Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2152 The basement engraved with mysterious symbols

In the basement of the Temple Palace, Ye Tian and the others were exploring, scanning the ground and walls with the coil of the pulse metal detector, looking for the treasure of the Knights Templar.

The results of the exploration were not ideal. Although they scanned some metal objects buried at different depths underground, most of those metal objects existed in isolation and were not the targets they were looking for.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian and the others opened the door of another basement room, ready to go in and explore.

As soon as the basement door was opened, a mildew smell rushed over, causing Ye Tian and the others to take a step back, frowning.

Obviously, this warehouse has not been opened for a long time, and the things stored in it have become moldy.

After getting used to the environment a bit, Ye Tian and the others looked into the basement.

Looking in from the basement door, you can see several solid wood shelves standing side by side, on which are stacked some religious items, including crosses, altars and so on.

There are also some larger and heavier items that are piled on the ground, which looks very messy.

Needless to say, this is a warehouse for religious items.

The floor of the warehouse and the religious articles were covered with dust, and many traces of rats could be seen on the floor, but no human footprints could be seen.

After quickly scanning the situation in the warehouse, Ye Tian said in a deep voice:

"Judging from the dust accumulated in this warehouse, it has not been opened for at least ten years, and in addition to the slightly humid weather in Berlin, the things stored in this warehouse may have been moldy.

For the sake of safety, it is better for everyone to wear protective clothing and gas masks, and then let the air circulate for a while before entering this basement to explore, so as not to inhale a lot of moldy air.”

As he said that, he took the initiative to step back and left the door of the basement.

David and the Bishop of Kent followed suit and retreated to the rear, including Walker, who was in charge of security, and the staff member of the Temple Palace who opened the door.

After retreating a few meters, Ye Tian and the others immediately took their respective backpacks, took out the protective clothing and gas mask from inside, put them on, and wrapped themselves tightly.

As for the staff member of the Temple Palace holding a bunch of keys, there is no protective clothing available. Under Ye Tian's suggestion,

He can only leave here temporarily for safety.

After everyone put on their protective clothing and checked carefully to make sure there were no problems, Ye Tian and the others returned to the door of the warehouse and walked in.

As soon as he entered the warehouse, Ye Tian turned on the pulse metal detector and began scanning the floor of the basement with a coil, hoping to find something.

David and the Bishop of Kent walked to the two sides and began to check the walls of the basement.

The sound of the metal detector did not sound, but the voice of the Bishop of Kent came quickly, sounding quite excited.

"Steven, there are several mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar engraved on this wall, which are the same as the mysterious symbols we saw in Cyprus and France before, come and have a look."

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately raised his head to look towards the Bishop of Kent, and walked over there.

In two or three steps, he had come to the innermost wall of the basement, and David also walked over quickly, his eyes full of expectation.

"Steven, David, look here, don't these symbols look familiar?"

The Bishop of Kent said excitedly, and pointed to a wall in front of him that had been wiped of dust.

In fact, Ye Tian and the others had already noticed the mysterious symbols engraved on this wall.

Ye Tian carefully looked at the mysterious symbols, then nodded with a smile and said:

"That's right, Bishop of Kent, these are indeed the unique mysterious symbols of the Knights Templar. In the castle of Argeny in France, these mysterious symbols have appeared, and they are carved on the walls of the castle tower.

Obviously, this basement has survived a series of catastrophes, it has not been blown down, and it still maintains its appearance in the 13th century. The treasure of the Knights Templar we are looking for may be hidden here."

"Wow! Awesome"

The Bishop of Kent immediately cheered and waved his fist excitedly.

The same is true for David standing next to him, his face full of excitement.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took a step forward, knocked hard on the granite wall, and looked up at the two air windows above the wall, which were not much bigger than fists.

"This wall faces the Spree River not far away. Judging from the sound of knocking, it should be solid behind the wall, and there are no hidden passages or secret compartments.

Of course, there is also a possibility that this granite wall is very thick, and the simple method of percussion and listening cannot hear the reality behind the wall.

I'll scan it again with a metal detector to see if there are any hidden metal objects behind this wall, hoping to find something, that would be great! "

As he spoke, Ye Tian had already raised the detection coil of the pulse metal detector, and began to scan the dusty, moss-covered granite wall.

It's a pity that the metal detector has never sounded. There is no metal object buried behind this wall, and the result is not ideal.

After scanning, Ye Tian pondered for a moment, then said in a deep voice:

"Bishop of Kent, David, let's leave this basement first and call a few guys over to clean up the walls and ground of this basement before entering to explore.

Behind this granite wall, although no metal signal was scanned, I have the feeling that there must be some secrets hidden in this ancient basement.

As for whether this secret is the treasure of the Knights Templar we are looking for, it is still hard to say, but I believe that the answer will be revealed soon, and it may be a huge surprise."

"Okay, Steven, hopefully we'll find something"

The Bishop of Kent nodded in response, and David also nodded.

Next, the three of them exited the basement, went outside the basement door, and joined Walker who was guarding the door.

Afterwards, Ye Tian picked up the walkie-talkie and notified several company employees under him to bring cleaning equipment and wear protective clothing to come here to clean the basement.

As soon as the order came out, there was an immediate response from the intercom.

About ten minutes later, several employees of Fearless Exploration Company, wearing full protective suits and carrying corresponding cleaning equipment, came to the door of the basement.

When they stood still at the door, Ye Tian immediately pointed to the basement and said:

"Guys, clean out this basement, clean up all the dust and moss on the walls and ground, and then we will explore again. There may be some important secrets hidden here"

"No problem, Steven, leave these things to us"

Several company employees responded in unison, and everyone was very excited.

Immediately afterwards, these guys walked into the basement with the corresponding equipment and began to clean up.


Accompanied by the sound of high-speed rotation of the engine, the dust and moss accumulated in the basement for more than ten years were continuously sucked into the two cleaning equipment.

Without much effort, the basement was cleared out and looked brand new.

When the dust in the basement settled down, Ye Tian and the others walked into the basement again, ready to continue exploring.

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