Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2131 Prepare to sweep Berlin (Happy Chinese New Year!)

The convoy stopped at the entrance of the hotel. When getting off the car, Ye Tian raised his eyes and saw a few burly men walking out of the hotel.

The moment the eyes of the two sides met, one of the guys made a very subtle gesture and nodded slightly to this side.

Seeing the gesture made by the other party, a smile flashed across the corner of Ye Tian's mouth, and then he nodded to those burly men in greeting, the movement was very fast, and no one noticed.

He was very clear about the origins of these burly men.

They came from a well-known mercenary organization. They were employed by Ye Tian before. They went on a killing spree in Sicily, killing many mafia scumbags from 'our cause', killing those mafia scumbags to the point of collapse.

As for the gesture just made, it was the code Ye Tian specially gave them to confirm their identities.

Why are these guys in Berlin, in this five-star hotel? The reason is simple, they are here to get paid.

The reward Ye Tian promised to give them was not cash or other property, but an opportunity to pick up leaks in the Berlin antique art market.

For these mercenaries who used money to work their lives, this is a lucrative income, and they don't have to worry about being traced, and they can use it with confidence, so they naturally attach great importance to it.

Ye Tian was not the only one who noticed these burly men.

A high-ranking Berlin police officer who followed the convoy also saw these rebellious guys, and immediately frowned deeply.

With years of experience as a police officer, the German police officer could tell at a glance that the guys who walked out of the hotel had a murderous look on them, and they were most likely soldiers who had survived a hundred battles.

Although the identities of these guys could not be confirmed for the time being, the German police officer instinctively felt that these burly men came for that bastard Steven in all likelihood.

As for whether these guys are the enemies, friends, or subordinates of that bastard of Steven, it is temporarily unknown.

While speaking, these burly men had already passed by the convoy and walked forward along the street in front of the hotel.

At this time, Ye Tian had turned his head to look in another direction of the street.

Among the crowd of onlookers on the other side of the street, there were two young men of North African Arab origin,

Looking over here, it looks like everyone else around, nothing unusual.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, these two guys are quite different from other onlookers.

He took a deep look at the two guys, then retracted his gaze, and said to David beside him:

"Let's go, David, let's go to the hotel, rest for a while, and then we can go out and visit Berlin."

With that said, he stepped out and walked into the five-star hotel.

Behind him, Cole and David immediately followed and disappeared from the sight of people outside the hotel.

Seeing their group enter the hotel, the two North African Arab men who were among the onlookers immediately let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

"Did that bastard Steven find us? When that bastard looked at us just now, I felt a creepy feeling unconsciously."

"I feel the same way. I'm sweating on my back. Logically speaking, it shouldn't be. We haven't exposed our whereabouts. How could that bastard Steven find us?"

After a few low-pitched discussions, the two North African Arabs of unknown origin turned around and left.

Looking back to the hotel, everyone quickly completed the check-in procedures and went upstairs to the guest room.

Just like the previous explorations, Ye Tian and the others reserved a whole floor of guest rooms for everyone to live in. The Bishop of Kent and Leonardo lived on the floor below, which is very close and convenient for contact at any time.

Under Cole's leadership, Ye Tian quickly entered his guest room, the presidential suite located in the middle of the floor.

After entering the room, Cole immediately began to introduce the situation in the room.

"Steven, we have thoroughly inspected this room, and we have not spared any corner. After the inspection, we have arranged some anti-surveillance monitoring equipment, just in case.

Not only this presidential suite, but also the upstairs and downstairs rooms have been checked and furnished accordingly. You can rest assured that there is no problem in terms of safety.

We have also made careful arrangements for the corridors outside the rooms, as well as the top floor and facade of the hotel. It can be said that during our stay in Berlin, this place was completely under our control.”

After listening to the report, Ye Tian immediately smiled and said:

"Good job, Cole. During this trip to Berlin, there must be more people staring at us than before. Everyone must be more vigilant and careful, so as not to be calculated by someone, it would be too wronged!

Go out and get busy, arrange a few guys to go to the Berlin Wall flea market, pretend to be tourists to mix in the crowd, and send snipers to occupy the commanding heights in the market, let's go to the Berlin Wall flea market later.

Tomorrow is the weekend, let’s go to the antique flea market on Museum Island and the Berlin East Station flea market to see if we can find anything, and then it’s the turn of the famous Temple Palace.”

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to us, I will definitely arrange it properly"

Cole nodded in response, then turned and left the presidential suite to get busy.

Next, David and the others also left here one after another and went to their respective rooms.

After they all left and closed the door, Ye Tian immediately turned on the perspective and began to inspect the presidential suite, not missing any corner, even including the air-conditioning ventilation ducts.

After some perspective, he didn't find any problems. Cole and the others did a very good job, eliminating all possible hidden dangers.


Soon, more than an hour has passed.

After washing and resting for a while, Ye Tian and the others reappeared in the hotel lobby, and the group walked towards the hotel entrance talking and laughing.

They are planning to go to the largest and most famous flea market in Berlin, the Berlin Wall Flea Market, and they are going to go shopping there to see if they can find something.

Following the appearance of their group, many media reporters who heard the news and were waiting in the hotel lobby immediately rushed up like a tide, all of them were extremely excited.

However, these uncrowned kings were stopped by the well-prepared Berlin police and hotel security personnel, and could only stay a few meters away and ask questions loudly.

"Good morning, Steven, I am a reporter from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. May I ask what is the purpose of your visit to Berlin this time? Are you here to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, or have you discovered any other treasures? Can you tell me?"

"Mr. Steven, good morning. I'm a reporter from German TV Z2. If you are here to explore the treasure in Berlin, can you tell me where the treasure is buried? What is in the treasure?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian stopped immediately, turned to face the uncrowned kings, and said loudly with a smile:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, my name is Steven, and I am very glad to meet you here. Berlin is a historic city with a profound heritage, and I like it here.

The purpose of our visit to Berlin this time is not necessary to keep it secret. Our joint exploration team with the Vatican came to Berlin to explore the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, which is a continuation of the previous exploration operations.

However, the location where the Knights Templar’s ​​treasure may be buried needs to be kept secret, so I’m sorry I can’t tell everyone, but I believe that in a few days, everyone will see relevant news reports, and it will be clear by then.”

Next, Ye Tian answered a few more questions, then took his leave and left, leading David and the others out of the five-star hotel.

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