Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2143 Coping Strategies

It was just after nine o'clock, and the sky had not yet dawned. Hassan and his entourage left the five-star hotel. They left the hotel quietly, and not many people noticed.

Cole, who sent them out of the hotel, started to inform Ye Tian of the situation outside as soon as he returned to the guest room.

"Steven, Hassan and the others have already left the hotel, and the gunmen who followed them and were in charge of security, as well as the snipers deployed at both ends of the street, have also withdrawn one after another.

Although Hassan and the others were stealthy, they were still being watched. As soon as they left, several cars with civilian license plates followed them from a distance, and there were more than one passerby.

If the predictions are correct, the guys following Hassan and the others are likely to be intelligence personnel from various countries, the German Federal Intelligence Service, the Israeli Mossad, and the CIA, etc."

Hearing the notification, Ye Tian immediately chuckled and said:

"This is normal. Don't forget that the Assassins are the assassin organization with the longest history in the world today. They have always been very mysterious. The intelligence agencies of various countries are worried that they will not be able to find them. How could they let such a golden opportunity pass by.

Assassin's main activities are in the Middle East and Europe, and he often carries out assassination missions in these places. Coupled with the hidden religious factors behind it, it must be the focus of many intelligence agencies, and they even want to get rid of it quickly.

Regarding this situation, Hassan should have realized it a long time ago. Since he dared to come to Berlin to negotiate business with me, it means that they have formulated a coping strategy. I believe that they must have a way to escape smoothly and escape the sight of the stalkers.

Forget about Hassan and the others, David, Cole, immediately contact the US embassy in Germany and relevant German institutions to inform us about the meeting we just had with Assassin, lest anyone make a fuss about it."

"Understood, Steven"

David nodded in response, and Cole also responded.

However, before they could take action, Ye Tian's cell phone rang.

Ye Tian took out his mobile phone and looked at it, then smiled and said to David and the others:

"Sure enough! The appearance of the Assassin faction and Hassan has alarmed many people. This is a call from the presidential aide I met in New York two days ago. It must be directed at Hassan and the others."

"Wow! These guys are really quick to respond. You don't even need to think about it. The news must have been provided by those guys from CIA."

David exclaimed in a low voice,

There was a bit of excitement in his tone.

Next, Ye Tian slid the phone screen lightly, and began to answer the call from the White House.

"Good morning, Steven, I'm Freddy, according to reports from the intelligence personnel in Berlin, Hassan and his assistants, the contemporary mountain elders of the mysterious Assassin organization, have just visited you at the hotel.

The Assassins have always been the focus of our attention. Can you introduce why those mysterious guys are looking for you? Are you negotiating a deal with you? Or is there something else? "

Freddy's voice came from the phone, and what Ye Tian asked was exactly as Ye Tian expected.

"It's still midnight in Washington, right? Freddy, good evening, I'm sorry to wake you up in the middle of the night, but you don't have to worry, there is no dark secret between me and the Assassins.

As you know, the joint exploration team formed by our company and the Vatican just arrived in Berlin, Germany yesterday, ready to launch a joint exploration operation to explore the remaining treasures of the Knights Templar.

The contemporary mountain old man of the Assassins, Hassan and his assistants, came for the treasure of the Knights Templar, to be precise, for an item that might exist in the treasure of the Knights Templar.

In the Middle Ages, an important token of the Assassins fell into the hands of the Knights Templar. According to their investigation, the token was probably in the treasure of the Knights Templar, and they wanted to take it back.

The reason why they appeared in Berlin, Germany, is to negotiate a deal with us. I am a businessman. This deal has nothing to do with national security or terrorism. I have no reason to refuse.

In view of the particularity of the Assassins, in order to prove the innocence of our company and avoid unnecessary troubles, I took pictures of the entire meeting with a high-definition camera and kept it as video evidence.

Later, we will take the initiative to contact the US embassy and the German intelligence agencies and send relevant video materials to them. In addition, my lawyer and the Bishop of Kent participated in the entire meeting and can also testify.”

Ye Tian said with a smile, and explained to the president's staff far away in Washington.

Next, he chatted with the White House aide for a few more words before hanging up the phone and ending the call.

On the sofa next to them, David and Cole have launched an operation to contact the US embassy in Germany, the German police and intelligence agencies respectively to eliminate possible hidden dangers.

In order to avoid suspicion, Hassan and the others were known about these actions just now, and Hassan nodded in agreement. There is no such thing as betraying the partner.

Just when Ye Tian and David were in contact with the outside world, a wonderful car chase was taking place on the streets of Berlin in the early morning.

As Ye Tian expected, before coming to the hotel to negotiate a deal with him, the Assassins had already prepared and formulated a coping strategy.

It didn't take much effort for the vehicle in which Hassan and his assistants were traveling to escape the stalkers and disappear on the streets of Berlin.


In the blink of an eye, it was already ten o'clock in the morning.

For the city of Berlin, it's only morning.

After breakfast and a short rest, Ye Tian and the others left the hotel room and prepared to go to the Museum Island in Berlin not far away.

Their trip was not to visit the major museums in Berlin, but to the antique flea market on Museum Island, preparing to continue to sweep the Berlin antique art market.

Today is the weekend, which happens to be the opening day of the Antiques Market on Museum Island.

This is a very professional antique art market. Although it is not large in scale, it can be called the essence of the place. It is well-known in the industry, so it is naturally not to be missed.

After getting out of the elevator, as soon as he walked into the hotel lobby, Ye Tian saw many familiar faces.

Among them were guys from the German Ministry of Culture, people from the Berlin police, and experts in the identification of antiques from Museum Island in Berlin, etc. Many people had participated in the small appreciation meeting held by Ye Tian last night.

Ye Tian naturally knew why these guys came here, he smiled and nodded at these guys, as a greeting.

In addition, there were many media reporters in the hotel lobby. As soon as they saw Ye Tian and the others coming out, they rushed up like a tide, and started asking questions loudly one by one.

"Good morning, Mr. Steven. I'm a reporter from the Frankfurter Zeitung. Can you tell me how you deal with the antique artworks you acquired yesterday? Will you ship them all back to New York?"

"Good morning, Steven, I'm a reporter from German TV Z2. Can you tell us about your schedule for today, whether to continue to visit the antique flea market, or to go for a tour, or to launch a joint exploration operation?"

Hearing these questions, Ye Tian immediately stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at the media reporters who came rushing but were stopped outside the cordon.

He quickly scanned the scene, then smiled and said loudly:

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, friends from the media, it's a pleasure to meet you here, the weather is very nice today, I wish you all a pleasant weekend.

Here, I need to declare that the antique artworks found yesterday from the flea market on the Berlin Wall have been disposed of, and most of them have been left in Germany, in Berlin.

It won't be long before you can see them in museums, galleries and antique shops in Berlin, as well as auctions, and some of them will become private collections.

So everyone can rest assured that those valuable antique artworks that have been neglected for a long time still belong to Germany and Berlin. What I get is just some money! "

Hearing his words, everyone at the scene couldn't help but roll their eyes angrily, without exception.

Get cheap and sell well! What a real jerk.

Is that just some money? It's easy to say, that's an astronomical amount of wealth, okay? Enough to drive everyone crazy!

Ye Tian saw all the reactions of the people at the scene, but he continued to smile and said, as if he hadn't seen it.

"As for the upcoming itinerary, for safety reasons, I'm sorry I can't tell you, but I believe that everyone will soon know that Berlin is a city with a rich history, which is worth exploring."

Next, Ye Tian answered two more questions, then took his leave and left, leading David and the others towards the entrance of the hotel.

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