Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 2158 Hitler's Secret

"Fack! The depths of the secret passage are full of grenades and explosives. Steven, fortunately, you didn't rush into this secret passage rashly, otherwise you may be caught!"

The company employee who controlled the drone exclaimed directly, and his voice sounded a little trembling.

Following his words, the basement and the outside immediately exploded.

"What? This underground tunnel is full of grenades and explosives. Is it true? This is too exaggerated."

"Grenades? Explosives? Could it be that this secret passage was destroyed and backfilled during World War II? What secrets are hidden deep in the secret passage? And who did all this?"

There was a sound of exclamation in the basement, and everyone was shocked by the situation in the secret passage.

The Germans standing outside the basement door, stretching their necks and looking in, were also taken aback.

At the same time, their necks have also stretched longer, wishing they could stretch directly to the edge of the pit mouth, into the secret passage, and see the situation in the secret passage with their own eyes.

If it wasn't for the armed security guards blocking the door of the basement, they would have rushed in long ago. How could they be willing to stay outside the door of the basement?

Before the exclamation fell, Ye Tian's voice suddenly came up from the bottom of the pit.

"The drone should not continue to go deep into the secret passage. After taking pictures of the situation in the secret passage, return along the original road. Let's study the video data carefully before exploring.

Pull me and Walker up, since this secret passage is full of grenades and explosives, we must be extremely careful, and we must not make mistakes, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

"Okay, Steven"

There was a response sound from the edge of the pit mouth, and the voices sounded quite dignified.

Next, Ye Tian and Walker were pulled up one after another and returned to the basement.

As soon as they landed and stood still, the company employee who controlled the drone stepped forward and handed an IPAD to Ye Tian.

The picture displayed on this IPAD is exactly the video data captured by the drone in the depths of the secret passage, and the clarity is not bad.

At this time, the small drone was hovering in mid-air at the corner deep in the secret passage, about 1.5 meters away from the ground of the secret passage.

The powerful beam projected from the searchlight at the front of the drone,

Penetrating the darkness, it directly illuminated the space deeper in the secret passage, and the searchlight located on the belly of the drone illuminated the nearby ground.

Wherever the light went, this dark secret passage, which had been closed for decades, ushered in light once again.

The secret road extended here, and suddenly changed direction, from the original east to the north, and continued to the north.

Moreover, the ground of the secret passage has become very flat, and the space has become larger, with a width of more than 1.8 meters and a height of more than two meters, just like an underground corridor.

From the pictures taken by the drone, we can see that the depth of the secret passage is still made of granite, which is very strong. The top of the secret passage is a ribbed vault, which is a typical Gothic style.

Along the secret passage, on the walls on both sides, every two meters or so, there is a bronze candlestick covered with dust and covered with moss, and occasionally there are some niches and sculptures.

Without exception, these dust and moss-covered bronze candlesticks, as well as niches and small sculptures, have a clear Gothic artistic style.

In particular, those sculptures seem to show religious figures and religious stories. In this dark secret passage, people can't help but bring a mysterious and even gloomy feeling.

However, these are not the focus of Ye Tian's attention.

About two meters north along the secret passage from the corner, a huge dusty spider web suddenly appeared in front of it, hanging from the vault of the secret passage to the ground, covering almost the entire space.

In fact, it is not spider silk that makes up this spider web, but thin steel wires. After being covered with dust, it looks not much different from spider silk.

The two ends of these steel wires are connected with round guys. Although they are covered with dust, it is not difficult to identify them. They are all grenades, and they are egg-shaped anti-personnel grenades.

It can be seen that these grenades are tied together in threes and fives, and hung with steel nails nailed to the wall, forming powerful bombs one by one.

Those grenades are used to detonate the steel wires that are dense like spider webs. The two ends of the steel wires are respectively connected to the grenade pull rings. When the steel wires are pulled, the grenades can be detonated.

Not only that, on the walls on both sides of the secret passage, there are bundles of TNT explosives hanging every few meters, and there are some dusty bumps on the ground, which look a lot like landmines.

Looking at this scene, even Ye Tian couldn't help but gasped, secretly terrified.

The Bishop of Kent and David, who came to his side and also looked at the IPAD, were even more frightened.

