Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2153 The Collapsed Ground

"Guys, move this solid wood shelf, let me see the floors under the shelf, be careful when moving the shelf, so as not to cause some unnecessary trouble"

Ye Tian pointed to a solid wooden shelf in front of him and said, asking his company employees to remove the shelf.

At this point, they had scanned the four walls of the warehouse, and found nothing surprising.

On the granite walls of this basement, many mysterious symbols unique to the Knights Templar were engraved, but behind these walls, Ye Tian and the others did not have the signal of scanning metal objects.

In addition to scanning with a pulse metal detector, Ye Tian also used a rubber hammer to knock on every wall and every piece of granite, carefully listening to the sound that the walls gave back.

It's a pity that he didn't hear the sound he wanted to hear, and the feedback he got every time he tapped was extremely dull and the same.

That is to say, behind these four walls, there are no hidden secrets, secret passages or hidden compartments, and everything is filled with mud and rocks.

Next, they turned their attention to the floor and began to scan the ground, hoping to find something.

The solid wood shelf in front of him is already the second one that Ye Tian asked his employees to move away.

Under the first shelf before, he didn't find any secrets, only a few mysterious symbols carved on the granite floor.

"Okay, Steven"

Several company employees responded in unison, and immediately took action.

Working together, they quickly pushed the solid wood shelf aside, exposing the granite floor beneath.

Immediately afterwards, two company employees quickly cleaned the floors and cleaned up the dust and garbage left on the floors.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stepped forward and scanned the ground with the coil of the pulse metal detector to see if he could find anything.

However, there was no movement from the metal detector, not even the slightest sound.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian had scanned the entire area, but found nothing.

Such a result is undoubtedly very disappointing.


There was a sigh,

There was a hint of disappointment in every voice.

However, Ye Tian, ​​who was holding a pulse metal detector, did not show the slightest disappointment on his face, his eyes were fixed on the ground, looking thoughtful.

Seeing his performance, the rest of the people at the scene couldn't help feeling curious, and looked at the plain granite floor again.

In their eyes, there was nothing special about this granite floor, and it was not much different from other floors around it.

The only difference is that the mysterious characters engraved on it are different from those on other floors. In fact, the mysterious symbols engraved on each floor here are different.

Just when everyone was surprised and puzzled, Ye Tian suddenly raised his right foot and stamped it down on the floor.


There was a sudden muffled noise in the basement, which startled everyone.

From this muffled sound alone, everyone can tell that there is real earth under this granite floor, and there is no hidden space.

But at this time, Ye Tian put the pulse metal detector in his hand aside, then squatted down, widened his eyes, and concentrated on observing these granite floors.

After observing carefully for a while, he stretched out his right hand again, gently stroking those pieces of granite floor.

Especially at the junction of several floors, he touched it back and forth several times, and every time he touched it, his face became more happy.

Seeing his series of actions, the rest of the people at the scene couldn't help but feel confused and didn't understand why.

"Steven, is there anything special about these granite floors? They don't look any different from other floors around them. The texture and pattern are almost exactly the same.

Judging from the mysterious characters engraved on the floor, when the Temple Palace was built in the early thirteenth century, they should have been here, and they have been lying here quietly for more than seven hundred years! "

The Bishop of Kent asked curiously, staring at the granite floors under Ye Tian's hands, trying to see something.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the Bishop of Kent, then glanced at David and the others, and then said in a slightly excited and very positive tone:

"Guys, the granite floors in front of you are a little lower than the other floors around them. Although the floor is solid, it seems to have collapsed a little bit, and it has collapsed as a whole.

The subsidence of these floors is so small that it is almost invisible at first glance, but you can still feel it when you touch the edges of these granite floors with your hands.

From the analysis of this situation, it seems that there is such a possibility that these granite floors have been pried up by someone, and the land under the floor has also been turned over.

The guys who pried up the floor and then backfilled and put the few pieces of granite back in to cover up the marks were, in fact, very stealthy.

However, compared with the surrounding untouched land, the humidity and density of the land after backfilling have changed, and over time, subsidence occurred.

Judging from the extent of the subsidence of these floors, the time of backfilling did not take place not long ago, perhaps within a hundred years, or even closer.

Of course, this is just my speculation. As for whether this speculation is accurate, it needs further verification. The verification method is very simple. You only need to pry up these few floors to find out! "

Hearing Ye Tian's words, the eyes of everyone at the scene suddenly lit up, all of them bursting with excitement.

As soon as the words fell, the Bishop of Kent couldn't wait to say:

"Since there is another mystery under these granite floors, what are you waiting for? Steven, pry up these granite floors and see what secrets are hidden under the floors."

The same goes for everyone else, nodding their heads incessantly, as if they couldn't wait.

Ye Tian glanced at the crowd, then looked at the door of the basement, and then said with a smile:

"Be safe, Bishop of Kent, and fellows, before prying up these granite floors to see what's under them, just in case.

In the corridor outside the warehouse door, there are several surveillance probes. Don't even think about it, the German guy on the ground must be monitoring this place, monitoring everyone, and keeping an eye on everything that happens here.

When I scanned here with a metal detector just now, although no metal objects buried in the ground were found, we still have to be careful to prevent the existence of agency traps, safety first"

Hearing this, the Bishop of Kent and the others nodded slightly, and turned their heads to look at the door of the warehouse in unison.

"You're right, Steven, we really have to be careful of those German guys, they may not be trustworthy, especially when it comes to priceless treasures"

David nodded slightly and said, obviously agreeing with Ye Tian's approach.

Next, Ye Tian said through the wireless invisible headset:

"Cole, send some guys down to guard the basement we are exploring. Without my permission, no one can break into this basement and interfere with our actions."

"Understood, Steven, I'll send some guys down to the basement right away"

Cole responded, and immediately acted.

Soon, four heavily armed and fully armed security personnel walked into the basement and came straight to the door of the warehouse where Ye Tian and the others were located.

At the same time, in the monitoring room of the Temple Palace and in a black van on the street outside, two groups of Germans were staring at the monitoring screen, watching Ye Tian's every move.

"Hey! Why did that guy, Steven, suddenly transfer four security personnel to the basement to guard the door of the warehouse, as if he was facing a big enemy. Could it be that he discovered some secrets in that warehouse?"

"There are only some religious items piled up in that warehouse, and it has not been opened for more than ten years. What secrets will there be? Could it be that the treasure of the Knights Templar is hidden there?"

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