Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2133 Da Vinci of Surrealism

The stall owner named Friedrich looked at the surrealist sculpture again, and then pondered for a moment before giving the quotation for the sculpture.

"Mr. Steven, the quotation for this sculpture is 250,000 euros. If you can accept this price, you can take away this very good surreal sculpture."

After finishing speaking, Friedrich looked at Ye Tian expectantly, expecting to hear the best answer, and there was a bit of anxiety in his eyes.

Ye Tian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly.

"Wow! 250,000 euros. It seems that this bronze sculpture must be a famous work with extraordinary artistic value. Unfortunately, I cannot accept this price. It seems that I am destined to miss this sculpture."

Hearing this, a look of disappointment flashed across Friedrich's face immediately, and a bit of regret appeared in his eyes.

He knew in his heart that he was too eager for success, too greedy, and the price was too high. As a result, the bastard opposite him didn't even accept the offer, and he didn't even have the desire to bargain.

If I had known this earlier, the quotation should have been lower just now, and maybe I could have disposed of this weird sculpture that had been in my hands for a long time.

Just when Friedrich was secretly regretting, Ye Tian had already looked at the other so-called antique artworks in this booth, completely tossing the surrealist sculpture aside, and didn't take another look.

Next, he asked about the prices of several items one after another, but he didn't get any of them because the stall owner's quotation was too high.

Afterwards, he took David and the others away from the booth and walked to a small antique shop not far away without any nostalgia or reluctance.


As Ye Tian and the others left, there was a sound of sighing around Friedrich's booth, coming from the crowd watching.

Immediately afterwards, the onlookers quickly dispersed.

Some people continued to follow Ye Tian and the others, preparing to watch the excitement, and by the way, see if there are any bargains to pick up, even if they can't eat meat and drink soup!

Others scattered and went to the flea market to see if they could find any treasures.

The few antique works of art, or so-called antique works of art that Ye Tian had just inquired about the price on Friedrich's booth, have been ignored by no one, not even interested in taking a second look.

In their view,

Since Steven thinks that the quotations of those so-called antique works of art are too high to be worth selling, one can imagine the value of those so-called antique works of art.

Besides, that cunning bastard Steven asked for quotations for seven or eight pieces of goods in a row just now, who knows if there are any traps in it, it is better to avoid it, so as not to be cheated.

However, how did these onlookers know what kind of opportunity they missed.

While speaking, Ye Tian and his group had already arrived at the door of the small antique shop.

When they got here, they stopped suddenly, and instead of pushing the door directly into the antique shop, they admired the paintings and so-called antique relics displayed in the window with great interest.

With the cover of the security personnel behind him and the cover of the antique shop window in front of him, Ye Tian quietly turned on the tiny microphone of the wireless invisible headset, and said in a low voice:

"Cole, tell Rudy, who is in the crowd, to take the surreal sculpture in half an hour, and the price should not exceed 5,000 euros.

Rudy is of German origin and can speak fluent German. When you come forward to buy that sculpture, remember to use German, and never use American English, as it will reveal your secrets.”

"Understood, Steven, I'll notify Rudy right away"

Cole responded in a low voice, with excitement in his words.

As soon as his words fell, David who was standing beside Ye Tian immediately asked excitedly in a low voice:

"Steven, which famous sculptor is that surrealist sculpture? It must be worth a lot, right?"

Ye Tian didn't turn his head to look at David, he was still admiring a painting in the window in front of him, and at the same time lowered his voice and said:

"That's right, David, that surrealist sculpture is indeed worth a lot, at least fifteen million dollars, otherwise, I wouldn't let Rudy take that sculpture.

Although there is no author's signature on that sculpture, I am sure that it is definitely a work of Max Ernst, a master of surrealism, a famous German-French painter and sculptor."

"Wow! It's actually a sculpture by Max Ernst. I know that this top art master has a lot of his works in the Guggenheim Museum in New York."

David was immediately amazed, but fortunately his voice was very low, and his expression was not too exaggerated, so the others didn't notice.

Ye Tian nodded slightly, and then continued to say:

"Max Ernst is known as the 'Da Vinci of surrealism', whether in Dadaism or surrealism art, he occupies a dominant position and is the soul of these two art genres.

The rich and boundless imagination he displayed, his sense of the absurdity of the world, and the dreamlike poetic atmosphere drawn from German Romanticism and illusion art have amazed the world.

In terms of artistic creation, Max Ernst is a tireless inventor who constantly updates his expressive techniques and is famous for his extremely changeable artistic styles and expressive techniques.

Using a variety of artistic techniques such as collage, rubbing, rubbing and scratching, he is committed to creating a changeable and colorful illusory world, and is known as a subversive and innovative artist.

After World War I, after retiring from the German army, Max Ernst founded the Cologne Dada Group in his hometown of Cologne, and devoted himself to the embrace of the Dada art movement.

In 1922, Max Ernst moved to Paris. During his stay in Paris, he formally joined the surrealist art genre and quickly became the soul of surrealist art.

During World War II, in order to escape the war, Max Ernst moved to New York, USA. He lived in New York for a long time and created many works in New York.

Not only the Guggenheim Museum in New York, but almost all major museums in New York have Max Ernst's works in their collections. His works are extremely popular in the American antique art market.

The surrealist sculpture just now was a work created by Max Ernst during his stay in New York, showing the struggling and desperate German people under the rule of Nacui.

Compared with paintings, there are not many sculptures created by Max Ernst, each of which is worth a lot, and the heavy theme of that sculpture makes its value even higher.”

"I hope Rudy can successfully take down the sculpture and turn 5,000 euros into 15 million dollars. It would be perfect."

David whispered with a smile, eyes full of envy.

Afterwards, they chatted in low voices for a few more words before walking towards the entrance of the antique shop, pushing open the door and walking into this small antique shop.

About fifteen minutes later, Ye Tian and his group came out of this antique shop and walked to another antique stall not far away.

At this time, they already had an antique artwork in their hands. It was a painting, packed in a black telescopic painting tube.


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