Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2154 new discovery

The center of the basement has been cleared out, and there is enough space for everyone to fight. There are six armed security personnel with live ammunition standing at the door and in the corridor, and they are on high alert.

Everything is ready for action.

Ye Tian looked at the granite floors on the ground again, then pointed to the floor and said:

"Guys, first use the drill to smash the filler in the gap between these floors, and then take it out, and then we will find a way to pry up these floors to see what secrets are hidden underneath"

"Okay, Steven, leave this to us"

Several company employees responded in unison, and everyone was very excited and eager to try.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian took a few steps back, and the two company employees picked up the handheld drilling machine and started working separately.

The next moment, there was a piercing noise from this basement, which resounded through the entire basement, and spread to the ground in a blink of an eye.

The scene that happened in the basement could not be hidden from the Germans who were staring at the surveillance screen, and it caused a commotion on the ground.

"Steven and the others must have found something in that basement, otherwise there wouldn't be such a big commotion. Could it be that the treasure of the Knights Templar is really buried in the Temple Palace?"

"I don't know what secrets, treasures or other things are hidden in that basement? But I have to admit that Steven and his gang are indeed sharp-sighted, powerful, and extremely lucky.

God knows how many people have come to the Temple Palace to explore the treasure, and there are countless treasure hunters who have searched the basement. No one found anything, but this guy Steven found the hidden secret."

Amidst the discussion, everyone on the ground was staring at Ye Tian's every move and the basement where the noise was constantly coming out. Everyone's eyes were extremely hot and full of expectation.

In the blink of an eye, the fillings in the gaps between the several granite floors were smashed to pieces, and the harsh noise of the handheld drilling machine stopped.

Immediately afterwards, several company employees cleaned out the broken gap filler and swept it aside.

"Steven, judging from the depth of the gap, these granite floors are very thick and must be very heavy, at least hundreds of kilograms. Do you want to bring in a simple crane and assemble them to lift these granite floors?"

A company employee measured the depth of the gap,

Then he explained the situation to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian stepped forward to take a look, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"I don't need a crane to come in for the time being. I'll try it with a crowbar to see if I can pry up these granite floors. If it can't be pried up, it's not too late to come in with a simple crane."

As he said that, Ye Tian reached out and took two crowbars more than one meter long from the tool bag beside him, and handed one of them to a company employee beside him, asking that guy to assist him.

Next, he inspected several granite floors, then inserted a crowbar into the gap between two of them, and was ready to do it.

"Derek, when I pry up the granite floor on the right, you immediately insert the crowbar in your hand under the floor to support the floor, and everyone else should step back a little, just in case."

"Okay, Steven"

Derek nodded and quickly got ready.

As for the Bishop of Kent and David, Qiqi took a few steps towards the door and stretched their necks to look at this side.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Ye Tian grasped the end of the crowbar inserted into the gap in the floor with both hands, and then slowly exerted force to pry the heavy granite floor.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tian slowly pried up the granite floor, which was about one meter long, fifty centimeters wide, and forty centimeters thick.

As the granite floor is pried out of the ground, its huge volume is also presented to everyone.


There was a sound of gasping for air, and everyone was shocked by the huge size of the granite floor and also by Ye Tian's terrifying power, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Ye Tian was still working hard, and the granite floor was pried higher and higher.

In the blink of an eye, the mud-covered bottom of this granite floor appeared, and the gap between it and another granite floor next to it became bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, there were no abnormal noises coming from under the granite floor, so there should be no mechanism traps.

The moment the bottom of the granite floor was exposed, Ye Tian's voice also came out.

"Now, Derek, stick your crowbar under the floor"

"Okay, Steven, look at mine"

Derek responded, and immediately inserted the crowbar in his hand under the floor, firmly supporting the heavy and unusually heavy granite floor.

After confirming that there was no problem, Ye Tian let go of the crowbar in his hand and began to observe the granite floor to see if any abnormalities occurred.

It was business as usual, nothing was moving beneath the granite floor.

After a short pause, Ye Tian started again, preparing to open the granite floor directly to see what secrets are hidden underneath.

This time he didn't use a crowbar anymore, but with his own hands.

Under the horrified eyes of the Bishop of Kent and the others, Ye Tian lifted up the heavy and unusually heavy granite floor with ease, and then turned it over to the side.


There was a loud noise in the basement, and the entire ground seemed to tremble.

This is not over yet, Ye Tian then lifted all the adjacent pieces of granite floor, freeing up enough work space.

Following his movements, a large pit about two meters long, one meter five wide, and forty to fifty centimeters deep suddenly appeared in the center of the basement.

After removing the granite floors, Ye Tian stood on the edge of the big pit he made by himself, observing the situation at the bottom of the pit.

Seeing that there was no danger, the Bishop of Kent and David, who had retreated before, came over one after another and looked at the big pit together.

Standing on the edge of the pit, the Bishop of Kent immediately said with emotion:

"Steven, your strength is really terrifying. It can be said that you are the modern version of Hercules, Hercules!"

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Tian's mouth.

Where is this! In order not to frighten you guys, the buddy kept it away and didn't show his full strength. If you knew the limit of your buddy's strength, I guess your eyeballs would be shocked!

Standing on the edge of the pit and looking at it for a while, Ye Tian suddenly jumped into the pit, squatted down and began to check the bottom of the pit, grabbed a handful of sand, and gently rolled it with his hands.

The Bishop of Kent and the others standing on the edge of the pit were all watching him, waiting for the result.

In just a moment, Ye Tian stood up again, threw away the sand in his hands, and said excitedly:

"The previous guess is correct, this place has been tampered with, not only the upper granite floor has been pried open, but also the ground below the floor has been flipped, to be precise, this place has been backfilled.

Compared with the land under the next few granite floors, the humidity and density of the bottom of this pit are different. From these aspects of analysis, it was found that someone had flipped here decades ago.

If the prediction is good, we can find something if we continue to dig down the bottom of the pit, but it’s hard to say what this discovery is, it may be a surprise, or it may be just a joy.”

Before the words fell, there was already a burst of cheers at the scene.

"Great! Our hard work finally paid off, I hope this is a huge surprise"

"Wow! This may be another huge treasure, just like those we found in Paris and London before."

These guys who cheered loudly were all employees of the Fearless Exploration Company, the Bishop of Kent and another senior priest of the Vatican, but a look of disappointment flashed across their faces.

"This place was tampered with decades ago. It seems that it is not the treasure of the Knights Templar. I wonder what secrets are hidden deep underground?"

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the bishop of Kent who was muttering to himself, and then issued an order.

"Guys, don't be cautious, start digging and see what we can find, I hope it is a surprising discovery"

After speaking, Ye Tian walked out of the big pit, and stood on the edge of the pit with David and the others.

"Okay, Steven"

Derek and the others responded in unison, then walked to the tool bag next to them, and took out two folding engineering shovels from the tool bag.

Immediately afterwards, Derek and another company employee jumped to the bottom of the pit, waved their arms and started digging.

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