Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2137 Very special signature

Everyone in the gallery stared at Ye Tian, ​​looking forward to his response and his appraisal conclusion.

After pretending to think for a while, Ye Tian nodded with a smile and said:

"One hundred and twenty thousand euros, although the price is a bit high, it is not too outrageous, after all, it is a piece of art from the Renaissance period, and it is very rare to be able to preserve it to this day.

Well, Julian, I accept the offer, 120,000 euros, deal! I am willing to accept this painting at this price, which is more or less a small surprise.”

As he said that, Ye Tian stretched out his right hand, ready to shake hands with Julian to conclude the art deal.

However, Julian froze on the spot, staring at him dumbfounded, his eyes full of disbelief, and he didn't react at all for a while.

The same goes for everyone else at the scene. Qi Qi was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his ears.

"Ah! Did I hear you right? Isn't it a bit too expensive to pay 120,000 euros for a painting by an unknown artist, even if it's from the Renaissance?"

"Wow! Could it be that this is really a painting by Holbein the Younger? If it is, the price is like picking it up for nothing."

There was a burst of exclamation at the scene, everyone was obviously frightened by Ye Tian's decision.

Julian finally woke up. He looked at the portrait of a figure from the Renaissance period again, trying to see something, but unfortunately, he found nothing new.

At this point, he already had some regrets and didn't want to sell the painting.

He was thinking in his heart that if he kept this oil painting on canvas and studied it carefully, he might find surprising discoveries.

What if this is really the work of Holbein the Younger? That would be perfect, and my life will definitely change drastically because of this, from now on I can enjoy life to the fullest, eat and wait to die!

However, speaking out is like splashing water, especially in front of so many people.

If you renege on your promise and become fat, then you will never want to be in this industry in the future. The reputation and reputation that you have built up after decades of hard work will be wiped out and destroyed in an instant.

This is still light. With Steven's usual ruthless and ruthless style of acting, how could he let himself go? It is very likely that he will sue himself for bankruptcy, and there will be even more dire consequences.

Thinking of these,

Julian couldn't help feeling extremely bitter in his heart, and there was no joy in gaining anything.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Julian reluctantly stretched out his right hand and held Ye Tian's big hand together.

"Okay, Steven, 120,000 euros, a deal! This portrait of a figure from the Renaissance period is now yours. Obviously, I have missed a valuable work of art.

It's a pity that I still don't understand the true value of this painting. Why does it make your heart beat? I hope you can keep your promise and explain this painting to solve my confusion! "

When he said these words, Julian couldn't help flashing a look of pain in his eyes, which he couldn't hide at all.

"Hahaha, Julian, I am very happy to do business with you, and I am also very happy to receive this portrait. After we complete the transaction, I will fulfill my promise and explain my views on this painting."

Ye Tian said with a light smile, his expression and words were full of complacency.

Once the deal is done, the rest will be easy.

In just a moment, the two parties completed the follow-up matters of this art transaction, and the money and goods were settled.

At the same time that Julian received the text message of the payment, Ye Tian also took a step forward, gently removed the Renaissance portrait from the display wall, and admired it again.

At this time, everyone in the gallery was staring at him and at the old portrait of a character, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

"Steven, let me explain to you some of this portrait. Is it the work of the master artist Holbein the Younger?"

Before Julian asked, an expert on antique art appraisal from Museum Island in Berlin couldn't wait to ask this question that everyone was very concerned about.

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the German guy, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Okay, Tim, since everyone is so eager, let me talk about my appraisal opinion on this portrait. You can listen to it. Of course, this is just a family opinion, and further verification is needed."

Following his words, the scene immediately fell silent, and everyone looked over.

After a short pause, Ye Tian continued to say:

"First of all, let's talk about the creation age of this painting. On this point, I agree with Julian's appraisal conclusion. This is indeed a work of art created in the mid-16th century, and it is extremely rare to be preserved to this day.

Let's talk about the possible creator of this painting. Julian believes that it is a work created by an unknown artist and imitating the style of the top art master Holbein Jr. There are similarities, but it is specious.

On this point, unlike Julian, it seems to me that this is a young Holbein, and a very special one at that, from the mid-1520s"

No surprise, following Ye Tian's words, the scene immediately exploded.

"How is it possible? How could this be the work of Holbein Jr., the difference in painting style is so obvious, Steven, did you read it wrong? Or is there something wrong with my hearing?"

Julian exclaimed directly, his expression was extremely exaggerated, and his eyes almost flew out.

The same was true for the other German guys, all of them were stunned by shock, their eyes full of disbelief.

Unlike these Germans, David cheered directly.

For Ye Tian's appraisal conclusion, David and the others had great trust and knew that there was absolutely no possibility of mistakes. This must be a painting by the art master Holbein Jr., which is priceless.

Ye Tian smiled softly, then stretched out his hands and pressed down, motioning for everyone to be quiet.

When the scene became quieter, he smiled and continued:

"Don't be impatient, everyone. Next, I will explain to you why I came to such an appraisal conclusion, and I am very sure that all of this is based on evidence, not just talking about it!

Julian said before that there is no author's signature on this painting, nor any hidden secrets, such as special marks, etc., and it is for this reason that he attributes this painting to an unknown artist.

In fact, this painting has the artist's signature, and it is on the surface of the painting, but the signature is so special that ordinary people can't notice it at all, so it has not been noticed for a long time.

Please take a look at this solid wood cabinet full of silverware. Does it look like a capital 'h'? In the painting, the lady and her daughter block a small part of the cabinet, creating an illusion.

It is this optical illusion that people ignore this capital 'h', if you remove the lady and her daughter from the painting in your mind, leaving only the background, you can see this capital 'h' '.

In addition, on the green velvet curtain directly above this cabinet, there is also a small 'h' embroidered, mixed with other patterns on the curtain, it is almost impossible to find if you are not lucky.

Fortunately, my luck has always been good. When I was appreciating this painting just now, I accidentally discovered this mark. The combination of two 'h's, one large and one small, is the personal signature of Holbein Jr...."

While saying these words, Ye Tian also stretched out his fingers, pointing out these two personal signatures that are on the surface of the painting but are extremely difficult to be found.

People in this gallery, after his guidance, also saw this very special painter's signature.

The next moment, there was an almost crazy exclamation in the gallery.

"My God! Signed with double h, this is actually a painting by the master artist Holbein the Younger, so there is no doubt that this painting must be priceless, and it is a veritable top art work!"

"I'm going! This artist's signature design is so ingenious, it's unimaginable, no wonder it's on the surface of the painting, but no one has discovered it for hundreds of years!"

Just when everyone was exclaiming, Julian muttered to himself in a daze.

"If this is really the work of Holbein the Younger, why is there such a big difference in style? This is unreasonable!"

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