Under the gaze of many fiery eyes, Ye Tian went straight to a painting hanging on the display shelf, pointed at the painting and said loudly:

"Julian, regarding this Impressionist painting, your appraisal conclusion is obviously wrong. If you realize the true value of this painting, it is absolutely impossible to hang this valuable painting here."

Following his words, everyone in the gallery looked at the impressionist oil painting, and everyone's eyes were extremely hot, but full of curiosity.

Especially Julian, this buddy did two steps in three steps, and threw himself directly in front of the oil painting, widened his eyes, and began to look at the impressionist oil painting, his eyeballs were almost stuck to the canvas.

However, he hadn't seen the true value of this painting before, and with such a little effort in front of him, it was naturally impossible to find any new discoveries, and he still looked dazed.

"Mr. Steven, can you explain this impressionist painting? Is it the work of that famous painter, and how much is it worth? So that everyone is not confused!"

An expert on the identification of antique artworks from Museum Island in Berlin said that this person also did not get an accurate identification conclusion.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the German, then glanced at the crowd, and then said with a smile:

"Well, I'm not going to make a fool of myself. If I'm not mistaken, this impressionist painting should be the work of the famous German painter August Mack in the early 20th century.

To be more precise, it should be a painting created by August Mack during his stay in Paris, and the specific creation time can be accurate to between 1907 and 1908.”

"This is a painting by August Mac, how is it possible? He is an expressionist painter, how could there be an impressionist painting? Did I hear correctly?"

Julian exclaimed directly, his eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Not only him, but many people at the scene behaved like this, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

However, the two antique art appraisal experts from Museum Island in Berlin nodded thoughtfully, and a look of surprise quickly appeared on their faces.

Ye Tian looked at Julian with an exaggerated expression, and then continued:

"August Mike's life was very short. He only lived to be 27 years old and died on the battlefield of the First World War in 1914. It is a typical premature death.

It's a pity.

Although his artistic career was very short, he created a series of immortal works. It's a pity that God is jealous of talents! In 1907, August Mack went to Paris to study the art of painting.

During his stay in Paris, he first came into contact with Impressionism, then Fauvism, and later Cubism, from which he absorbed the essence of these painting schools and improved his own art.

The painting in front of him is a work he created when he was studying Impressionism. At the same time, he also created another Impressionist painting, which is currently in the collection of OA in New York.

As far as I know, these are the only two impressionist paintings by August Mack, the one in oa is signed by the artist, and the one in front of me is not signed, but the artistic value is comparable”

Before the words fell, a German guy from Museum Island next to him said:

"That's right! I know that the impressionist painting collected in OA in New York is indeed the work of August Mack, but his impressionist paintings are so few that it is easy to be overlooked!"

"Indeed, when people mention August Mack, they generally only know that he is a famous expressionist painter who died young, and few people know his other works."

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then picked up the topic just now

"Because August Mack's life was short, there are very few works handed down to the world, even fewer impressionist paintings, and many people don't even know that he once created impressionist oil paintings.

When many people saw this Impressionist oil painting, they would not think of Augustus Mack at all, and would only compare it with the works of many Impressionist painters. The results can be imagined.

Rare is more expensive! Not to mention the works of a talented painter like August Mack, whose works are rarely handed down to the world, and each one is worth a lot of money, and the one in front of me is no exception.

According to the market conditions in the antique art market, if this impressionistic painting by August Mack goes up for auction, the transaction price should exceed 35 million euros, or even higher! "

Not surprisingly, the scene immediately boiled.

"Wow! Thirty-five million euros, that's an exaggerated price! It's only five million euros less than the portrait of Holbein the Younger!

"Another piece of top art, today is really eye-opening, who would have thought that there are actually two priceless top art hidden in such a small gallery, it's unbelievable!"

Amidst these exclamations one after another, Julian's eyes filled with tears in an instant.

His entire body was trembling with excitement, and he couldn't even utter a word, only some choked sounds came out of his throat.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at Julian, and lightly patted the guy on the shoulder, jokingly said:

"Relax, Julian, it would be too unlucky for you to pass by at this time. For you, a beautiful life has just begun!"


There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone laughed.

While laughing loudly, everyone looked at Julian with eyes that were no longer sympathy and pity, but envy and jealousy, wishing they could replace it.

With this hearty laughter, Julian, who was so excited that he was almost crazy, finally woke up, and his body no longer trembled.

"Thank you, Steven, for your generosity, for giving me hope, and for your guidance. You will be my forever friend in the future. You are always welcome in my gallery and my home. guest"

Julian said excitedly, his words were extremely sincere, and there were still tears in his eyes, but they were tears of joy.

If it wasn't for the portrait of Young Holbein in Ye Tian's hand, the German guy would definitely give him a warm hug to express his gratitude.

Ye Tian shook hands with the German guy, then said with a light smile:

"When I saw this painting just now, I really wanted to take it as well, but after some consideration and the previous commitment, I chose the portrait of Holbein the Younger.

Julian, I picked up a big leak from you, and also pointed out another top-level artwork that you overlooked. I believe this is enough to give you some comfort and save you from too much pain.

It's getting late outside, let's stop here today, there are still a few antique shops and galleries to visit in the back, I won't stay here with you, nice to meet you, see you later! "

"Okay, Steven, I won't delay you from continuing to make a fortune. I hope you can find more priceless top-level antique artworks. As I said just now, my gallery and home welcome you as a guest at any time."

Julian continued and said that he didn't do much to keep him.

Next, Ye Tian put the portrait of young Holbein into the painting bag, then said goodbye and left, carrying the painting bag and walked out of this small gallery with David and the others.

Within a few minutes of their departure, everything that happened here, like a hurricane, quickly spread throughout the entire Berlin Wall flea market, and even throughout Berlin, and throughout Germany, reaching the ears of countless people.

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