Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2132 Weird Sculpture

This is a photorealistic painting, not large in size, no more than forty centimeters wide and about fifty centimeters high, and it is installed in a minimalist style solid wood frame.

The so-called photorealism refers to the realistic paintings created based on photos. It was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, and it is also called superrealism.

The painting in front of him is a realistic work based on a black and white photo, and there are only black and white colors on the screen.

In the painting is a beautiful girl wearing a long skirt, sitting on the embankment, playing in the water with bare feet, with a bright smile on her face, and an endless youthful atmosphere all over her body, which is heart-stirring .

The distant view in the painting is the towering spiers of the twin towers of Cologne Cathedral and the blue sky that seems to have been washed by water.

Ye Tian took the painting and admired it for a while, then put it back on the antique booth in front of him, without asking the price, as if he was not interested in the painting.

When he put down the painting, the ring finger of his right hand quickly tapped twice on the edge of the solid wood frame, the movements were so subtle that almost no one noticed.

However, several burly men mixed in the crowd of onlookers kept staring at his right hand, unwilling to blink their eyelids.

When they saw Ye Tian's subtle movement, ecstasy flashed in the depths of their eyes, and they almost cheered loudly.

Needless to say, these burly men are all mercenaries who were once employed by Ye Tian, ​​and they are receiving their own rewards.

And the gesture Ye Tian made was to tell these guys that this photorealism painting is very valuable, and they can take this painting as a reward for their previous actions!

Next, Ye Tian looked at the other so-called antique artworks in this booth, then turned and left, and walked to the next booth not far away.

About ten minutes after they left, a guy dressed as a tourist came to the booth, pretended to be casual, and successfully won the photorealism painting at a very low price.

At this time, Ye Tian was at another booth not far away, admiring the goods on that booth.

This is the largest and most famous Berlin Wall flea market in Berlin. It is located in the Berlin Wall Ruins Park. Ye Tian and his group have been here for more than an hour.

For more than an hour, like a tornado, they crazily swept through many antique stalls, antique shops, and galleries they passed by.

A large number of valuable antique works of art were acquired.

All these antique works of art are in the hands of David and several company employees at the moment, and everyone's hands are so full that they can hardly carry them.

Not only that, at the entrance of the flea market on the Berlin Wall, Bowie led two of his men into the flea market and launched a sweeping operation.

The targets of these guys are those antique works of low value that are not worthy of Ye Tian's own hands. The information they received naturally came from Ye Tian.

Unsurprisingly, Ye Tian and his group's frenzied sweep of antique art has caused a sensation in the entire Berlin Wall flea market and even the entire field of German antique art collections.

At this moment, the Berlin Wall flea market has fallen into a state of turmoil. All the antique dealers and gallery owners who do business here are trembling with fear, feeling that a catastrophe is imminent.

The owner of the antique stall in front of him was in the same mood.

He looked at Ye Tian tremblingly, fearing that he would become the next target of being ransacked by madness, and become the protagonist of a tragedy.

At this time, Ye Tian was looking at the antique works of art on this booth, or the so-called antique works of art.

When his eyes swept over a sculpture, he suddenly paused.

This is a surrealist bronze sculpture, about forty centimeters high, placed in a corner of the booth.

From the contents of this sculpture, it can be seen that it should have originated from the dream of the sculptor, and its shape looks very weird, even giving people a feeling of absurdity.

What the sculpture depicts is a man struggling to get out of the ruins. One leg of this man has already stepped out of the ruins, and his scarred hands are also sticking out of the ruins.

However, the man's torso is still embedded in the ruins, especially the head, which has been squeezed and deformed by the outer wall, almost into an S shape.

The man embedded in a ruined wall seemed to be struggling, screaming in despair, trying to seize the last chance of life and escape.

In order to express the emotions of pain and despair, the sculptor deliberately made the man's torso and limbs thin and long, as if he had just come out of a concentration camp.

After looking at the sculpture up and down, Ye Tian looked at the stall owner, and said with a smile:

"Good morning, buddy. I'm Steven. Nice to meet you. This surrealist sculpture looks a bit weird. I don't know which sculptor it is. Can you introduce it?"

The stall owner didn't respond immediately, but looked back at the surreal sculpture suspiciously, trying to see something.

It is a pity that, in his eyes, this surrealist sculpture is no different from before, and there is nothing new.

After pondering for a moment, the stall owner said anxiously:

"Good morning, Steven, I'm Friedrich, the owner of this stall, a small antique dealer, nice to meet you too, welcome to Berlin.

I don’t know much about this surrealist sculpture, and I don’t know that it is the work of the sculptor. There is no author’s signature on this sculpture.”

Hearing this, Ye Tian paused for a moment, and then said in a slightly regretful tone:

"So that's the case, that's really a pity, this sculpture looks interesting, but it's a pity that I don't know who the sculptor who created this sculpture is.

I would like to ask, how much is the price of this sculpture? If the price is right, I wouldn't mind picking it up and taking it back to New York to study it"

Following Ye Tian's words, the eyes of the stall owner named Friedrich suddenly lit up.

Not only him, but also the many onlookers around him, all of them had their eyes shining like searchlights.

Without exception, everyone at the scene looked at the weird sculpture, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Could it be that this strange-looking, even absurd statue is the work of a famous master sculptor? Is it a priceless top antique artwork? That's why Steven is so excited!

Many people at the scene were secretly guessing, but no one came forward to bid first, snatching this surreal sculpture from Ye Tian's hand.

The reason why this happens is simple.

Everyone was terrified, everyone was terrified, and no one was sure if this was another trap dug by Ye Tian to deal with those Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway.

In the past hour or so, four or five unlucky people who planned to cut off their beards have fallen into the trap dug by Ye Tian himself one after another.

With these bloody lessons learned from the past, no one else would dare to act casually. They were all very cautious and kept a wait-and-see attitude.

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