"I'll go! Who arranged these grenades and explosives? It's too cruel and exaggerated. Once these grenades and explosives are detonated, it is estimated that the entire Temple Palace will be blown up into the sky."

David said with an exaggerated expression, gasping for air.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at this guy, then scanned the scene again, and then said in a deep voice:

"If I'm not mistaken, this series of deadly traps should have been arranged in the late World War II. It was written by the German Nazis, and it may even be ordered by Hitler himself.

The grenades in the secret passage seem to be the M39 oval grenades of the German army during World War II. This kind of grenade was manufactured in the late World War II and was not equipped with a large number of troops.

Through these grenades and TNT explosives in the tunnel, as well as the layout and density of the mines, the goal pursued is to kill the intruders to the maximum extent.

Once those grenades, TNT explosives, and landmines explode, the dense shrapnel will block the entire secret passage. Even if it is God who breaks into the secret passage, it will be torn to pieces.

Obviously, the target of these deadly traps is either the Allied forces or the Soviet army, so as to prevent the Allies or the Soviets from breaking into the depths of this secret passage.

It can be inferred from this that the secret hidden in the depths of this secret passage must be extremely important. In order to keep this secret, the Germans have worked hard and even blew up the Temple Palace.

We might as well make a bold guess, this secret may be a huge treasure, or a major secret enough to rewrite history, and it may even be directly related to Hitler! "

Before the words fell, the scene was completely boiling.

"Wow! The treasures related to Hitler, could it be that the huge wealth and antique artworks that Hitler looted from European countries are hidden deep in the secret tunnel? If this is the case, it will be perfect!"

"If this speculation is true, there is no doubt that this discovery will cause a huge sensation, even the whole world"

The Bishop of Kent and David all exclaimed in a low voice, everyone's expressions were exaggerated, and they all danced with excitement.

Before the exclamation fell, an urgent voice suddenly came from the basement door.

"Steven, please let us go in and see the pictures taken by the drone? Don't forget, we are the supervisors of this exploration operation, and we must understand the situation deep in the secret passage"

Hearing this, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at the door of the basement, and said loudly with a smile:

"Don't be impatient, gentlemen, in the depths of the secret passage at the bottom of the pit, the drone found a large number of grenades, TNT explosives, and some landmines. There are a lot of them and they are very dangerous.

It is no exaggeration to say that we are standing above a huge ammunition depot. If we are not careful, we may be blown up to the sky. Under such circumstances, you'd better not come in.

Not only you, the Bishop of Kent and David, as well as my company employees, must leave this basement, leave the Temple Palace, and go to the open space outside for safety.

Don't worry, I have some things to arrange now, and I will come out of this basement later to show you the video data captured by the drone for your supervision.

Next, I hope that you can cooperate to evacuate this basement and the temple palace, and none of the non-essential personnel can stay here, this is for everyone’s safety.”

After the words fell, the Deputy Minister of Culture of Germany who was staying outside the basement door was silent for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Okay, Steven, we'll wait for you to come out. As for whether to withdraw from the Temple Palace, let's talk about it after we have seen the video captured by the drone."

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, then turned his head back and looked at the IPAD in his hand again.

After looking at it twice, he whispered to the company employee who controlled the drone:

"Take back the drone. This drone is too big to go deep into the secret passage. It's too dangerous. Let's use the beetle drone to explore later when the Germans leave the door."

"Got it, Steven"

The company employee nodded in response, and immediately took action.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian whispered to David beside him:

"David, you should immediately contact the US embassy in Germany and ask them to send someone here, preferably the ambassador himself, and then contact several famous news media to prepare for a live broadcast.

The secrets or treasures hidden in the depths of this secret passage may be extremely important and even cause a sensation in the world. We must be fully prepared to prevent the Germans from playing any tricks.

We are in Berlin, Germany. Although the Germans always keep their promises and have the spirit of contract, at this time, I don’t dare to place my hopes on the unreliable human nature.”

"Okay, Steven, leave these things to me"

David nodded in response, then took out his mobile phone and walked aside to contact the American ambassador.

The next moment, the drone that went deep into the secret passage flew out from the secret passage at the bottom of the pit.

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