Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2135 Shrewd gallery owner

Before the police leader arrived, the Arab man in his thirties had already left, walked past Ye Tian and the others quickly, and mixed into the crowd.

Seeing this situation, the police leader did not chase after him, but picked up the walkie-talkie to notify his subordinates, kept a close eye on the unknown Arab man, and came to Ye Tian himself.

"Mr. Steven, who is the Arab man who left just now? What does he want from you? Can you tell us?"

The police leader asked in a low voice, and looked at the back of the Arab man again.

"Officer Karl, I don't know who that Arab man is, since we came to the Berlin Wall flea market, that guy has been following us and changed his costume many times.

I was very curious about the reason for that guy's visit, so I asked my subordinates to call him over and chat with that guy. If you want to know the identity of that guy, you'd better investigate yourself."

Ye Tian smiled and said in a low voice, without revealing the identities of those Assassin assassins.

The reason why he did this is very simple, the time is not yet, and the Assassins have not shown much hostility, so there is no need to deal with them for the time being.

"Okay, Mr. Steven, we will investigate the identity of that guy. I believe it is not difficult to find out, but I still want to emphasize that Berlin is a peaceful city, and no one will be allowed to turn this place into a battlefield."

The senior police officer, Karl, said in a low voice, not without warning.

After the words fell, Ye Tian immediately whispered in a joking tone:

"Don't worry, Officer Karl, I am a law-abiding professional treasure hunter, not a war madman, and I also like the city of Berlin very much, and I don't have the heart to destroy its beauty"


David and the others finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The German police officer named Karl rolled his eyes angrily, but he was very helpless.

After chatting for a few more words, the German police officer turned and left, and arranged for manpower to investigate the identities of the Assassin assassins.

Ye Tian and the others immediately turned around and left, and walked to the next antique stall, continuing to crazily sweep through all kinds of valuable antique works of art.

In the blink of an eye,

It was around three thirty in the afternoon.

Due to the fact that it is early spring and due to the geographical location, the daytime in Berlin at this time is relatively short. It was only after three o'clock in the afternoon, and the twilight had already come up.

It's not far from the closing time of the Berlin Wall flea market. Fortunately, Ye Tian and the others basically finished shopping this famous flea market, leaving only the last few antique shops and galleries.

And they have gained so much that they don't have to worry about leaving with regrets, and they don't have to come to this famous flea market again for the next one to two years.

While talking, Ye Tian and the others opened the door and walked into a small gallery.

Immediately after entering the gallery were two guys from the German Ministry of Culture and two plainclothes police officers, as well as three experts in antique art appraisal from the Museum Island in Berlin.

The size of this gallery is not large. On the display walls and shelves, as well as on the floor, there are many paintings of various artistic styles, basically oil paintings, and a small number of prints.

In addition, this gallery also doubles as painting supplies,.

Such as oil paints, canvases, various paintbrushes, etc., there are a variety of goods, filling the open space in the gallery, which seems a bit crowded.

Just as Ye Tian and the others were looking at the interior of the gallery, the owner of the gallery came up to him.

This is a German man in his sixties, tall and ruddy, with a forced smile on his face, and a bit of uneasy emotion in his eyes.

Coming closer, the gallery owner greeted Ye Tian with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Steven, I'm Julian, the owner of this gallery, nice to meet you, I've known you for a long time, welcome to Berlin, welcome to my gallery"

Ye Tian shook hands with the German guy, nodded with a smile and said:

"Good afternoon, Mr. Julian, I'm Steven, nice to meet you too, there are so many artworks in your gallery, it's a bit dizzying"

After a few words of false politeness, Ye Tian introduced David and the others again, naturally it was another polite exchange of greetings.

Next, Julian got to the point.

"Gentlemen, you can appreciate the paintings in my gallery and see if there is any artwork you like. I can introduce it to you."

Ye Tian looked at the German guy, then shook his head with a light smile and said:

"No need, Mr. Julian, you don't need to accompany us, you should greet other customers, let's take a look by ourselves, if necessary, I will greet you"

As he said that, Ye Tian raised his finger to point to several other customers who were also in the gallery, and greeted those customers with a slight nod.

Julian also turned his head to look at the curious customers, pondered for a while, then nodded with a wry smile and said:

"Okay, Mr. Steven, please do as you please, but I have an unfeeling request, I hope you can agree"

"Let's talk about it first, Julian, if the request is reasonable, I probably won't refuse."

"It's like this, you are a world-class professional treasure hunter, a top expert in antique art appraisal, with extremely sharp eyesight, as the owner of this gallery, I hope you will be merciful.

If you fancy a certain painting here and want to get it in your pocket, I won't charge a lot for it, but I hope that after you get the artwork, you can explain it.

In this way, even if I miss a valuable antique artwork, I will not be confused, at least I understand what kind of treasure I missed and what are its shortcomings.

Of course, if possible, I hope you can give me some pointers to see if there are any other valuable works of art in my gallery, but I have overlooked them, and I would be very grateful to you."

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help but paused, and took a deep look at Julian, with a hint of admiration flashing deep in his eyes.

As expected of an old fox who has been in the antique art market for decades, he is really shrewd!

Julian knew very well that if there were really valuable works of art in his gallery, they would definitely not escape the fate of being ransacked by Steven, who had always been known for his cruelty.

Instead of passively waiting to be ransacked, why not retreat to advance? Lower your figure and posture, and try to recover the losses from other artworks, maybe you can make a lot of money!

Similar things have happened in the United States, France, Italy and other places, and they have long been popularized in the industry.

The few antique stall owners and gallery owners who have played this trick before have gained a lot, and even become the envy of everyone.

Not only Ye Tian, ​​but other people in the same gallery, when they heard Julian's words, they couldn't help but secretly gave their thumbs up, admiring them!

This of course included the professionals from the German Ministry of Culture and from the Museum Island in Berlin. Those guys all breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little bit.

Pretending to think for a moment, Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said:

"Well, Julian, since you made this request, it would be a little unreasonable for me to refuse it again. I hope I can find some good works of art here. I believe this is a good thing for everyone!"

"Thank you so much, Steven, please feel free to call me anytime if you need it"

As he spoke, Julian raised his hand and made a gesture of please.

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