Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2144 Gilt Copper Mason Porcelain

Amidst the loud protests and demonstrations that resounded through the sky, Ye Tian and his convoy drove away from the entrance of the hotel and headed straight for Museum Island in Berlin.

Just like yesterday, as soon as their convoy left, many tails followed, and the number was more than yesterday.

There are officials from the German Ministry of Culture, a large number of police officers from the Berlin Police Department, several antique art appraisal experts from Museum Island, and many media reporters.

In addition, there are many guys with unknown intentions, as well as lively idlers, etc., who drove behind the convoy and headed towards the Museum Island together.

Not long after the convoy left the hotel, Cole's voice came from the wireless invisible headset.

"Steven, those scumbags from Xinnacui really followed up and got mixed up in the vehicles behind. They obviously have bad intentions. Do you want to take action against those scumbags?"

"We don't need to do it ourselves, you report the relevant information about those scumbags in Xinnacui to the Berlin police, and see how the Berlin police respond, whether to take action against those scumbags, or let them go!

When reporting to the Berlin police, you might as well make it clear that if those Xinnacui scumbags take the initiative to attack, we will have to defend ourselves, that is our right, and no one can take it away."

Ye Tian said with a sneer, his words and eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Understood, Steven, I will report to the Berlin police"

Cole responded and immediately took action.

While speaking, the convoy drove forward for a further distance.

At this moment, several police cars that were originally following the convoy and separated the convoy from other vehicles suddenly sounded the alarm, and quickly reduced their speed to suppress other vehicles that followed.

Immediately afterwards, these Berlin police cars slammed in the direction and lay across the middle of the road, completely blocking the road leading to Museum Island.

In the blink of an eye, this street has turned into a huge parking lot, but Ye Tian's team drove away, and quickly disappeared from people's sight.


There was a harsh sound of emergency brakes on the street, mixed with exclamations one after another, and many angry curses.

"Fack! What the hell are these stupid cops doing? Why are they blocking the road all of a sudden?"

"Damn it,

Could it be that Steven's bastards found us? And then notified these idiot policemen to use the hands of the police to deal with us? "

Before the sound of cursing fell down, the doors of the police cars lying across the road suddenly opened one after another.

Immediately afterwards, a group of heavily armed Berlin police rushed out of those police cars, scattered to the rear and quickly outflanked these vehicles.

Seeing this scene, the people in the many vehicles behind were stunned for a moment, their faces full of bewilderment, not knowing what happened.

The next moment, screams of terror suddenly sounded, and the street instantly became a mess.

Meanwhile, Ye Tian's convoy had already turned to another street, getting closer to the Museum Island in Berlin!


In Museum Island Antiques Market, Ye Tian and the others are standing in front of a booth, admiring the antique artworks, or so-called antique artworks on this booth.

The nearby tourists, as well as large and small antique dealers doing business in this antique flea market, as well as some professionals who heard the news, all looked at Ye Tian and the others, everyone's eyes were full of curiosity.

Different from others, those antique dealers, big and small, still had a bit of fear in their eyes, which couldn't be concealed at all!

What frightened these antique dealers was Ye Tian's crazily sweeping up of antique artworks, as well as his ruthless behavior.

At this time, more than half an hour had passed since Ye Tian and the others arrived at this famous antique flea market.

In the past half an hour, Ye Tian has swept through seven or eight stalls selling antiques and artworks, as well as two small antique shops on the street, which can be regarded as a success.

He won a total of three neglected and valuable antique works of art, which were carried by the two accompanying company employees.

At the entrance of the market, Bowie and two of his subordinates also walked into the antique flea market, secretly cooperating with Ye Tian, ​​and began to sweep the antique flea market.

After more than half an hour, Ye Tian had a better understanding of this antique flea market, and adjusted his action strategy accordingly.

Compared with the flea market on the Berlin Wall that I visited yesterday, the museum island antique flea market is much smaller, less than one-third of the former, but it is more professional and has more good things.

The stalls doing business here are basically antique works of art, and most of them are genuine.

From ancient Greek and Roman antiques to modern artworks, there are everything here, and there are many valuable antique artworks.

However, the large and small antique dealers who do business here are basically professionals, or even half experts in appraisal.

It is not easy to find leaks in this small and exquisite antique flea market, much more difficult than picking leaks in the Berlin Wall flea market.

And this is also one of the reasons why Ye Tian has only harvested three antique artworks so far.

He did find a lot of treasures of great value, but unfortunately, most of the stall owners were knowledgeable and shrewd, so it was not easy to pick up the leaks from them.

"Man, can I have a look at this gilt copper vase?"

Ye Tian said with a smile, pointing to a gilt copper vase on the booth in front of him.

The stall owner took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​then at the vase, then nodded with a smile and said:

"Of course there is no problem, Mr. Steven, please go ahead and be careful. This is a Rococo-style gilt copper Mason vase made in the late eighteenth century. It is somewhat valuable!"

Seeing that the stall owner agreed, Ye Tian immediately reached out and took the gilt copper vase, gently placed it on the table in front of him, and began to admire it carefully.

At the same time, he also joked:

"Dude, it seems that you are an expert and know the goods in your booth very well. It is impossible to pick up the leaks from you, but it is also a blessing to appreciate such a piece of Mason porcelain!"

"Hahaha, Mr. Steven, compared with you, the world's top professional treasure hunter and expert in the appraisal of antique works of art, my appraisal level is simply not on the table."

The stall owner said politely, but his eyes were not without complacency.

After thoroughly admiring the rococo-style gold-plated copper vase in front of him over and over again, Ye Tian smiled again and said:

"Guys, tell me about this gilt copper vase, how did you get it? How much is this Mason vase worth? If the price is right, I wouldn't mind having it in my collection"

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the stall owner immediately looked at the magnificently decorated Mason porcelain again, and doubts flashed in his eyes.

Could it be that my identification was wrong? The value of this gilt copper vase is very high, so Steven, a greedy guy, is attracted by it and wants to keep this vase in his pocket!

If it was just an ordinary Mason porcelain vase, even if it was made in the late eighteenth century and was very beautiful, it wouldn't impress Steven, an over-the-top fellow!

Thinking of this, the stall owner murmured in his heart, and he was not so confident in the appraisal conclusion he gave.

And Ye Tian, ​​who was standing in front of the booth, always had a smile on his face, he couldn't see anything unusual, neither happy nor sad!

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