Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2138 There Are Surprises

Ye Tian looked at the distraught Julian, then glanced at the crowd, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, the painting style shown in this portrait of a character is indeed quite different from the painting style of the master artist Holbein the Younger. It lacks a bit of bright and elegant taste, and it looks a bit dull and rigid.

There are two reasons for this situation. The first is the rise of Mannerism. Around 1520, Mannerism art began to rise in Europe and affected many artists.

Mannerist art emphasizes the artist's inner experience and personal expression, with fine paintings, gorgeous surface effects, and many dramatic scenes, replacing Raphael's unified style with asymmetry and turmoil.

In Europe at that time, especially in the royal courts of various countries, Mannerism art was very popular and highly respected, and the fledgling Holbein was inevitably influenced by Mannerism.

The second reason is the living habits of the European aristocrats at that time. The rigidity, restraint, and even rigidity of the two characters in this painting are the best portrayal, and they are truly reflected in this painting.

Influenced by Mannerism, Holbein the Younger painted some paintings with obvious Mannerism style. The one before you is probably the first work he studied Mannerism art.

In addition to this portrait, Holbein the Younger also has several paintings with obvious Mannerist style, but the painting style and painting skills shown in those paintings are much more proficient.

Perhaps it was because of his dissatisfaction with this portrait that Holbein Jr. did not leave his personal signature in the lower right corner of this painting as he did on other paintings.

Not only that, Holbein the Younger did not leave any information about this portrait painting, but only left a very hidden signature on the painting, playing a guessing game with the later generations.

Because of this, the portrait of the figure remained unknown for hundreds of years, and everyone believed that it was the work of an unknown painter in the mid-sixteenth century."

Having said that, Ye Tian suddenly stopped talking and looked at Julian.

At this time, Julian's eyes were blood red, staring at the top artwork in Ye Tian's hands, his heart ached to the point of death.

The rest of the people at the scene were also staring at the painting closely, their eyelids reluctant to blink, eyes full of envy, even jealousy.

Especially those German guys, their jealous eyes are red, wishing they could just rush forward,

Take this painting and take it for yourself!

Everyone at the scene, including Julian, had no doubts about the appraisal conclusion given by Ye Tian.

Since Steven said with certainty that this is a painting by the Renaissance art master Holbein the Younger, he definitely didn't run away. This must be a priceless top-level work of art.

After a moment of silence, a guy from the German Ministry of Culture asked:

"Mr. Steven, since you say this is a painting by Holbein the Younger, can you be sure that it is the work of Holbein the Younger? Who is the lady and her daughter in the painting? This painting has How much is it worth?"

Ye Tian looked at the German guy, then smiled and said loudly:

"As we all know, the life of the Renaissance art master Holbein the Younger was quite short. He only lived to be forty-six years old, and his artistic career was even shorter, but he created many outstanding top-level artworks.

Combined with the period when Mannerism emerged and became popular, we can basically deduce that the approximate time when Holbein created this portrait should be after he settled in London in 1532.

If you are familiar with "Ambassadors", one of Holbein's famous masterpieces, carefully observe and compare these two paintings, you will find some similarities, for example, the characters are somewhat rigid.

It's just that this painting is more obvious, and the "Ambassadors" is not so obvious. Another point is that there are many similarities in the background selection of the two paintings, which is not difficult to find.

In view of this, I think that this painting was created after Holbein the Younger settled in London, and before the famous "Ambassadors", we might as well name this painting "The Ambassador's Wife and Her Daughter".

Since this is probably the first Mannerist style work of Holbein the Younger, and indirectly proves that the exact period when Mannerism art influenced the northern painting circle at that time, it has very special significance.

Even though this painting does not look very good and is quite different from other works of Holbein the Younger, it still has great artistic value and research value, and enjoys a special status in the history of Western art.

Because people didn't know that it was the work of Holbein the Younger, they neglected it and improperly maintained it, which caused a lot of damage to the painting. Fortunately, it was preserved, which is a blessing in misfortune!

Based on the above aspects and combined with the current market conditions of antique art, I estimate the value of this piece of "The Ambassador's Wife and Her Daughter" by the art master Holbein the Younger at 40 million euros, which is not too low! "

Unsurprisingly, this small gallery was instantly ebullient.

"Wow! Did I hear you right? Forty million euros, that's an exaggeration! Who would have thought that such a humble painting would be worth forty million euros, it's unbelievable!"

"Steven is extremely lucky. He found such a priceless and top-level artwork that can make everyone crazy. Why can't this kind of good thing happen to me?"

While exclaiming endlessly, everyone was staring at the painting in Ye Tian's hands, everyone's eyes were extremely hot, full of envy and jealousy.

And Julian, who was standing next to him, was on the verge of collapse at this time, his eyes were so red that he was about to bleed, and he wanted to shoot himself in the head with regret.

At this moment, the guy from the German Ministry of Culture said excitedly and expectantly:

"Mr. Steven, if your appraisal conclusion is accurate, then there is no doubt that this must be a national treasure-level art treasure. I would like to ask, can this top art work be kept in Germany?

The master of Renaissance art, Holbein the Younger, is one of the most outstanding and greatest artists in German history, and is also the pride of Germans, and this painting has special meaning, we really want to keep it! "

Ye Tian looked at the German guy, then smiled and said loudly:

"We came to Berlin this time to explore the treasures of the Knights Templar, and we did not expect to find such a priceless and top-notch work of art. This is really a pleasant surprise.

I don't mind keeping this painting in Germany, it depends on whether the top German collectors or major museums can meet my conditions. Don't forget, I am a businessman! "

Hearing his words, all the Germans at the scene rolled their eyes in unison, and each of them complained secretly.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as in the legend, this bastard Steven is really greedy to the extreme, and his pursuit of money and wealth seems to be endless!

No matter which top German collector, which famous German museum, or anyone else, if they want to take this painting of Holbein the Younger, they will definitely be slaughtered, and they will not survive!

Julian finally woke up, looked at Ye Tian eagerly, and asked in a crying voice:

"Mr. Steven, I would like to ask, is your previous promise still counted? Are there any paintings in this gallery that you can catch your eye?"

Ye Tian looked at this poor guy, then nodded slightly, giving this guy a little hope.

"To be honest, Julian, although your gallery is not big, it has brought me many surprises. I was in a dilemma just now, and I didn't know which painting to choose!..."

Before the words fell, the gallery was fried again.

"Ah! Could it be that there is also a priceless top-level artwork in this gallery? This is too crazy!"

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