited now, even a little crazy, if they know that I plan to transport "Aphrodite of Nidas" overnight, maybe they will come forward to stop it."

"Understood, Steven, I will inform Walker and them to prepare, and inform the pilots of the two Chinook heavy transport helicopters, let them hover outside for a while, and wait for our notification to fly over."

Mattis responded and moved quickly.

After finishing the call, Ye Tian walked back immediately, and said to many experts and scholars present:

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's get here first, and the follow-up salvage work of the sunken treasure will start soon. If you want to take a small submarine to explore the sunken treasure, you should make preparations now.

Jason will take you to the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, and then our company's deep-sea salvage experts will explain and inform you of relevant precautions, and then arrange for everyone to explore in submarines in batches.

As for this "Aphrodite of Nidas", there is still a lot of restoration work to be done, everyone will enjoy and study it slowly in the future, there are plenty of opportunities, don't rush for a while, I hope everyone can understand and cooperate."

After the voice fell, the scene suddenly fell silent.

After pondering for a moment, Maria nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, let's go to the deep-sea salvage ship of the Intrepid, and prepare to take a small submarine to explore the treasures of the sunken ship. I am looking forward to this exploration operation!"

The rest of the experts and scholars were also the same, and they all nodded without disagreeing.

Next, Jason took these experts and scholars away from the Blue Princess, and took several speedboats to the deep-sea salvage ship "Intrepid Brave" not far away.

When they left the main deck of the Blue Princess, these experts and scholars all looked reluctant to part with them, looking back at "Aphrodite of Nidas" step by step!

When they think that this fascinating and famous statue is on board the Blue Princess, they can take a speedboat to enjoy it whenever they want to, and it is not so hard to leave!

However, this is just their wishful thinking.

These experts and scholars could not imagine that Ye Tian was going to transport this priceless treasure overnight, and transport it to New York as quickly as possible.

From then on, if they wanted to admire the famous statue of the goddess, they had no choice but to fly to New York.

As soon as these experts and scholars left, Ye Tian smiled and said to the people around him:

"David, you can go back to the cabin to pack your luggage, and prepare to escort these priceless treasures to fly back to New York. These statues can't stay here anymore, lest you have long nights and dreams."

"Okay, Steven, I'll go to the cabin to pack my luggage right away. To be honest, it's my honor to be able to escort these priceless treasures back to New York, and it's worth remembering for a lifetime.

No need to think about it, once the bronze heads of "Aphrodite of Nidas" and the two great philosophers of ancient Greece arrive in New York, they will definitely cause a sensation in the whole city, and even in the United States."

David nodded in response, his excited eyes shining brightly.

After chatting for a few more words, David left the main deck and returned to the cabin to pack his luggage.

Next, Ye Tian turned his head to look at Anderson, who had just arrived here in the evening, and said to him with a smile:

"Anderson, after we leave, you will take over all the legal affairs here. My request is very simple. Cooperate with Jason and Mattis to ensure everyone's safety and ensure that our company's interests are not violated!"

"Don't worry, Steven, this is my job, I can do it well, there won't be any problems here"

Anderson nodded, speaking confidently.

While speaking, several company employees had stepped onto the main deck of the Blue Princess and started making various arrangements.

Ye Tian gave these guys a few words, then quickly glanced at the situation on the sea, and said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Matisse, let the Blue Princess set sail, keep the distance from the Dreadnought, and then use the cover of night to transfer those treasures, trying to avoid the sight of others.

Inform all security personnel to be vigilant, beware of someone making trouble when we transfer those statues, and be careful of those American soldiers who are about to arrive, just in case! "

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us"

Mattis responded, and then acted.

After finishing talking with Matisse, Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and called Andre, the pilot of his private jet.

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