In the blink of an eye, it was around 2:30 in the afternoon, and Ye Tian's frenzied looting of the flea market on the Berlin Wall was still going on, and the sensation it caused was getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, the flea market on the Berlin Wall was already in turmoil. All the antique dealers and gallery owners doing business here were all trembling, lest they would become the next unlucky one.

Outside this famous flea market, most of the professionals in the field of German antique art collection were heartbroken, cursing Ye Tian loudly.

However, they could only curse to vent their depressed emotions, but they couldn't stop Ye Tian's frenzied raid on antique artworks, let alone save those hapless antique dealers and gallery owners.

David and the others who followed Ye Tian, ​​as well as several company employees, had changed their hands twice, and now they were full of the latest spoils of war.

The antique works of art that were harvested before were sent back to the hotel and preserved.

Following behind, Bowie and the others secretly cooperated with Ye Tian in sweeping up the flea market. They captured more antiques and artworks, but they didn't attract much attention. They were quietly making a fortune.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others walked out of a gallery again, talking and laughing, the group strolled towards an antique stall not far away.

At this moment, Cole's voice suddenly came from the invisible earphone.

"Steven, the Assassin's assassins are still following us, still mingling in the crowd, and there seems to be no sign of making a move. I don't know why they came here? Do you want to question them?"

Hearing this, Ye Tian stopped immediately, then sneered and said in a low voice:

"That's fine, you guys bring the leading Assassin assassins here, I'm very interested in the purpose of these Assassins' assassins, and I want to know more about them.

It’s best to keep a low profile when doing it, and it’s best not to use force, and try not to disturb the crowd of onlookers, as well as the German police and media reporters who are staring at us.”

"Understood, Steven, look at ours"

Cole responded, and immediately acted.

After a short pause, Ye Tian turned around and looked at a guy who was more than 20 meters away and mixed in the crowd of onlookers.

It was an Arab man in his thirties. Ever since Ye Tian and the others arrived at the flea market on the Berlin Wall,

This guy has been following behind, never leaving for a moment.

This guy is very cautious, changing his costume several times in the middle, appearing in various identities, sometimes tourists, sometimes antique dealers, sometimes even flea market security personnel, his disguise skills are not bad.

Behind this guy on the left and right sides, there are two other young men of North African Arab origin, who also mixed in the crowd and changed their disguise many times, always following behind everyone.

But in Ye Tian's eyes, the disguises they made are useless, they can only deceive other people's eyes.

When he turned his head to look at the Arab man, Ye Tian showed a smile on his face at the same time, and nodded slightly at the guy as a greeting.

Seeing his performance, the Arab man's face immediately changed drastically, and he quickly took a step back, ready to retreat into the crowd.

At this moment, two burly men dressed as tourists appeared quietly behind him, and put two pistols with silencers on his waist.

At the same time, a cold voice suddenly came from behind.

"Friend, I advise you to stay still in the end, lest the pistol accidentally go off, there are snipers staring at you and your two companions in the distance, you have nowhere to escape.

Don't worry, we don't plan to do it right away. Steven wants to talk to you and get to know each other. I don't know what you like. Why don't you come with us? "

Hearing this, the Arab man's body froze immediately and he did not dare to move.

Immediately afterwards, a helpless wry smile appeared on his face.

Behind him on the left and right sides, two other companions who pretended to be tourists and mixed in the crowd were also held in the back with guns and froze in place.

In the blink of an eye, these Assassin assassins understood the situation in front of them.

People like myself thought that their whereabouts were very hidden, and they took the trouble to change up many times, but who knew that all these efforts were useless, and the whereabouts of themselves and others had already been grasped by Steven and his gang.

Those guys didn't activate it before, just because they didn't want to, not because they couldn't!

After a short pause, the Arab man smiled wryly and said in a low voice:

"My friend, do we have any other options? Don't be nervous. Although we are following Mr. Steven, we have no malicious intentions. I can have an interview with Mr. Steven and tell us why we are here."

While saying these words, the Arab man quickly gestured to the rear, telling his two companions not to resist and just wait for the result.

Seeing his gesture, the two North African Arab men in the back immediately gave up the idea of ​​resistance, somewhat relaxed, but more frustrated.

Next, the Arab man walked towards Ye Tian.

The two burly men standing behind him did not follow him. They quickly put away their pistols and stayed where they were, looking no different from other tourists around.

In the blink of an eye, the Arab man walked out of the crowd, and then, led by Cole and another security guard, walked straight towards Ye Tian.

When he came close, before the Arab man could say anything, Ye Tian had already put on a smile and greeted him proactively.

"Good afternoon, sir. I'm Steven. Nice to meet you. I don't know why you have been following us all this time? Can you explain? So I don't get confused!

If I'm not mistaken, the two North African Arab guys who appeared at the door of our hotel in the morning should also belong to your group. Why didn't we see them this time?

As far as I know, my exploration company and I have nothing to do with you Assassins. Why did you come to us and send four or five assassins? "

Hearing these words, the face of the Arab man suddenly became even uglier.

He clearly knew that in the eyes of Steven, the ancient Assassin organization that was very mysterious to the world, the Assassin faction, was no secret at all.

The identities of these Assassin assassins are the same, there is no secret at all, and they have already been clearly grasped by the other party.

The Arab man froze for a moment, then smiled wryly and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Steven, it is indeed our presumptuousness to follow you, but we have no malicious intentions. The reason why we approached you this time is because we have something to discuss with you.

Presumably you also know that in the Middle Ages, our Assassin faction and the Knights Templar were a pair of deadly enemies. They have feuded each other for hundreds of years. Both sides won and lost, and the losses were very heavy.

During the fight with the Knights Templar, an important token of ours fell into the hands of the other party. It is said that it is in the famous treasure of the Knights Templar, and we came here for that token.”

"I see. I didn't expect that there were Assassin's important tokens in the treasure of the Knights Templar. It seems that this is another big surprise. I hope we can find the remaining treasures of the Knights Templar.

I am a businessman, and I am in business. If you want that important token of the Assassins, you can ask your leaders to contact me directly and negotiate with me. I do not reject transactions.

I don't know if Assassin's current old man in the mountain has come to Berlin? If you're in Berlin, you can come to my hotel and sit down and talk about the deal, that's the only way you'll get that token

As for the conflict between your Assassins and the Templars, as well as the deeper reasons hidden behind it, the conflict of religious beliefs, I am not interested at all, and I have no intention of getting involved in it."

Hearing Ye Tian's words, a look of joy flashed across the face of the Arab man, and he almost nodded in agreement.

When Ye Tian was talking to this Arab man in a low voice, those German policemen who were belatedly noticed this guy who appeared suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the police leader came over here.

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